Saturday 31 December 2016

Happy New Year

Superstitions were meant to be listened to-or it will bite one in the backside. To-day, being the last day of the year, there are a number of things that one needs to watch, do or not do. For one-nothing to be eaten that swims, crawl , flies-bad news . So, four legged creatures –mainly ; pork for good luck in the new year.  Please, break nothing-that is a disaster in any which way-breaking up of relationships-family or love! Also-do not do any washing, especially hang or dry washing-that is a strict no-no-otherwise you will be working like a dog all year for nothing much. Now-one has to be vigilant of today, and tomorrow-for whatever transpires, that will be the venue for the whole year.  So tread carefully-listen to great music, or read great stuff-and above all make great food and eat it. Make sure your place is clean and organized, as that is how it will be all year.

My advice is-do not drink much-for that is not a good omen; one needs to be clear headed to accomplish purpose, goals and mission-no matter what that maybe all year. One needs to be conscious in this world, we are often in a daze, hardly awake. Time to wake up!   Make it a habit to say-“thank you” as soon as you open your eyes-then it will be a good day. Gratefulness is the magick esoteric word, trust me. Be happy, joyful  and optimistic for that is how the following year will be. Today is the time to construct a vision board, and a series of affirmations-I have one already from a past few months-but I will up date it. Plan the work, and work the plan is the motto for things happening.

Remember that we make our own lives, whatever happens we do it- be that understood at the time or not. So, do not rebel, be accepting of your choices, for I assure you they are all good. Let old baggage float away. Consciously make an effort in some visual way and see it leave you. New beginnings are great, exciting and allowing us some wonderful opportunities to  do major construction in our lives. No life is a rose garden-so one needs to be accepting and grateful for what one has, for so many have it much worse.

Each soul is a light on this planet, thus let us be that; we are responsible for all that is happening on the planet, so let us try and improve things-even in a small way. Compassion, understanding, acceptance and forgiveness are virtues that we all need to cultivate if we want peace in the world. Value and appreciate that divine spark in each living being-even animals; they are examples to us demonstrating unconditional love- recompense them for their gift, let us appreciate  and be good to them.

Forgive, forget and move on in the new year-non of us know how much time we have on this planet, but at this point we are alive so our mission is not done yet. Appreciate the “now” appreciate the “then” also –see how blessed we are being surrounded by people that love us, that we love, be that one or many. Family is so very special, though at times we may have our differences; that is just being human.

One needs to live with “mindfulness” and “gratitude” every moment -relating to life and Gaia. Generates more light- through respect and love for all has a very strong energy field that uplifts all, including the planet. Be generous to self and others, not only regarding the material, but the emotional aspects of existence-through that we progress and allow  our “higher self” to orchestrate things, as opposed to our ego-thus we move on, thus we shall have a peaceful planet thus we shall have a more enlightened human being-the key lies within us.

Happy New Year everybody-may you always be filled with love, happiness and joy. May you be forever be  blessed by our God and Our Lady in everything that you do-and always walk in the light. May you always live your lives with passion, courage and  wonder-and be the best you can ever be! Love, be love and  be loved!

Thursday 29 December 2016

Living through the heart

Life has to be in balance-if not, then there is dis-harmony; stress takes hold, chronic diseases arise, and the body ages much faster than it should. We are created to be in  homeostasis with our surroundings, to be in balance, to be in perfect resonance. What does it feel like when one`s body and soul are in balance? It may not feel that obvious. One may experience a subtle sense of happiness, feel at home in all kinds of situations, and find it easy to stay fit and healthy. It is important to be aware to spend time surrounded by nature, and  actually to  look forward to it every day. Nature has therapeutic affect on every system in the body-especially the heart.

Too often, one notices it more when one is out of balance. There are so many forces working to knock one off center. Even one`s drive to excel can be harmful. One often aims for standards of achievement that are not always attainable: one becomes very demanding and hard on one`s self. Obsession takes over regarding many things in life, taking things overboard into areas of extremes and missing the idea of “balance”. However, living and working at a frenetic pace, there is little time to reflect on what brings joy to our souls. Then, one morning one wakes up, wondering who one is, desperate to reconnect with ourselves.

So-one needs to seriously  slow down. Living through the heart is really the opposite to modern living. It takes the modern world influences and distractions out of the equation to focus on the answer to two important questions: Who am I, and: What is right for me to do in my journey of body and soul?

Rather than analyzing the world, when we are living through the heart, we experience the world-more so than even through the brain. That is because the heart is the part of one`s awareness that gives one thoughts and answers to life when one is  not consciously focused on. It is a message from "higher self"-it is a sort of connection to it . Our logical thoughts may not understand it, but a gentle force nudges one toward a purpose. If one takes the mind out of the equation, one can feel one`s true nature innately.

Seeking and appreciating the balance should be part of one`s journey in life. One should be vigilant and observe all things around –living in the “now” consciously is an important aspect.  One should take notes about thoughts that are present- notice events in nature, such as the beautiful sunrise, or  an awesome  starry sky or anything that creates love in the heart. Give one`s self kudos when one has been consistent in achieving some goal, no matter how small.  Appreciate the feelings of positivity, of joy, of  moments of happiness. Acknowledging moments when one feels generous, grateful,humble, fulfilled and when one feels healthy filled with light.

Finally, here is a useful exercise for experiencing the world with one`s heart. With every breath, feel your heart opening. Focus on the connection between your inner and outer environments. Now, feel how your heart is not only an organ inside your body, but a means to connection between you and the world. Visualize light pouring into it, and with it, beauty and wonder.

Trust your own awareness as you begin to experience this. Let your heart open as you are filled with these positive emotions, and feel your sense of well being growing, and expanding, creating your own world.

