Saturday 27 May 2017

Oh Morpheus

 Yes-it is one of those , nights when sleep will not come; he is trying real hard to escape-and escape he has. Morpheus is himself dreaming and has forgotten about me, however that is a great gift to me, for thus I am able to write a few thoughts. This week has been truly like a pendulum-and now  it is Rumi`s time and God is whispering to my soul real loud.

What is He whispering? He is actually telling secrets:” Do not go to sleep, for now you are experiencing the real moments of life. It is a most precious gift that not many experience-for they either live in the past, or in the future. Today-you have been completely in the “now”. The message is that all is well with your soul, and the world-nothing to fear, nothing to worry about. The divine presence is manifested “within and without” you. Many will have no idea how important this message is for it to be understood, for without understanding you are marking time and is simply one step forward, two steps back. That is now possible to change-because of today.  Listen with your heart! Listen to your soul!  All was done for and out of love today. Whatever has happened to you. All are different events, yet the same.

Calamity will not happen at all; that was on the horizon just 24 hours ago, the battle has been won-the test is well done.  Love trumps all. Congratulate yourself. Now-remember, that you are in a sort of a “collective”, a drop of the ocean, reflecting and having the properties of the whole ocean-so this applies to many who read this, for you and all is included within the “divine matrix” Do you understand this old soul?

Intention-is great, saying words is magical; but all has to be proved through action. Love is a “verb”. Now-once more-many will not understand this riddle, many will-but those who don`t –that is fine. There is no time-for time is not linear, it`s quantum; so young souls will get there shortly.

But then you may ask –why is this important? Well-think about it why are there “sherpas” in the Himalayas, why are there guides in the Amazon-why are there channelings? For without them you will not find the way –especially back. Remember the door opens inward-no use pushing on it.  You will know if you are a “wayshower”- a “sherpa” of the soul or just a follower. But if you are the latter, you would not be reading my words. Would you? Will you dare? This is the real message here. Unwind those curly cues; you have the power.  You have the know how. Huge challenge to “ego”-who is hanging on for ear life. Will you allow it to rule ? Or not? Who are you really? Ever think of that as you look and stare at that image in the mirror? Be not confused, you are not the image; but what lies below the image. Kapish? Know this-if you are still here, your mission ain`t over yet, you haven`t arrived yet-get moving. Oh-you are all so very worthy. Change and focus, and stuff will happen. Always accept responsibility. And so it is”.

N0-this is not esoteric “woo, woo”talk-but the actual reality check-some of us have chosen to take the “red pill”-we can actually see how deep the rabbit hole is and enter that other dimension. What magic we are facing. Can you actually comprehend its enormity, its wisdom?  And feel the excitement; it is tingling live electricity. Just forget your credit card debt, the mortgage, the car payments and all them problems that we think we have-also your material fortune-Remember that needle and the camel? It`s like spinning the “fake news” of the “wild card” in the White House, whom we have created for a reason- a very well thought out reason. Yes, all is as it should be-for the reason my not be what you really think-some have taken the ”blue pill”.

He- “the cosmic consciousness”, God if you will, is genderless. But being human , our puny, tiny minds needs to “genderize”, So, “He” hasn`t spoken in a while, well He has, though I have not been listening. But today was well earned-and there has been  a total turnover, a “shift” which sounds so tacky, so “new age”-and I just love it.  All is so very clear to me, I hope for you also. We have hardly scratched the surface-just let go and fly; Jonathan-fly!

No-I am not smoking anything, taking anything, neither am I seeing psychedelic lights and I am stone, cold sober-and if you just may question my sanity-I am not mad either. And that voice talking is no hallucination nor am I considered schizophrenic-or diagnosed with some weird mental disorder-just to clear up some doubts here. 

Yep-there is far more out there than dreamt of in our philosophy. And just a reminder-if you think that this life is just what we see, that there is nothing more to it except ; sex, drugs and rock and roll- then you are sadly mistaken....and just perhaps maybe suffering from some grave mental disorder.


Monday 22 May 2017

Burning bridges

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Remember one may need to cross that burning bridge to help you one day.-so be sure about starting that fire.

I have to admit that people just amaze me often in the most curious ways-. I realize I, as all others have all kinds of personality “faults”,  defects, imperfections-we have our quirks and quarks, however it is never a good idea to burn all bridges behind one when things go wrong in any relationship. We all need help at times and we are all inhabitants of this same matrix, called life. Plus we are also interconnected, intertwined in this huge, magnificent divine quantum energy field. So-one should never forget that the pendulum is ever swinging and we often need each other in many ways-that is how we are designed. For life can really be a bitch at times, due to our own design and actions. No it is not fate, or the cosmos, or the universe-the fault lies within us. Always.

