Monday 22 May 2017

Burning bridges

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Remember one may need to cross that burning bridge to help you one day.-so be sure about starting that fire.

I have to admit that people just amaze me often in the most curious ways-. I realize I, as all others have all kinds of personality “faults”,  defects, imperfections-we have our quirks and quarks, however it is never a good idea to burn all bridges behind one when things go wrong in any relationship. We all need help at times and we are all inhabitants of this same matrix, called life. Plus we are also interconnected, intertwined in this huge, magnificent divine quantum energy field. So-one should never forget that the pendulum is ever swinging and we often need each other in many ways-that is how we are designed. For life can really be a bitch at times, due to our own design and actions. No it is not fate, or the cosmos, or the universe-the fault lies within us. Always.

For what purpose or the reason for all these screw ups, one often may wonder, but I have a theory-which maybe totally wrong; but I find it deeply convincing. I am not bringing religion into this, as that is merely one avenue for reaching the same destination,-back to our Source, I call it God.  Others many have other routes; but non-the-less, disregarding karma, and other such  eventualities-we are creators of our own lives. And the reason is always embedded within the situation if we examine it deeply-and it will keep recurring until we learn the lesson that it is trying to teach us.

  How this happens, what story you want to call it makes no difference, it is just “is”-it is the “divine“ truth for me and many. Thus, our only mission is to do the best we can-and have in our hearts the willingness to follow what we think is God`s will. True, as Merton stated, that may not be God`s will that we are following, or the way we orchestrate our lives, but as he stated and as I hope by trying to follow it, it will actually please Him.

This brings me back to the burning bridges. Not that I am such a sanctimonious soul, I have far too many faults-but, I seldom burn bridges. An event happened recently to someone that I love, -who has burned all her bridges with our family, including her own daughter. Now-she is in deep trouble-her husband has left her, she is 56 years old, she has no money, a minor job, her credit is in the gutter, they will evict her from her house, with a 16 year old teenage daughter who couldn`t care less about anything, except herself and boys. Also she has two dogs and three cats in tow-plus she had major car accident the other day-totaled her car. She has no one to turn to, she has no help, and she hasn`t even a rope bridge across the deep canyon at this serious juncture of her life. Though I have not sense or have spoken to her in years, I strongly feel that I have the very strong whispering from  spirit to help her-so I shall.  

 All through her life she has blamed everyone for her life-from her family to the next door neighbor and beyond. She has never taken responsibility for her actions, she says things whatever comes into her head, offending everyone all the time. She has never in her life uttered an apology to anyone, including her own mother. She is constantly in turmoil and at war with everyone, including the world.

 I thought about her situation deeply-as what to do. I have decide to help her in whatever way I can-which is now rather a huge endeavor in more ways that one, including getting them a large apartment in my name, helping them financially, getting them a car and probably messing up my credit rating for the future. 

 However I go into this with open eyes as I know that as soon as things settle down, I shall be in the doghouse once more. But-thinking about it I have made my choice, for I am only responsible as to how I act, how I behave and how I conduct my life-the problem, if she so chooses later will rest within her heart-it will be her responsibility to deal with it no matter what road she chooses. So I have rebuilt the bridge, but if she wants to burn it later once more-so be it. I will have known that I have done my part, I have followed my conscience and have followed what I think is the will of God-which I now know is what I need to do. 
Why have I unloaded all this in this post-well, for one; that we should never burn bridges, be kind, and  always treat others as one would like to be treated-for we are all in the same boat. And never wish bad on anyone, for what goes around comes around-at least seven times . 

True-we get angry, mad, frustrated, stressed at times –that is the human condition, and not an excuse to hurt people.  But at least one should be “big” enough to apologize when one  knows one  has offended or hurt an other in  a moment of madness.  Forgive and allow love and light to radiate out from within the soul-for one never knows when one needs the love and support of an other soul in need-that soul maybe ourselves. 


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