Tuesday 9 May 2017

Truth be told

I have to admit that these days I find it most difficult to write. Why I have no idea. The time seems to be escaping like water through my fingers-and the present always seems so illusive. Yet-I live by the strong belief of needing to be aware of the present-but I feel that I am living “out of” time, which I am sure is making no sense, for it needs to be experienced. It is a very weird sensation-maybe it is like what Jung said-“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes”. This is the ideal description of the sensation that I am feeling, though I have to say I am at a perfect juncture in my life, filled with peace and light. I cannot express my gratefulness of  how very blessed I am-to God each day. But maybe I am becoming more reflective and living more within myself, or rather from my "higher self" perhaps.  One needs to live deliberately and consciously-I am trying to do that.

I think this post is a follow up of my previous one-and really it is not my intent to go on about “stepping out of the box”, however maybe it still all has to do with all this new energy that is being awakened in us-higher consciousness, an unfolding spirit, or maybe Kundalini rising. All I can say that everything feels and looks different lately–life is bathed in a totally different light.

Maybe some of that “junk DNA” is being activated for some reason-maybe it isn`t junk after all. Well to me it is rather obvious-God does not make mistakes-and every iota of creation has a mission and a reason for being present. One does not need a light to see the sun, neither  does one need a religion to see the miracle of creation in nature. This is clear to all, be one an atheist.

My vision and perception of the world seems to have changed as of late, and seems to be changing still.  I am living perhaps more from the heart as from the head-at times the experience feels very strange and uncomfortable;  even foreign and quite frightening. Though I do seem to be more in control of things, and more aware that I am-and that actually “I AM”.  

I see this tiny planet-Gaia, more and more as a living, breathing entity more so than ever.  More aware of being connected to "it" and all. More in tune with this “quantum energy field” that we all inhabit. More understanding of this change, or metamorphosis we as humans are going through. More willing to accept the idea that we are the creators of “all”-and that we are not victims of “fate”, but creators of  our destiny through our “intention”.

We all need to be the light that we are, salt of the earth that we are. One needs to live the “stuff” one believes in. Take full responsibility for one`s life. Transcend the illusion of time, space matter-to a degree where one has the leverage-one cannot be discouraged. Life shows small sliver of reality, the rest is a mystery waiting to be discovered.  Integrating one`s truths-spiritual, ethereal, material “truths” is paramount.   

Ayn Rand was right. One really needs to be selfish-especially in the pursuit of bliss-be fulfilled and joyful, for if one is not, then one cannot help anyone else. Honoring self, honoring God`s expression; only then will the reality and light shine on path of others. One needs to plant the seeds of hope and possibility for others.

However remember that there are many roads to “the truth” –which never changes, which is only one-whom is God-whom is the essence of pure love. We so often lose sight that we are spiritual beings who create-we are happening to life, not life happening to us. We have all chosen to be here-this is also part of the “truth”-we are part of the “divine whole”.

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