For what purpose or the reason for all these screw ups, one often may wonder, but I have a theory-which maybe totally wrong; but I find it deeply convincing. I am not bringing religion into this, as that is merely one avenue for reaching the same destination,-back to our Source, I call it God.  Others many have other routes; but non-the-less, disregarding karma, and other such  eventualities-we are creators of our own lives. And the reason is always embedded within the situation if we examine it deeply-and it will keep recurring until we learn the lesson that it is trying to teach us.

  How this happens, what story you want to call it makes no difference, it is just “is”-it is the “divine“ truth for me and many. Thus, our only mission is to do the best we can-and have in our hearts the willingness to follow what we think is God`s will. True, as Merton stated, that may not be God`s will that we are following, or the way we orchestrate our lives, but as he stated and as I hope by trying to follow it, it will actually please Him.

This brings me back to the burning bridges. Not that I am such a sanctimonious soul, I have far too many faults-but, I seldom burn bridges. An event happened recently to someone that I love, -who has burned all her bridges with our family, including her own daughter. Now-she is in deep trouble-her husband has left her, she is 56 years old, she has no money, a minor job, her credit is in the gutter, they will evict her from her house, with a 16 year old teenage daughter who couldn`t care less about anything, except herself and boys. Also she has two dogs and three cats in tow-plus she had major car accident the other day-totaled her car. She has no one to turn to, she has no help, and she hasn`t even a rope bridge across the deep canyon at this serious juncture of her life. Though I have not sense or have spoken to her in years, I strongly feel that I have the very strong whispering from  spirit to help her-so I shall.  

 All through her life she has blamed everyone for her life-from her family to the next door neighbor and beyond. She has never taken responsibility for her actions, she says things whatever comes into her head, offending everyone all the time. She has never in her life uttered an apology to anyone, including her own mother. She is constantly in turmoil and at war with everyone, including the world.

 I thought about her situation deeply-as what to do. I have decide to help her in whatever way I can-which is now rather a huge endeavor in more ways that one, including getting them a large apartment in my name, helping them financially, getting them a car and probably messing up my credit rating for the future. 

 However I go into this with open eyes as I know that as soon as things settle down, I shall be in the doghouse once more. But-thinking about it I have made my choice, for I am only responsible as to how I act, how I behave and how I conduct my life-the problem, if she so chooses later will rest within her heart-it will be her responsibility to deal with it no matter what road she chooses. So I have rebuilt the bridge, but if she wants to burn it later once more-so be it. I will have known that I have done my part, I have followed my conscience and have followed what I think is the will of God-which I now know is what I need to do. 
Why have I unloaded all this in this post-well, for one; that we should never burn bridges, be kind, and  always treat others as one would like to be treated-for we are all in the same boat. And never wish bad on anyone, for what goes around comes around-at least seven times . 

True-we get angry, mad, frustrated, stressed at times –that is the human condition, and not an excuse to hurt people.  But at least one should be “big” enough to apologize when one  knows one  has offended or hurt an other in  a moment of madness.  Forgive and allow love and light to radiate out from within the soul-for one never knows when one needs the love and support of an other soul in need-that soul maybe ourselves. 


Thursday 18 May 2017

Heart to heart

Image result for heart to heart
The bottom  line is that –no matter how good our relationship is at present it will ultimately change.  Love comes, love goes, love fades-but it leaves is eternal mark on our soul. I really cannot complain at the moment-for I am deeply loved,-and am in love;  however I am very aware of the fact that the human spirit is constantly evolving and each moment we are changing, and our out looks, physical as well as spiritual needs change.

So I feel, and believe there is a time span on each relationship, thus we have to realize-living happily ever after is a myth. This notion-is  in the minds of the eternal romantics-who live in the land of fantasy being drunk on love  it self. They are  fairy story writers-who yearn for this impossibility of ;love immortal: That may be very true- I believe it also, but not in this dimension, not in  this realm.

Also as we grow through our various experiences, we grow at different speeds, which is rather difficult in relationships. There is nothing wrong with that-each person who has touched our lives, whom we were in love with, or still love contributes  to our spiritual advancement in a tremendous ways. It is a blessing, a tremendous grace from God.

