Friday 28 April 2017


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What a an inspiration to all of us-all who have a word to say; be you a Nobel laureate, or just a soul who has a word to add to life or just a humble soul with no dictionary, no thesaurus, no idea  of proper  grammar, nor spelling. All is irrelevant-just write your goddamn story. Yes-we all do have a story to tell-a vision, a perspective and do proclaim the message from the "queen" or "king" for it needs to be heard.  Hidden-writing to yourself is is rather a useless exercise-as Thomas Merton, allow people into your world. Write and allow it to be read.

“Advice? I don’t have advice. Stop aspiring and start writing. If you’re writing, you’re a writer. Write like you’re a goddamn death row inmate and the governor is out of the country and there’s no chance for a pardon. Write like you’re clinging to the edge of a cliff, white knuckles, on your last breath, and you’ve got just one last thing to say, like you’re a bird flying over us and you can see everything, and please, for God’s sake, tell us something that will save us from ourselves. 

Take a deep breath and tell us your deepest, darkest secret, so we can wipe our brow and know that we’re not alone. Write like you have a message from the king. Or don’t. Who knows, maybe you’re one of the lucky ones who doesn’t have to.”

― Alan Wilson Watts

The whole

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Life is like a yo-yo-up and down. I know I keep saying this, but I cannot stress this hard enough.  Why? I have no idea, I just need to say it for each day I wake up it is never what I expect it to be. These days it is better, for I have made “tapping” a habit, and life is much more predictable, but scary in a way, for I see things unfold, or rather know the results. And let me tell you a secret-it works like magic, it is the most mystical thing I have ever experienced in my life and it is so very scary.  Sometimes I am afraid to use it for it feels like it is sorcery  and it quite frightens me for I seem to be able to control all that I wish or want.

So, now I am   ever so careful of what I want-I leave it out there in a way, for I feel that at times what I want is not what I need, or what needs to happen.  I allow  my  “higher self” to drive the boat, or rather-God, for that is our divine pilot, our guiding spark. Am I making sense? Perhaps not, for what I am trying to say needs to be understood by the soul. 

I have always said that we control our lives, but truly-I had serious doubts, but now each day I can actually prove it to myself, and it is a very strange and scary phenomena for me-but I am getting used to it. Gratitude , intention and gratefulness  comes into play most profoundly –I cannot explain how, but those are the main ingredients. We always say-“love” is the mover and shaker-but I am finding “love” to be the end result, not the actual moving force. Now, probably this is the end goal, the purpose of everything, of all of existence.

No-I am no philosopher-however one  needs not be, for we each have our purpose and our own truth to follow, which is a different path of every individual. I feel that I am seeing life, events, happenings more clearly now. Is it just the result of experience, of enlightenment , of awakening? I have no idea.  In fact I am sure of absolutely nothing! Who ever tells you they know-they are liars. As Alan Watts had said-anyone who tells you they have the answers to enlightenment are liars-we each have the answers, for we are part of the "whole".

“For every individual is a unique manifestation of the “whole”, as every branch is a particular out reaching of the tree. To manifest individuality, every branch must have a sensitive connection with the tree, just as our independently moving and differentiated fingers must have a sensitive connection with the whole body. The point, which can hardly be repeated too often, is that differentiation is not separation.”

― Alan Wilson Watts,

Thursday 27 April 2017


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 It is true that we completely renew ourselves every seven years, every single cell and atom. If we truly, honestly look at ourselves we realize how we keep changing-the metamorphosis is amazing and rather miraculous. A brand new being emerges each time-encompassing every aspect of our inner and outer life. That is why I think that often relationships don`t work, for maybe seven years prior it did, then our needs change, our desires and wants are completely different-we shape-shift into an other being. I am often amazed at myself how differently I am feeling, how differently I see things and how differently I conduct my life as to just a few years ago. And-to be honest, I really don`t like the feeling, nor all the changes-for at times it is  hard to adept to our “new self”. I love stability and permanence-and thus I dream of such times.

I wonder if this is a good thing or not-for I like to be anchored and abhor instability, for me certain things should be “forever’’, however that is a delusion that we, romantics harbor in our heart. We wish, we hope , we dream of  “the magical” –and so often we are disappointed and crushed when we realize that such things  like ”living happily ever after” are only in the fairy tales and  knights on white horses never slay that fire breathing dragon that we fear so much-which lies really within each one of us- in our heart, within, not without. 

