Saturday 6 May 2017

Being back

Image result for precession of the equinoxes

"The precession of the equinoxes refers to the observable phenomena of the rotation of the heavens, a cycle which spans a period of (approximately) 25,920 years, over which time the constellations appear to slowly rotate around the earth, taking turns at rising behind the rising sun on the vernal equinox."

It feels like ages since I have posted, however it is amazing how the time flies. But they are good times- at this time I am in such a great place in my life. I guess it always depends on one`s intention and gratefulness as to how one`s life flows. I have been extremely busy with many different ideas  and projects that are in the works. I have been on the low end of the scale, on sort of a sabbatical the past 18 months-but one needs that also to get one`s ”house” in order-thus I have.

We all have a mission and at times due to the stresses and weight of life we loose focus, and often it is time to re-calibrate.  Years ago I took number of seminars about EFT, which I left by the wayside-and now I have fully incorporated it into my life as well as that of my patients.  Now, things have taken on a “new life”. Daily changes are drastic, as if by design-I am amazed by the magic that I am allowed to perform through the grace of God. Trust me-everyone has it-it just needs to be liberated, believed and used. We, humans have so little faith at times-all we need is the size of a mustard seed-and the magic  happens.
Also, many things have crystalized within me, and most certainly the “Kryon chanellings” are making me realize where the planet and the human race is now in 2017  well over into the “new age”. We have passed the precession of the equinoxes, 2012 was the marker-the Age of Aquarius is upon us. Time to wake up -and be aware of everything that is happening  on this small planet of our`s, the long sleep is over. 

The light and dark balance on the planet is starting to rearrange itself and is going to create more wild cards. Wild cards are "unexpected shifts", things that are often shocking in ways that are not positive or negative, but rather are changes in the paradigm of what was. They often push the future, both in consciousness and science. Wildcards are not guaranteed. They are timed to match the free choice of those around them. That's what makes a wild card - totally unexpected events.  Do not resist, go with the flow-allow life to unfold, embrace the new paradigm, allow light to flourish, let love guide you.
So-we are waking up, human consciousness is rising. No, this is not “woo woo” science,  but a very scientific fact as well-just listen to some of the “new physicists”-not the “old crowd”, who are doggedly clinging to the “old paradigm”. True , it is hard to step out of the box, and very hard for the human mind to get over as we are so entrenched in our belief systems-difficult to change our “brain wiring”.  One has to allow the working of our sub-conscious -our higher self, it know and sees all. Has an answer for everything- everything lies within , not without.  All and everything is possible-this is not just a fairy tale, but fact-all is a totally new growth process for the human race.  

Nothing is the same as it was only a few years ago, and either one is with it or not-as the Maya have said” this is the fork in the road-either you choose "up or down”. All is quantum, all is energy, all is connected. The Newtonian idea of existence-namely that all of life is like a machine, is dying-and we are each personally are discovering that all is within the “quantum” field of existence-our quantum entanglement becomes more and more visible to us, and the divine spark within all is activated. All is possible, and we all  the co-creators of what exists- and that is regarding every part of our lives. Spiritual mental and physical. This is not a "new age" thing, it is a "progression" of the human being thing.
Our mission is to plant the seeds of peace, compassion, balance and love-and as sure as day follows night; light and love will prevail on the planet. Change yourself -be that change and the planet will change.

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