If only we would realize this we would spare ourselves so much heartache, pain and misery by understanding-this life is but a moment of eternity-so one should not dwell on it-just allow it as it flow. But our ego dosn`t allow us to be rational at times-and we plan all sorts of  vengeance as we feel that were hurt and feel betrayed. No-it is just that each soul  is evolving at a different rate-and what once was important is important no more. In this life –nothing is forever. We are just tourist here, or perhaps just taking part in a dream .

I am not stating that love does not exist between two souls; it certainly does-but it is  fleeting-constantly changing, morphing. So that is the reason why one needs to live constantly in the “moment of now”-enjoy it, and put everything in it for no experience is ever lost -appreciate it, savour it, bless it, embrace it and above all put everything into it-heart and soul. For love is a gift, received and given for the advancement of the soul.

I have been so blessed through love-I am grateful beyond measure of all the wonderful experiences that love has brought into my life-all the special souls who have come in and out from my life- who have left their special  mark on  me,-on my heart and soul who have loved me and whom I have loved deeply. They have inspired me, taught me, lead me and because of their love, insight and wisdom I have grown immensely-they have all been special angels-and I am sure that I shall have a few more in my life who shall touch me for a moment, or for  many years-for God works in miraculous ways.

Thus bless each relationship-for they all involve the heart-and spirit. A most profound heart to heart connection that we  have been involved in-they all did  their work  in our lives for their own special reason-unclear perhaps even now-but special reasons they do have . At times we cannot see why, but the day will come when we  will realize why-So be grateful, be thankful for it, and bless it-and set it free.


Tuesday 16 May 2017

Ode to a field mouse

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I am no Robert Burns, but we all have a story to tell. Today my little black fur-kid-Alice, brought me a present -a little field mouse from the garden and placed it at the foot of my bed. The poor little creature was alive, I presume he had fainted-so I picked him up and took him into the garden and placed him amongst some Hostas -immediately he sprung back into life and  scurried away.  What a wonderful feeling I had to know that I had saved this tiny life-if only we could  have these feelings each day in our heart. And why not? We can except for our miserable approach to life, filled with negativity and complaints.  Instead of seeing all the things of beauty, we dwell and scrutinize what is wrong with the world. Michelangelo was right ; “A beautiful thing never gives so much pain as does failing to hear and see it. ” and we fail not to see so much gloriousness that is teeming around us.

I really think that the problem with us as humans is that we are always bitching about the present state of things, or about something that is wrong. How bad things are, why the present state of the world is bad, why we got left behind, why our life is in the gutter or why we have been punished by life, when we are so deserving and talented. The truth of the matter is; we all need to blame ourselves. We  are all where we are because of our own doing, and our own choosing. This has nothing to do with the world-with politics,  climate change or who sits in the White House, or in Ottawa.  

Who cares-especially if one cannot change that.  We need to concentrate on what we can actually change or how we can actually generate more light around us -that would certainly be a worthwhile exercise. As the proverb says-“charity begins at home”-all that is immediately around us, not on the other side of the planet. All we can do is change ourselves and the circumstances in our proximity-period. And what a wondrous gift that is- what an incredible blessing to be able to do that, -to have free will  and become whomever one wants to be.

Instead of shifting all the blame on the universe of what is wrong with us, with creation-we need to see what miraculous  stuff is happening around us moment by moment.  What magnificence, what amazing magical place we are allowed to inhabit.  One can find things wrong in best of times if one is unhappy and is filled with darkness. Feeling crappy will just generate more of the same. No, this is not “Pollyanna” talking-it is the sense of reason. Yes-we all have the odd dark moment at times-but we are the only ones to take ourselves out of it.

No matter what is happening in the world-compassion, peace, joy, serenity starts from within-love being the base. Change on the planet will only be achieved through one soul at time-only then will the planet transform, and our consciousness raised one notch up. Let me tell you-living in balance , in harmony with your own self and with nature, that is bliss-but you do need eyes to see it, ears to hear and touch to feel, but above all have an open heart.

Whatever else you or I may think –we are all where we need to be in linear time for a reason. It is where we decided to put ourselves, if you don`t like it just change the movie, change the channel. We need to take charge of our own life, if we are not happy with it due to some miscalculation, then just  forget it, for bitching about it is just a waste of time.

None of us can blame anyone else for our insecurities, fears and  feelings unworthiness.  We find all kinds of excuses, blame everything and everyone for our lot in life-however that gets no one nowhere, except onto the road of unhappiness, frustration and bitterness.  