We all want to be saved by an other soul, be wanted by an other soul, be desired by that one special someone-who is our hero.  We desperately need a hero. Do we create the dragon for that reason? I don`t know. Perhaps it is embedded in our gene memory-wanting to be wanted, wanting to be needed, wanting to be loved. But-alas, life is not a fairy tale-though we create it all, but still our creation is rather imperfect-and disappointment is always king.

So —sensitive souls like Woolfe, Plath, Hemmingway and many more such people saw through the smoke screen-and saw clearly life as it is, and saw no reason to carry on. Were they right?  Maybe. I often agree, then at times I don`t- for I still feel that –“yang” the positive, the bright, the light, still out weighs “yin” the negative, the dim, the dark. Thus-until I feel differently-as my life flows on into those tiny, secret crevices in which one never knows what one may find- a piece of coal or a diamond.   I so dream of that diamond.

Monday 24 April 2017

Bless the past

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At time, we humans are our worst enemy. Life is rather stressful these days  and we all deal with it differently, and our response to, and reaction to it is often not very pretty.  Yes-we do things we regret, say things we don`t really mean and hurt people unintentionally often out of anger and frustration.  Sometimes later we try,- we try so hard  to undo things that happened at the spur of the moment, but sadly it never happens, for the other person develops a heart of stone and does not understand human nature. Apologies fall by the wayside, unaccepted. They become cold and are very unforgiving-not to the other but in reality to themselves, in a sense it is a form of self-flagellation. They actually throw away the person who loves them deeply. It is their reaction of hitting back for being hurt. They seldom acknowledge that they also had a part in the process, and things do not happen in a vacuum, and they too were responsible for what has happened. 

 They hang onto things, where as more often than not the other person has not really forgotten, but has forgiven all past transgressions and has moved on, carrying the emotional baggage no longer. Sadly, real love, meaningful love does not come around that many times in a lifetime-and one should cherish it with every fiber of our being. The deeper we love, the more pain is involved in these kind of events, yet is is so easy to remedy-but our ego prevents us -whispering "you are justified as to how you feel, you were hurt, you were deceived, you aren`t loved, you aren`t worthy, you aren`t deserving of happiness, you are a nobody, you are being led on, you were never really loved, who could ever love you, you were being used" and so forth. And they believe all these lies, and these statements become the under pinning of their next relationship, or worse still, never an other relationship.

So the person just loves to beat themselves up listening to their inner voice, it is sort of a “martyr complex” or some other deep desire for the need to throw away happiness, as they feel they are undeserving or unworthy of love. We are all very worthy.  They love to wallow in the deep abyss of self inflicted despair-they find escape in food, or drugs or some other unhealthy behaviour-often depression. They filled with fear of perhaps being hurt, or of change or opening up themselves, opening up their soul. They are deadly scared of commitment, fear of losing part of them selves-and they come up with all sorts of reasons to justify their actions. They hang onto their suffering as a badge of honor. It is not that at all-it is just emotional instability, hard headedness and obstinacy. However they already are deeply wounded from some previous events, often hidden deep in their subconscious mind maybe even from childhood-but they refuse to see that each relationship is different, and the dynamics are different. In their mind life needs to be a constant struggle or “suffering” a form of "self punishment". This though dosn`t really need to be so, we are not victims at all, only if we choose to be.

True-life is no rose-garden, but it is made up of a string of moments of various intensity and emotions-and missed moments are missed opportunities to experience joy and life in full. The past is the past, one can only move forward and influence the future. They often bite their nose off to spite their face, but we have free choice.

I do believe that even over mental illness-in their numerous forms , though it is related to brain chemical imbalances-often genetic, we do have a lot of control. We now know scientifically that genes can be turned on and off and we are not at the mercy of them. Also we have much control over things we want to change about ourselves through" intention"-things we don`t like, things that are hindering our progress, things that are blocking our spiritual growth and evolution. If we doggedly hang onto all that we were dealt in life-be that character, personality or life events does not have to be so. Acceptance of happenings in life is a “choice”, not a sentence…..change is always possible, and is never too late.  Make the right choice, for all of life is a choice. 

