Sunday 16 April 2017

An other Easter

Image result for images of lily of the valley
The "lily of the valley" above a tribute to my father-he loved those little flowers.

An other Easter has come and is going fast- they are far too many to mention. New beginnings, rejuvenation, new energy-yet all is really ageless. Strange as one looks back at life and see all that has happened almost like as if it is a movie of someone else, a stranger. The different moments framed and etched into our memory-some trivial, some major. Yes-we all have them, maybe not of Easter, but special moment which at time may have been inconsequential, yet time crystalizes them-and they become “trigger points” for so many other cascade of memories. Often, as one observes “the event”-one seems to be totally detached  from it, looking at our selves as an observer. How odd, for the emotions are still there, in the present tense -yet we seem to be apart from it.

However, there maybe something to the theory that we are simply inhabiting this body-and at times do become the observer. It reminds me of us being  “avatars” of our original form, or creation-that “divine God part”-we are simple that. Our different  incarnations being the various forms of “avatars”-older souls have more, younger souls have less. This makes perfect sense to me, or it never would. How can one be judged by one life time?

One has hardly enough time to learn the ways of the planet, never mind the qualities, and intricacies of  spirit-or still deeper  the soul. We are so hung up on this one life-though we should to some degree, as we are building the base of our next “avatar”, but where we as humans seem to be going wrong is that we totally concentrate on this physical manifestation, and very little is delegated to the spirit /soul part. Well, I am generalizing here-there are many who of course who are more centered in the spirit/soul area.

So religious feast, be whatever your choice or discipline  is; -always gives us a moment to reflect, look at ourselves and be reminded how fleeting this one life is, how special it is for it is the basis of our continuation within creation. All that we do, think, create, here and  in the now never passes-it is a permanent record  which cannot, and will not be erased; everything –the good, the bad , the ugly all have a very crucial part to play. Remember all is and for is for a reason.What a marvelous joyful thought. To us Christians, this is the Easter message really.

No-it is never judgment, or hell  or punishment or paradise or heaven; none of the. It is only us writing our own legend, our own story-maybe we are simply dreaming this life-who knows. However, whatever it is, it is a sort of blueprint for our next “avatar” to follow. It is rather an exciting concept to explore. The mind can venture  out of the box, wander into the realm of  “all-ness”, of all possibilities. Isn`t it wonderful to entertain this thought?

Who or what will I be next? Where will I pop up again?  Will it be in the past, present or future?  What dimension will it be? Which universe? There is no linear time-only infinity, which is simple a symbol of an  “8 sideways”-as we cannot even conceptualize the concept.  Oh-how very young we are and know so very little,  but we do carry that “divine spark” of that which is God. Each and everyone and everything -human, animal, vegetable  and even mineral that has ever touched us deeply in this life-any  of our different lives changes our present life and all others. They all have  their  own special impact, a purpose and  an important memory print on the evolution of our soul-all filed away until the legend is complete.

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