Friday 12 May 2017


Image result for gaia renewal
Spring is here-and one tends to think more about life as Gaia awakes. These times always remind us of rebirth, of renewal, of creation, of beauty and of the miracle of life that it is.  No matter how we complain about life-get used to the idea that you are alive. Life happens and we have shown up-at times the reason is not clear why, but that is not the point of “knowing” why-but just “doing” the best we can. Like it or not at times-especially in this modern world life is filled with stress, worry , anxiety and a whole basketful of problems. But-be assured, we are all in the same boat-no one is immune-so as the seasons, so goes life also –in cycles.

No use complaining-and no use getting depressed or hitting the bottle-that is a band-aid, a temporary solution. We are here on a mission-and unless we come to terms with it, it will eat us from the inside out. I have learnt a long time ago from someone I admire greatly who always says – “allow God”. No, this certainly does not mean you just lay back and watch life goes by, and take what hits you-it means you make the best, or try your best to deal with the situation no matter how dire it is. Nothing in the universe is at random, for all has purpose-sure, at times we don`t see the reason-but there is. No, neither is life perfect, if they tell you it is, they are lying. Neither does it depend on money-rich people are just as unhappy, just as sick, just as miserable at times  as the poor folks-we steer our own ship, be that in clear weather or in a storm.

Complaining, crying about it-does not change anything-action does. As Thomas Merton said-I am paraphrasing here- My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me-but be on good terms with God, trying to follow His will-which may not be His will, but doing the best you can-which in fact will please Him.

So- renew, rebuild, reset your life. Make the affirmation that you will change whatever needs changing. Yes-we all need to do this, there is no perfect life as I said, only a life well lived. The below number of points is what I drew up for my patients for this spring. This is not perfect, you can make up your own version. Be inspired which means “live from spirit” and allow your magnificence to shine through. Allow that "divine spark" to manifest from within you. Don`t wait for the "miracle" to happen, make the "miracle" happen-be the magic that you are.

Spring Renewal Tips of Dr. Suzanne
Change your thinking, change your  life:

10 simple rules-practise daily for 3 weeks.
Observe the change in you! Observe a major shift!

1.     LOVE YOURSELF.  If you are willing to change your thinking , you can change your life- be it -health, money, relationship-covers everything. Make the phrase –
your daily mantra. Repeat a few times a day, with clear intent and belief.

2.    SHOULD change it to COULD. A simple change. BE AWARE of everything around you and allow the COULD to work.

3.    THANK YOU-let this be your very first words in the morning –be grateful, and it will be a great day.

4.    MIRROR WORK  -Look at yourself in the mirror-  repeat your name and say: I REALLY, REALLY LOVE YOU, I REALLY ACCEPT YOU. This sets tone for the day.

5.     FORGIVE YOURSELF and others-allow things to go, RELEASE the past. The heart opens inwards, not outwards. “All state of disease comes from non-forgiveness”-from Course in Miracles.
Repeat-I FORGIVE  and I see only good before ME and before YOU.

6.    INTENTION is the magic. We can bring things into our lives. Affirmations- will make it happen; don`t make  it a big deal. KNOW it will happen, LIFE will make it happen. Picture your want and universe will bring it about. Let go and allow the universe to work. Make it like a lunch “ORDER” then say THANK YOU-never be desperate, never demand-and it will turn up.

7.    PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR BODY: limit sugar, salt, dairy, wheat –limit processed food. Pay attention to body. Increase whole foods. Increase your sleep. Release stress consciously. Do some physical activity-start 5-10 minutes a day and increase.

8.    STOP, LOOK , GO:  take a minute during the day. ASK: what can I do to make myself happy? You will find answer.

9.    BE PATIENT with yourself and others. See situation and realize what will work. Nothing happens instantly-make an AFFIRMATION-just notice and stay on the path.  Don`t go negative. Each day is a new day.

10.       LIFE LOVES ME-repeat a few times a day. When stressed, when feeling negative, when feeling lost. OVER RIDE old, negative old messages with the POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS-write it out where you can see it.:


REMEMBER: Age is just a number. Be excited and see what life brings you.

Be the JOY, Be the LOVE, Be the LIGHT


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