Give permission for the "bad stuff" in life to leave. Bless and let go of the past that does not work for you.....may as well, life is far too precious and short to be wasted. Love is the life line, love is what gives us balance, love gives us security and love is what grounds us in body, mind and spirit-love is the gift we all have to give each other -that God spark that connects all of us.

Thursday 20 April 2017

At times...

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Life apart from being like a box of chocolates, for we never know what we may get, but life is also like an elevator ; goes up and down. The Chinese were right so many thousands of  years ago , about yin/yang. The seed of the other is already germinating within the depth of the other-thus nothing ever stays the same. Be that good, or be that bad, for all changes to its opposite.  Just the way it is in creation. Thus, one should never be very comfortable within the position one is in-for sooner or later the tide will turn.

Why this sudden epiphany? Well, today was just a  lousy day-and made me question everything about life . Especially death. I know yesterday I was full of “sunshine and lollipops”, this evening, was  “the dark night of the soul” that seems to prevail over me due to a very emotional experience. But, then again-I should have know as the 20th of each month is the pits, and on those dates. I often think maybe it is because it was the day my father was buried or some horrible event that may have occurred in a past life. Karma perhaps?  

Maybe “stuff” happens  on these dates because I am because I am expecting them to-we all create our reality and I am creating these specific incidents, I would call them “special dramas” that arise from my subconscious or to be more exact my “higher self”. These incidents more often than not have different players, as it was with this evening-so at times it is outside of my control, but it still affects me terribly even more so than if it was entirely just my own experience. 

But, I really should simply sleep through every 20th  completely, like a hibernating bear or just escape somewhere, some how. I don`t want this evening ever  to return or remember, above all forget this  night as soon as possible. Hoping it shall not return  too soon- or ever perhaps if I pray hard enough.  Once more I place it all in Her blessed hands-and I know tomorrow will be a better day.

Wednesday 19 April 2017


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An other birthday-as children we love them, as  we get older, we want to forget more and more about them-however age produces wisdom and a spiritual awakening in a way-so I have grown to love them, and grateful for each moment.  So much happens in such a short lifespan. So very often we dismiss so many happenings and  happenings in environment around us; then looking back later we feel guilty as to why we didn`t appreciate it at the moment. Sure-we appreciate many experiences later on, but often there is a touch of regret as we feel we should have been more enveloped in the situation-and be more conscious of it, more  within it. 

Each life is so special-that it is better than a best selling novel-often a dramatic one. Some sad-but they all have their lessons for us. Some grief filled, through which we learn empathy. Much sadness at seeing and experiencing pain and sorrow through which we become more compassionate. So-the bottom line-everything is a learning experience for spirit and soul in life. Nothing is for nothing-just may seem so through tunnel vision.

We are reminded by specific events of how blessed we are, how we are a special creation and how we have been born out of love, from love. Created from a particle of the divine, that is eternal-often birthdays are most definitely a reminder of  that gift which is life, a sacred creation-especially when one has good health, and is loved. When one is surrounded by a loving family  is the most precious gift that we receive from our Creator. It is never money, never the material as one often realizes this later on as one gets older. Happiness, joy, peace, and serenity cannot be bought with money, neither can love. In reality all is just about one thing in life “love”-not much else matters.

I have been so blessed –I have experienced love in various ways- and cannot express to God-Our Lady my love and deep gratefulness; for I have on this planet all I need-and does not matter what lies ahead, which I have no idea of . I know  that I am eternally blessed, for I know that I have placed everything into the hand of Our Lady-and She always has the perfect plan and direction even though at the time it may seem to me not the right way I trust  Her entirely .  Life maybe short, however -sometimes a moment often is worth an entire lifetime that we carry forth-and I have been blessed with a few of those. No matter how long or short my life maybe-I am filled with peace and gratitude.
And on this , my birthday I will commit this prayer to our Lord God- in the most humble way-and with deep gratitude through the beautiful words of Thomas Merton:

“My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road though I may know nothing about it. Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.” 

So it is- Deo Gratias. Yes, we are love and light of God-that`s it.


Sunday 16 April 2017

An other Easter

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The "lily of the valley" above a tribute to my father-he loved those little flowers.