So fill yourself  up with strong emotions such as passion, peace, compassion contentedness  and love this will create in you a sense of  joy and bliss. This is an   indications that you are connected to  “spirit”, or are “inspired”, if you will. When you are inspired, you activate dormant forces and the abundance you seek in any form comes streaming into your life. Disengage yourself from materialism, and you shall truly see the world in a new light. And so it is.

Saturday 13 May 2017

Spiritual journey

“Spiritual awakening is frequently described as a journey to the top of a mountain. We leave our attachments and our worldliness behind and slowly make our way to the top. At the peak we have transcended all pain. The only problem with this metaphor is that we leave all the others behind—our drunken brother, our schizophrenic sister, our tormented animals and friends. Their suffering continues, unrelieved by our personal escape.

In the process of discovering bodhichitta, the journey goes down, not up. It’s as if the mountain pointed toward the center of the earth instead of reaching into the sky. Instead of transcending the suffering of all creatures, we move toward the turbulence and doubt. We jump into it. We slide into it. We tiptoe into it. We move toward it however we can. We explore the reality and unpredictably of insecurity and pain, and we try not to push it away. If it takes years, if it takes lifetimes, we let it be as it is. At our own pace, without speed or aggression, we move down and down and down. With us move millions of others, our companions in awakening from fear. At the bottom we discover water, the healing water of bodhichitta. Right down there in the thick of things, we discover the love that will not die.” ~ Pema Chödrön from When Things Fall Apart

The spiritual journey is not about personal escape. Neither is it about meditating in a cave in Nepal, or being locked away in some monastery chanting behind some huge wall , neither is it escaping into an other dimension through prayer. It is all about becoming more and more fully alive, being engaged and plugged in to the “highest” within ourselves so that we can most fully give ourselves to the world as we shine with a joyous, radiant enthusiasm.  It is about living in the world—not an easy exercise.

Our actual potential, our gift that often lies dormant and lost—has to be discovered,  integrated into life, into the world so that one may benefit from it, as well as the world. Not an easy task –to extricate and bring back the hidden treasures, the hidden gifts—but it is worth it, as  it is that what gives us a sense of fulfillment, a sense of purpose  and reason for life. Otherwise life is but an empty vessel—hollow filled simply with echoes of what could be, may have been.—filled with empty dreams and desires. Sure—meditation, prayers are needed for the “Holy Spirit” to manifest, to guide one`s soul—they are the tools, vehicle for activating us into action from the “divine”-- to help us on our quest.

The so called “hero’s journey” is not about being enamored by the journey of spirituality, of being special, being different, being the chosen one of God—Neither is it a road where we leave the world behind and enter the forest of the unknown at the darkest point as we battle metaphorical demons in pursuit of inner treasures. But, we need to remember that that is only part of the process. The real challenge—and the most important part of the journey—begins when we bring what we have discovered back to the world—all that which one discovers , that is our mission. Bring forth all the undiscovered potential that we each posses and through its action make the world a better place. Integrate all this knowledge to the world—to life a fulfilled, meaningful life. Easy to get to the treasure, much more difficult to bring it forth.

Thus real ,authentic life is all about being involved, helping utilizing all the gifts that we were given in making the world a better place for all of creation—all that is living. It is through this process that we grow, unfold and move forward.

Friday 12 May 2017


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Spring is here-and one tends to think more about life as Gaia awakes. These times always remind us of rebirth, of renewal, of creation, of beauty and of the miracle of life that it is.  No matter how we complain about life-get used to the idea that you are alive. Life happens and we have shown up-at times the reason is not clear why, but that is not the point of “knowing” why-but just “doing” the best we can. Like it or not at times-especially in this modern world life is filled with stress, worry , anxiety and a whole basketful of problems. But-be assured, we are all in the same boat-no one is immune-so as the seasons, so goes life also –in cycles.

No use complaining-and no use getting depressed or hitting the bottle-that is a band-aid, a temporary solution. We are here on a mission-and unless we come to terms with it, it will eat us from the inside out. I have learnt a long time ago from someone I admire greatly who always says – “allow God”. No, this certainly does not mean you just lay back and watch life goes by, and take what hits you-it means you make the best, or try your best to deal with the situation no matter how dire it is. Nothing in the universe is at random, for all has purpose-sure, at times we don`t see the reason-but there is. No, neither is life perfect, if they tell you it is, they are lying. Neither does it depend on money-rich people are just as unhappy, just as sick, just as miserable at times  as the poor folks-we steer our own ship, be that in clear weather or in a storm.

