Monday 24 April 2017

Bless the past

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At time, we humans are our worst enemy. Life is rather stressful these days  and we all deal with it differently, and our response to, and reaction to it is often not very pretty.  Yes-we do things we regret, say things we don`t really mean and hurt people unintentionally often out of anger and frustration.  Sometimes later we try,- we try so hard  to undo things that happened at the spur of the moment, but sadly it never happens, for the other person develops a heart of stone and does not understand human nature. Apologies fall by the wayside, unaccepted. They become cold and are very unforgiving-not to the other but in reality to themselves, in a sense it is a form of self-flagellation. They actually throw away the person who loves them deeply. It is their reaction of hitting back for being hurt. They seldom acknowledge that they also had a part in the process, and things do not happen in a vacuum, and they too were responsible for what has happened. 

 They hang onto things, where as more often than not the other person has not really forgotten, but has forgiven all past transgressions and has moved on, carrying the emotional baggage no longer. Sadly, real love, meaningful love does not come around that many times in a lifetime-and one should cherish it with every fiber of our being. The deeper we love, the more pain is involved in these kind of events, yet is is so easy to remedy-but our ego prevents us -whispering "you are justified as to how you feel, you were hurt, you were deceived, you aren`t loved, you aren`t worthy, you aren`t deserving of happiness, you are a nobody, you are being led on, you were never really loved, who could ever love you, you were being used" and so forth. And they believe all these lies, and these statements become the under pinning of their next relationship, or worse still, never an other relationship.

So the person just loves to beat themselves up listening to their inner voice, it is sort of a “martyr complex” or some other deep desire for the need to throw away happiness, as they feel they are undeserving or unworthy of love. We are all very worthy.  They love to wallow in the deep abyss of self inflicted despair-they find escape in food, or drugs or some other unhealthy behaviour-often depression. They filled with fear of perhaps being hurt, or of change or opening up themselves, opening up their soul. They are deadly scared of commitment, fear of losing part of them selves-and they come up with all sorts of reasons to justify their actions. They hang onto their suffering as a badge of honor. It is not that at all-it is just emotional instability, hard headedness and obstinacy. However they already are deeply wounded from some previous events, often hidden deep in their subconscious mind maybe even from childhood-but they refuse to see that each relationship is different, and the dynamics are different. In their mind life needs to be a constant struggle or “suffering” a form of "self punishment". This though dosn`t really need to be so, we are not victims at all, only if we choose to be.

True-life is no rose-garden, but it is made up of a string of moments of various intensity and emotions-and missed moments are missed opportunities to experience joy and life in full. The past is the past, one can only move forward and influence the future. They often bite their nose off to spite their face, but we have free choice.

I do believe that even over mental illness-in their numerous forms , though it is related to brain chemical imbalances-often genetic, we do have a lot of control. We now know scientifically that genes can be turned on and off and we are not at the mercy of them. Also we have much control over things we want to change about ourselves through" intention"-things we don`t like, things that are hindering our progress, things that are blocking our spiritual growth and evolution. If we doggedly hang onto all that we were dealt in life-be that character, personality or life events does not have to be so. Acceptance of happenings in life is a “choice”, not a sentence…..change is always possible, and is never too late.  Make the right choice, for all of life is a choice. 

Give permission for the "bad stuff" in life to leave. Bless and let go of the past that does not work for you.....may as well, life is far too precious and short to be wasted. Love is the life line, love is what gives us balance, love gives us security and love is what grounds us in body, mind and spirit-love is the gift we all have to give each other -that God spark that connects all of us.

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