An other Easter has come and is going fast- they are far too many to mention. New beginnings, rejuvenation, new energy-yet all is really ageless. Strange as one looks back at life and see all that has happened almost like as if it is a movie of someone else, a stranger. The different moments framed and etched into our memory-some trivial, some major. Yes-we all have them, maybe not of Easter, but special moment which at time may have been inconsequential, yet time crystalizes them-and they become “trigger points” for so many other cascade of memories. Often, as one observes “the event”-one seems to be totally detached  from it, looking at our selves as an observer. How odd, for the emotions are still there, in the present tense -yet we seem to be apart from it.

However, there maybe something to the theory that we are simply inhabiting this body-and at times do become the observer. It reminds me of us being  “avatars” of our original form, or creation-that “divine God part”-we are simple that. Our different  incarnations being the various forms of “avatars”-older souls have more, younger souls have less. This makes perfect sense to me, or it never would. How can one be judged by one life time?

One has hardly enough time to learn the ways of the planet, never mind the qualities, and intricacies of  spirit-or still deeper  the soul. We are so hung up on this one life-though we should to some degree, as we are building the base of our next “avatar”, but where we as humans seem to be going wrong is that we totally concentrate on this physical manifestation, and very little is delegated to the spirit /soul part. Well, I am generalizing here-there are many who of course who are more centered in the spirit/soul area.

So religious feast, be whatever your choice or discipline  is; -always gives us a moment to reflect, look at ourselves and be reminded how fleeting this one life is, how special it is for it is the basis of our continuation within creation. All that we do, think, create, here and  in the now never passes-it is a permanent record  which cannot, and will not be erased; everything –the good, the bad , the ugly all have a very crucial part to play. Remember all is and for is for a reason.What a marvelous joyful thought. To us Christians, this is the Easter message really.

No-it is never judgment, or hell  or punishment or paradise or heaven; none of the. It is only us writing our own legend, our own story-maybe we are simply dreaming this life-who knows. However, whatever it is, it is a sort of blueprint for our next “avatar” to follow. It is rather an exciting concept to explore. The mind can venture  out of the box, wander into the realm of  “all-ness”, of all possibilities. Isn`t it wonderful to entertain this thought?

Who or what will I be next? Where will I pop up again?  Will it be in the past, present or future?  What dimension will it be? Which universe? There is no linear time-only infinity, which is simple a symbol of an  “8 sideways”-as we cannot even conceptualize the concept.  Oh-how very young we are and know so very little,  but we do carry that “divine spark” of that which is God. Each and everyone and everything -human, animal, vegetable  and even mineral that has ever touched us deeply in this life-any  of our different lives changes our present life and all others. They all have  their  own special impact, a purpose and  an important memory print on the evolution of our soul-all filed away until the legend is complete.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

From my favourite "channel"

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The Light/Dark Balance
Marshmallow Message

Drama, anger, frustration.  There's a lot of it.  So when you leave this room, how much of that are you going to participate in?  It depends upon the duality, doesn't it?  If you are a Lightworker, a lighthouse on this planet who changes the balance of light everywhere you walk, then you're going to be given immediate power over anger, frustration and drama.  Power over it!  
  Now, you can't change the people around you.  You just can't.  They will flail and do whatever they want to and they may go into anger and drama.  They may even try to push your buttons,.  I think you know who I'm talking about.  I know who's here and who is reading.  They'll do it in order to get control over you, and if they can affect you, you've fallen for it, haven't you? 
  If a person can get dramatic, if they can get angry enough, if they can push your buttons, then they just won the light/dark battle.  For years, this has been a struggle because the balance of dark and light has always teetered in the middle of balance, but so often favored the dark.  The dark was easy and blind.  
  During these years, the Lightworkers had to work hard to gain the upper hand for themselves, so they would not be affected by the other.  I hope you understand what I'm saying.  It has been an upstream swim for the Lightworker!
  Now, however, energy is being delivered to you as this earth shifts, which is going to make if far easier for you, the Lightworker, to be in control of your emotions, no matter what is around you.  Then you can stand there with all the angels on your side, while others try all they want to affect you, but you won't need to react.  
  I challenge you to do this, for there'll be those of you who walk into the workplace in a couple of days and may have a challenge.  It is the way of 3D.  The old balance will still be there trying to assert itself in an old way, not being aware that you've changed.  So what will your reaction be?  Can you begin to take your power?   

~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll



Tuesday 11 April 2017

Sad tale indeed

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This is the story of a dear friend-a tragic story, for he was surrounded by many who loved him-including me. He was the anchor to so many. No one saw what was coming, no one did anything, neither did I.

