Tuesday 11 April 2017

As Nero is fiddling

 I guess the face of Nero has changed a bit lately, as he always does-but the story stays the same and it is great optics to state my point. I am just musing on today. Some  days are so, so-but some are just simply great. The reason?-“unkown! Though CNN is spewing all kinds of  imaginable or unimaginable fears, the Russians are livid, Donald Trump has played more golf within his first “hundred days” than Obama in his 8 years, and soon the "young, fat guy" in North Korea will sing-apart form all this, all is OK on the 3rd planet from the sun.  Reminds me of the story of  when Rome was burning and Nero was fiddling-probably a true tale.

Anyway-for me his was one of those days, when everything seems to go right, and you feel every single beat of your heart , smell the fragrance of spring  and there is this strange sensation of anticipation of something in the air –every nerve in one`s body seems to tingle. Not because I don`t work on Tuesdays, but it was a day filled with sunshine, joy and happiness-perhaps its because it`s “Holy Week”, though this just entered my mind. “The Beach Boys” were right, good vibrations is the best prescription for everything. It engulfs one like a tidal wave, like a drug-would be wonderful to bottle this feeling.

Maybe an other word for all of this is “hope”-of a better future, a re-birth of the planet-unless the politicians and screw it up, which seems at this point to be a tremendous possibility. But-I still have some faith in the human spirit-even though the huge flotilla of US ships are going “full steam ahead” towards North Korea and the world is sliding down on this slippery slope into oblivion.  Call me crazy-but I think that God knows what He is doing, it is not really up to us. So, if the end is here , so be it –I put it all into the hands of Our Blessed Mother, as I do all things, and let Her deal with it.  Life is finite anyway-so why worry about it-and soon after we shall start over again-with a clean slate, maybe we shall have learnt all “them” lessons about love, empathy, forgiveness and compassion. 

We talk so much about love these days-most end each conversation with “I love you”, yet few seems to understand that “love is really a-verb. Words are cheap, “don`t tell me, show me”-if you don`t than you “don`t love me”-is a fact. Neither is love always in the domain of romance-that is the least of it-sure it is wonderful, but very superficial-sure, both together, is wonderful indeed, if at all possible; but how often does a honeymoon last a lifetime. I will tell you: Never! So, we may as well get over this enlightening news.  Though, I have to add this little secret-all marriages are made in heaven, and often end up in hell. As a minister was saying on a show the other day-“first comes the engagement ring, then the wedding ring and then the suffering”. So true.   

What is the message of my note here? The moral of the story?  Well-just enjoy the ride, for better or worse we are in it for the long haul-however long or short that maybe.  And always make sure that you always make “love” a verb-any which way. Namaste.

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