Tuesday 16 May 2017

Ode to a field mouse

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I am no Robert Burns, but we all have a story to tell. Today my little black fur-kid-Alice, brought me a present -a little field mouse from the garden and placed it at the foot of my bed. The poor little creature was alive, I presume he had fainted-so I picked him up and took him into the garden and placed him amongst some Hostas -immediately he sprung back into life and  scurried away.  What a wonderful feeling I had to know that I had saved this tiny life-if only we could  have these feelings each day in our heart. And why not? We can except for our miserable approach to life, filled with negativity and complaints.  Instead of seeing all the things of beauty, we dwell and scrutinize what is wrong with the world. Michelangelo was right ; “A beautiful thing never gives so much pain as does failing to hear and see it. ” and we fail not to see so much gloriousness that is teeming around us.

I really think that the problem with us as humans is that we are always bitching about the present state of things, or about something that is wrong. How bad things are, why the present state of the world is bad, why we got left behind, why our life is in the gutter or why we have been punished by life, when we are so deserving and talented. The truth of the matter is; we all need to blame ourselves. We  are all where we are because of our own doing, and our own choosing. This has nothing to do with the world-with politics,  climate change or who sits in the White House, or in Ottawa.  

Who cares-especially if one cannot change that.  We need to concentrate on what we can actually change or how we can actually generate more light around us -that would certainly be a worthwhile exercise. As the proverb says-“charity begins at home”-all that is immediately around us, not on the other side of the planet. All we can do is change ourselves and the circumstances in our proximity-period. And what a wondrous gift that is- what an incredible blessing to be able to do that, -to have free will  and become whomever one wants to be.

Instead of shifting all the blame on the universe of what is wrong with us, with creation-we need to see what miraculous  stuff is happening around us moment by moment.  What magnificence, what amazing magical place we are allowed to inhabit.  One can find things wrong in best of times if one is unhappy and is filled with darkness. Feeling crappy will just generate more of the same. No, this is not “Pollyanna” talking-it is the sense of reason. Yes-we all have the odd dark moment at times-but we are the only ones to take ourselves out of it.

No matter what is happening in the world-compassion, peace, joy, serenity starts from within-love being the base. Change on the planet will only be achieved through one soul at time-only then will the planet transform, and our consciousness raised one notch up. Let me tell you-living in balance , in harmony with your own self and with nature, that is bliss-but you do need eyes to see it, ears to hear and touch to feel, but above all have an open heart.

Whatever else you or I may think –we are all where we need to be in linear time for a reason. It is where we decided to put ourselves, if you don`t like it just change the movie, change the channel. We need to take charge of our own life, if we are not happy with it due to some miscalculation, then just  forget it, for bitching about it is just a waste of time.

None of us can blame anyone else for our insecurities, fears and  feelings unworthiness.  We find all kinds of excuses, blame everything and everyone for our lot in life-however that gets no one nowhere, except onto the road of unhappiness, frustration and bitterness.  

So fill yourself  up with strong emotions such as passion, peace, compassion contentedness  and love this will create in you a sense of  joy and bliss. This is an   indications that you are connected to  “spirit”, or are “inspired”, if you will. When you are inspired, you activate dormant forces and the abundance you seek in any form comes streaming into your life. Disengage yourself from materialism, and you shall truly see the world in a new light. And so it is.

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