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars / But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”

Has it ever happened to you that you see a picture a thousand times and you don`t really see what is staring you in the face? Things happen, and we allow it go by, while we  make excuses, blaming ourselves and agonizing over things that we haven`t really done. We punish ourselves, feel guilty and beat ourselves up-for that which is really the behavior, or the action of an other.  Then suddenly from out of nowhere like a lightening bolt it hits us and we have an epiphany-often far late in the game, or when the game is actually over. We see the truth.
You see sometimes when we love someone so very much, that we make them out to be perfect, flawless, magical beings-no one is, nor can anyone live up to that.  Then when things go wrong we judge ourselves instead of facing the truth-which is that the fault lies in this “magical being” that has lost all  sense of direction. This “blind” behavior from us  dosn`t help anyone, none more so than the person who is in the quicksand, sinking fast.  You don`t just cry, or pray over an accident victim who is dying, but you perform  CPR on them. 
The sad thing is that even when we see the problem, we have this fear that if we confront the person things will get even more drastic and we will loose the person totally. And we don`t say a word, but eventually we do loose them anyway- as instead of intervening we add fuel to the fire. We enable them in the name of love-which is a total misconception and a tragic lie.  Thus the term is perfectly right, “love, is deaf, blind and dumb”-we give them permission for them to continue their destructive behavior-by being silent, and we are just as guilty of killing them as if we had taken a knife and plunged it into them. 
When all has ended-everyone is sorry, and  the blame game starts and we weep over their coffin. So, if you are in a situation as this-say something, do something.  Don`t be an enabler-in whatever the method of choice for the person is leading to their self destruction-and there are many choices: drugs, alcohol, suicide to name a few. The truth is –that they do have their valid reasons-often a deep painful wounding of the soul, it is not just bad behavior, or a disease, or genes. They are just very vulnerable, sensitive souls-often not meant for this harsh, cruel world. Don`t make excuses, don`t be blind, deaf nor dumb.  Intervene-for guilt is an awfully horrible haunting ghost. Help them while there is time-hear their cry, hear their SOS. Perform that CPR if you care or love the person, even if they get angry or mad.

As Nero is fiddling

 I guess the face of Nero has changed a bit lately, as he always does-but the story stays the same and it is great optics to state my point. I am just musing on today. Some  days are so, so-but some are just simply great. The reason?-“unkown! Though CNN is spewing all kinds of  imaginable or unimaginable fears, the Russians are livid, Donald Trump has played more golf within his first “hundred days” than Obama in his 8 years, and soon the "young, fat guy" in North Korea will sing-apart form all this, all is OK on the 3rd planet from the sun.  Reminds me of the story of  when Rome was burning and Nero was fiddling-probably a true tale.

Anyway-for me his was one of those days, when everything seems to go right, and you feel every single beat of your heart , smell the fragrance of spring  and there is this strange sensation of anticipation of something in the air –every nerve in one`s body seems to tingle. Not because I don`t work on Tuesdays, but it was a day filled with sunshine, joy and happiness-perhaps its because it`s “Holy Week”, though this just entered my mind. “The Beach Boys” were right, good vibrations is the best prescription for everything. It engulfs one like a tidal wave, like a drug-would be wonderful to bottle this feeling.

Maybe an other word for all of this is “hope”-of a better future, a re-birth of the planet-unless the politicians and screw it up, which seems at this point to be a tremendous possibility. But-I still have some faith in the human spirit-even though the huge flotilla of US ships are going “full steam ahead” towards North Korea and the world is sliding down on this slippery slope into oblivion.  Call me crazy-but I think that God knows what He is doing, it is not really up to us. So, if the end is here , so be it –I put it all into the hands of Our Blessed Mother, as I do all things, and let Her deal with it.  Life is finite anyway-so why worry about it-and soon after we shall start over again-with a clean slate, maybe we shall have learnt all “them” lessons about love, empathy, forgiveness and compassion. 

We talk so much about love these days-most end each conversation with “I love you”, yet few seems to understand that “love is really a-verb. Words are cheap, “don`t tell me, show me”-if you don`t than you “don`t love me”-is a fact. Neither is love always in the domain of romance-that is the least of it-sure it is wonderful, but very superficial-sure, both together, is wonderful indeed, if at all possible; but how often does a honeymoon last a lifetime. I will tell you: Never! So, we may as well get over this enlightening news.  Though, I have to add this little secret-all marriages are made in heaven, and often end up in hell. As a minister was saying on a show the other day-“first comes the engagement ring, then the wedding ring and then the suffering”. So true.   