Complaining, crying about it-does not change anything-action does. As Thomas Merton said-I am paraphrasing here- My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me-but be on good terms with God, trying to follow His will-which may not be His will, but doing the best you can-which in fact will please Him.

So- renew, rebuild, reset your life. Make the affirmation that you will change whatever needs changing. Yes-we all need to do this, there is no perfect life as I said, only a life well lived. The below number of points is what I drew up for my patients for this spring. This is not perfect, you can make up your own version. Be inspired which means “live from spirit” and allow your magnificence to shine through. Allow that "divine spark" to manifest from within you. Don`t wait for the "miracle" to happen, make the "miracle" happen-be the magic that you are.

Spring Renewal Tips of Dr. Suzanne
Change your thinking, change your  life:

10 simple rules-practise daily for 3 weeks.
Observe the change in you! Observe a major shift!

1.     LOVE YOURSELF.  If you are willing to change your thinking , you can change your life- be it -health, money, relationship-covers everything. Make the phrase –
your daily mantra. Repeat a few times a day, with clear intent and belief.

2.    SHOULD change it to COULD. A simple change. BE AWARE of everything around you and allow the COULD to work.

3.    THANK YOU-let this be your very first words in the morning –be grateful, and it will be a great day.

4.    MIRROR WORK  -Look at yourself in the mirror-  repeat your name and say: I REALLY, REALLY LOVE YOU, I REALLY ACCEPT YOU. This sets tone for the day.

5.     FORGIVE YOURSELF and others-allow things to go, RELEASE the past. The heart opens inwards, not outwards. “All state of disease comes from non-forgiveness”-from Course in Miracles.
Repeat-I FORGIVE  and I see only good before ME and before YOU.

6.    INTENTION is the magic. We can bring things into our lives. Affirmations- will make it happen; don`t make  it a big deal. KNOW it will happen, LIFE will make it happen. Picture your want and universe will bring it about. Let go and allow the universe to work. Make it like a lunch “ORDER” then say THANK YOU-never be desperate, never demand-and it will turn up.

7.    PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR BODY: limit sugar, salt, dairy, wheat –limit processed food. Pay attention to body. Increase whole foods. Increase your sleep. Release stress consciously. Do some physical activity-start 5-10 minutes a day and increase.

8.    STOP, LOOK , GO:  take a minute during the day. ASK: what can I do to make myself happy? You will find answer.

9.    BE PATIENT with yourself and others. See situation and realize what will work. Nothing happens instantly-make an AFFIRMATION-just notice and stay on the path.  Don`t go negative. Each day is a new day.

10.       LIFE LOVES ME-repeat a few times a day. When stressed, when feeling negative, when feeling lost. OVER RIDE old, negative old messages with the POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS-write it out where you can see it.:


REMEMBER: Age is just a number. Be excited and see what life brings you.

Be the JOY, Be the LOVE, Be the LIGHT


Tuesday 9 May 2017

Truth be told

I have to admit that these days I find it most difficult to write. Why I have no idea. The time seems to be escaping like water through my fingers-and the present always seems so illusive. Yet-I live by the strong belief of needing to be aware of the present-but I feel that I am living “out of” time, which I am sure is making no sense, for it needs to be experienced. It is a very weird sensation-maybe it is like what Jung said-“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes”. This is the ideal description of the sensation that I am feeling, though I have to say I am at a perfect juncture in my life, filled with peace and light. I cannot express my gratefulness of  how very blessed I am-to God each day. But maybe I am becoming more reflective and living more within myself, or rather from my "higher self" perhaps.  One needs to live deliberately and consciously-I am trying to do that.

I think this post is a follow up of my previous one-and really it is not my intent to go on about “stepping out of the box”, however maybe it still all has to do with all this new energy that is being awakened in us-higher consciousness, an unfolding spirit, or maybe Kundalini rising. All I can say that everything feels and looks different lately–life is bathed in a totally different light.

Maybe some of that “junk DNA” is being activated for some reason-maybe it isn`t junk after all. Well to me it is rather obvious-God does not make mistakes-and every iota of creation has a mission and a reason for being present. One does not need a light to see the sun, neither  does one need a religion to see the miracle of creation in nature. This is clear to all, be one an atheist.

My vision and perception of the world seems to have changed as of late, and seems to be changing still.  I am living perhaps more from the heart as from the head-at times the experience feels very strange and uncomfortable;  even foreign and quite frightening. Though I do seem to be more in control of things, and more aware that I am-and that actually “I AM”.  

