Saturday 27 May 2017

Oh Morpheus

 Yes-it is one of those , nights when sleep will not come; he is trying real hard to escape-and escape he has. Morpheus is himself dreaming and has forgotten about me, however that is a great gift to me, for thus I am able to write a few thoughts. This week has been truly like a pendulum-and now  it is Rumi`s time and God is whispering to my soul real loud.

What is He whispering? He is actually telling secrets:” Do not go to sleep, for now you are experiencing the real moments of life. It is a most precious gift that not many experience-for they either live in the past, or in the future. Today-you have been completely in the “now”. The message is that all is well with your soul, and the world-nothing to fear, nothing to worry about. The divine presence is manifested “within and without” you. Many will have no idea how important this message is for it to be understood, for without understanding you are marking time and is simply one step forward, two steps back. That is now possible to change-because of today.  Listen with your heart! Listen to your soul!  All was done for and out of love today. Whatever has happened to you. All are different events, yet the same.

Calamity will not happen at all; that was on the horizon just 24 hours ago, the battle has been won-the test is well done.  Love trumps all. Congratulate yourself. Now-remember, that you are in a sort of a “collective”, a drop of the ocean, reflecting and having the properties of the whole ocean-so this applies to many who read this, for you and all is included within the “divine matrix” Do you understand this old soul?

Intention-is great, saying words is magical; but all has to be proved through action. Love is a “verb”. Now-once more-many will not understand this riddle, many will-but those who don`t –that is fine. There is no time-for time is not linear, it`s quantum; so young souls will get there shortly.

But then you may ask –why is this important? Well-think about it why are there “sherpas” in the Himalayas, why are there guides in the Amazon-why are there channelings? For without them you will not find the way –especially back. Remember the door opens inward-no use pushing on it.  You will know if you are a “wayshower”- a “sherpa” of the soul or just a follower. But if you are the latter, you would not be reading my words. Would you? Will you dare? This is the real message here. Unwind those curly cues; you have the power.  You have the know how. Huge challenge to “ego”-who is hanging on for ear life. Will you allow it to rule ? Or not? Who are you really? Ever think of that as you look and stare at that image in the mirror? Be not confused, you are not the image; but what lies below the image. Kapish? Know this-if you are still here, your mission ain`t over yet, you haven`t arrived yet-get moving. Oh-you are all so very worthy. Change and focus, and stuff will happen. Always accept responsibility. And so it is”.

N0-this is not esoteric “woo, woo”talk-but the actual reality check-some of us have chosen to take the “red pill”-we can actually see how deep the rabbit hole is and enter that other dimension. What magic we are facing. Can you actually comprehend its enormity, its wisdom?  And feel the excitement; it is tingling live electricity. Just forget your credit card debt, the mortgage, the car payments and all them problems that we think we have-also your material fortune-Remember that needle and the camel? It`s like spinning the “fake news” of the “wild card” in the White House, whom we have created for a reason- a very well thought out reason. Yes, all is as it should be-for the reason my not be what you really think-some have taken the ”blue pill”.

He- “the cosmic consciousness”, God if you will, is genderless. But being human , our puny, tiny minds needs to “genderize”, So, “He” hasn`t spoken in a while, well He has, though I have not been listening. But today was well earned-and there has been  a total turnover, a “shift” which sounds so tacky, so “new age”-and I just love it.  All is so very clear to me, I hope for you also. We have hardly scratched the surface-just let go and fly; Jonathan-fly!

No-I am not smoking anything, taking anything, neither am I seeing psychedelic lights and I am stone, cold sober-and if you just may question my sanity-I am not mad either. And that voice talking is no hallucination nor am I considered schizophrenic-or diagnosed with some weird mental disorder-just to clear up some doubts here. 

Yep-there is far more out there than dreamt of in our philosophy. And just a reminder-if you think that this life is just what we see, that there is nothing more to it except ; sex, drugs and rock and roll- then you are sadly mistaken....and just perhaps maybe suffering from some grave mental disorder.


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