What is the message of my note here? The moral of the story?  Well-just enjoy the ride, for better or worse we are in it for the long haul-however long or short that maybe.  And always make sure that you always make “love” a verb-any which way. Namaste.

Saturday 8 April 2017


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At times things arrive on one`s doorstep by the strangest of ways, I tend to think it happens when one actually needs it for some known or unknown purpose. God is like that.  This prayer –this time just popped up on TV of all places, not even connected to religion really, but a mention of beliefs and belief systems and how they affect everything. 

Ever since I first read these words from Merton, they greatly inspired me and embraced them as my own. Well, I translate "inspire" being in spirit, which we often also tend to forget in the clutter and stress of our daily lives. 

However, as time went by, for some strange reason I had left it by the wayside, and forgot about it-perhaps because it was not as familiar as the prayers from my childhood, or the ones that I offer up daily. So, once more God intervened, as it often happens, and once more reminded me of Merton`s words. Maybe because it actually pleases Him-as Merton so beautifully stated. I hope it does.

“My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road though I may know nothing about it. Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.”

-Thomas Merton, Thoughts on Solitude

Wednesday 5 April 2017

The way things are

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 As one gets older many views change, maybe that is wisdom or experience-but very few beliefs, ideas are the same as when we were younger.  I suppose-one could call the different “decades” in one`s life as  “passages”.  It is even more profound now as we have access to the internet, and each day we can discover a new subject that interests us-at times one gets so confused for often they are in total contrast with each other. Thus, one needs to disseminate the information in various ways –and each of us interprets it differently.

What I have done is very strongly narrowed down my interest, as one cannot be a master of everything-especially subjects that need years of study and practice. This is even more important in the spiritual field, as that becomes a belief system that is for life. So, I have incorporated many systems into my spiritual life, and have discarded just as many. As I have discarded numerous interesting groups that I have been member of, not because they aren`t correct, but it just dosn`t complement my life or serve my purpose.

There was a time when I thought most sincerely that I could change the world-make  difference, but I have come to the realization that I can only change myself, and my immediate surroundings to some degree. Now, the time has come that I don`t even waste my time by posting things, neither do I spend my time much on Face Book, nor interacting with people on the internet. I realize as so many wiser than I have said-that one finds God within, and without in everything, especially in peace and solitude-not among raging crowds. One can do more in silence than in taking part in making a louder din in the world.  No wonder sacredness is found in solitude and tranquility-as the Dalai Lama claims by meditating 5 hours each day.

I am not a Buddhist, but they have something that we should take to heart “mindfulness”-however as the lyrics of the Italian song claim in  “Occidentali`s karma”-that we are just tourist to the eastern traditions-with our yoga, mantras and meditations. It is just the “in thing” to do these days-often more for show, there are exceptions of course, always are. Spirituality has become an overused word in our vernacular, not really a practice. Very few have woken up, especially many who think they have-most of us are still in deep slumber with regarding to being aware of “our higher consciousness”.

I am saying this because if we really look at the state of the planet-the awful happenings in Syria yesterday and in numerous places in the world, it does seem that the world is not improving in spirituality, compassion, goodness and love, but just the opposite. Sadly-we don`t keep to the mantra of every religion, every belief system in the world where the bottom line of all is “love” and that we are all within an interconnected energy field that encompasses all and everything. Where is this love hiding? Where is compassion found?  Seems non-existent, sadly.

I have seriously decided that I refuse to be a sheep and live accordingly to the following words-

“ I will love the sun for it warms my bones; yet I will love the rain for it cleanses my spirit. I will love the light for it shows me the way; yet I will love the darkness for it shows me the stars. I will welcome happiness for it enlarges my heart; yet I will endure sadness for it opens my soul. I will acknowledge rewards for they are my due; yet I will welcome obstacles for they are my challenge. I will live this day as if it is my last. And if it is not, I shall fall to my knees and give thanks. And do all to the best of my ability. 
 “I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. I will hear not those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.”
―Og Mandino, “The Greatest Salesman in the World”