I see this tiny planet-Gaia, more and more as a living, breathing entity more so than ever.  More aware of being connected to "it" and all. More in tune with this “quantum energy field” that we all inhabit. More understanding of this change, or metamorphosis we as humans are going through. More willing to accept the idea that we are the creators of “all”-and that we are not victims of “fate”, but creators of  our destiny through our “intention”.

We all need to be the light that we are, salt of the earth that we are. One needs to live the “stuff” one believes in. Take full responsibility for one`s life. Transcend the illusion of time, space matter-to a degree where one has the leverage-one cannot be discouraged. Life shows small sliver of reality, the rest is a mystery waiting to be discovered.  Integrating one`s truths-spiritual, ethereal, material “truths” is paramount.   

Ayn Rand was right. One really needs to be selfish-especially in the pursuit of bliss-be fulfilled and joyful, for if one is not, then one cannot help anyone else. Honoring self, honoring God`s expression; only then will the reality and light shine on path of others. One needs to plant the seeds of hope and possibility for others.

However remember that there are many roads to “the truth” –which never changes, which is only one-whom is God-whom is the essence of pure love. We so often lose sight that we are spiritual beings who create-we are happening to life, not life happening to us. We have all chosen to be here-this is also part of the “truth”-we are part of the “divine whole”.

Saturday 6 May 2017

Being back

Image result for precession of the equinoxes

"The precession of the equinoxes refers to the observable phenomena of the rotation of the heavens, a cycle which spans a period of (approximately) 25,920 years, over which time the constellations appear to slowly rotate around the earth, taking turns at rising behind the rising sun on the vernal equinox."

It feels like ages since I have posted, however it is amazing how the time flies. But they are good times- at this time I am in such a great place in my life. I guess it always depends on one`s intention and gratefulness as to how one`s life flows. I have been extremely busy with many different ideas  and projects that are in the works. I have been on the low end of the scale, on sort of a sabbatical the past 18 months-but one needs that also to get one`s ”house” in order-thus I have.

We all have a mission and at times due to the stresses and weight of life we loose focus, and often it is time to re-calibrate.  Years ago I took number of seminars about EFT, which I left by the wayside-and now I have fully incorporated it into my life as well as that of my patients.  Now, things have taken on a “new life”. Daily changes are drastic, as if by design-I am amazed by the magic that I am allowed to perform through the grace of God. Trust me-everyone has it-it just needs to be liberated, believed and used. We, humans have so little faith at times-all we need is the size of a mustard seed-and the magic  happens.
Also, many things have crystalized within me, and most certainly the “Kryon chanellings” are making me realize where the planet and the human race is now in 2017  well over into the “new age”. We have passed the precession of the equinoxes, 2012 was the marker-the Age of Aquarius is upon us. Time to wake up -and be aware of everything that is happening  on this small planet of our`s, the long sleep is over. 

The light and dark balance on the planet is starting to rearrange itself and is going to create more wild cards. Wild cards are "unexpected shifts", things that are often shocking in ways that are not positive or negative, but rather are changes in the paradigm of what was. They often push the future, both in consciousness and science. Wildcards are not guaranteed. They are timed to match the free choice of those around them. That's what makes a wild card - totally unexpected events.  Do not resist, go with the flow-allow life to unfold, embrace the new paradigm, allow light to flourish, let love guide you.
So-we are waking up, human consciousness is rising. No, this is not “woo woo” science,  but a very scientific fact as well-just listen to some of the “new physicists”-not the “old crowd”, who are doggedly clinging to the “old paradigm”. True , it is hard to step out of the box, and very hard for the human mind to get over as we are so entrenched in our belief systems-difficult to change our “brain wiring”.  One has to allow the working of our sub-conscious -our higher self, it know and sees all. Has an answer for everything- everything lies within , not without.  All and everything is possible-this is not just a fairy tale, but fact-all is a totally new growth process for the human race.  

Nothing is the same as it was only a few years ago, and either one is with it or not-as the Maya have said” this is the fork in the road-either you choose "up or down”. All is quantum, all is energy, all is connected. The Newtonian idea of existence-namely that all of life is like a machine, is dying-and we are each personally are discovering that all is within the “quantum” field of existence-our quantum entanglement becomes more and more visible to us, and the divine spark within all is activated. All is possible, and we all  the co-creators of what exists- and that is regarding every part of our lives. Spiritual mental and physical. This is not a "new age" thing, it is a "progression" of the human being thing.
Our mission is to plant the seeds of peace, compassion, balance and love-and as sure as day follows night; light and love will prevail on the planet. Change yourself -be that change and the planet will change.