It takes awareness and work to stay in balance. But it is a nourishing work, an empowering journey that brings strength and health to body and soul. And shifting from an awareness based on the mind to one that comes from the heart enables one to connect to a quieter, but ever-present sense of direction. One will  find the right life for one`s self, with work and activities that bring joy.

We take care of the outside with strength, health, fitness and nourishing food. And we take care of the inside, with life, with nature, with the earth, and the seasons.  And with a fit body and a fit soul, we live in balance. Always live through the heart.


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Pretty soon it is 2017 rather exciting proposition-but where has 2016 gone? It seems that nothing of consequence has happened this year; however one needs to look beneath the surface to feel and to know the unfolding of one`s life. Yes-looking at that, a whole lot has happened, all for the good. As Anne said-“the turning point”. This most often happens every 7 or so years, and all seems to change in a blink of an eye, but permission is needed from “self “ to embark on a new journey-be that of spirit or soul. Most often we are very judgemental about our selves, and we stay in a holding pattern often for years-a sort of “limbo”- we feel undeserving, unworthy.  We sort of need to shed our old skin-and need to see things and each other with new eyes. It is such a marvellous, exhilarating feeling for one`s heart.

Cleaning, clearing be that with sage or ”holy water” adds the intention to the permission; thus I have given both. So, all unnecessary encumbrances were cast to the wind-or rather were shredded and disposed of-with a short goodbye. Letting go of all the physical aspects of life that weighs one down is an absolute necessity for moving on-so, travelling light is a great way to move forward into a new year. I though this would be a difficult undertaking-not at all, rather a liberating one. Also, it was a rather unfair situation to place onto an other who really loves you-but he was patient and very understanding.  Now-I have to say, that is what love really is. I am blessed and rather undeserving of such deep love, but then one chooses not love, but love chooses one. Yes-one can actually love an other with eyes closed, that is the secret, that is true love. Finding some other part of ourselves that we are sub-consciously searching  and yearn for, that the soul is searching for in an other is a special gift,- it`s grace.

Sure-we have many deep connections that change and drive our present life, one needs to put them all in perspective. They all have had their importance, and reason for turning up-but some just needs to be blessed and allowed to go on its own journey. One needs to embrace fully one relation at a time, a 100% commitment and be fully immersed in the relationship, not just partly-that is very unfair to the other. So, much was cleared out-physically and literally, as I was at 85%, now finally I am  at 100%. One owes it to the other to be honest, loyal and fair –or one just lives a lie carrying all the past emotional baggage. And-what goes around comes around-the law of karma has a long memory.

At this point, I have taken stock; I like- no, I love where I am at in my life-this life. I am exactly where I need to be-in my physical as well as my spiritual life. It is absolutely congruent, all has fallen into place. My plans are crystal clear for next year, all mapped out in detail-but that is the only way realize them.  I fully realize that at times fate just does not play fair, but I sincerely believe that “intention, faith and gratefulness” will always bring forth the potential for God`s plan for us.

We create our life-that is the gift of free will-we live from that divine space where God reside within us. If we do that, no matter what we shall always find peace, joy, happiness and  love. True-it all changes in the material world, however once we recognize that we are really multi-dimensional, quantum beings we suddenly wake up to the awareness that-all and everything is part of the other, we are forever present in some form; entangled, and never changing, fully conscious-“I AM”.

Monday 26 December 2016


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Major reflection time-of what is important in life-family is always one, but music has to be  number two, especially classical for me. Yes-this week is all about the classics, all the Strauss- es, Bizet, Liszt, Schubert, Mozart and Beethoven. Days like this that overwhelm heart with so many memories-all wonderful and uplifting the heart with gratefulness and gladness.

It does not feel nor look like the Christmas season today-the snow is melting ; as the weather is mild, well above 10C-so all one can is listen to all this wonderful, magical music-that conjure up the days of old, filled with happiness. I feel I am so blessed to  be often in the moment, as I am reminded by spirit that we need to appreciate the moment, as it flies away at the speed of light. I see its beauty and its impermanence, thus I try and capture it with mementos- music being a  profound medium.

All this Strauss- brings back my time in Vienna when I was a teenager-it was only a two weeks stay, but the imprint on my heart was permanent, and my love for that awesome city is never to be changed-for I was gifted with remembrance. I was reminded that I have had a few lifetimes there, I could feel the familiarity of the places that I visited. The sights, fragrances and sounds are part of my existence; had been there , spent lifetimes there.

The recognition was palpable as it is with music that I am now hearing  stirs up so much, at a conscious and sub-conscious level.  All is more real than the present moment-but this is true with what touches the soul; and Austria is deeply ingrained in the fabric of my DNA-I always knew, before when I had visited-I knew that Vienna was my real home-not even Budapest came close, though I was born there. However, more often in Vienna, than once-very many times.

I suppose that is why the pull is so strong-and I know that none of those lives were unhappy-some not easy, but happy, joyful and very meaningful for spirit. Especially one that is very strong-that I am able to see fragments of if I try real hard. It all is  so very real to me, I could just stay in those moments forever. This music keeps me there-probably that is why I do not listen to it that often; only when spirit prompts me, nudges me to recall. Then I do-with humility, love and gratefulness.

The stories do come back , if one really wants to access them-recollection is really easy , one we give ourselves permission; I have a few times –and it always feels wonderful to recall, though I do not do it often-I do not want to get lost in them entirely. But, it certainly feels good and gives the soul peace knowing that nothing has nor will be lost, ever . Indeed we are eternal-and so are our connections to each other and the world.

So now I will just sit here quietly and allow spirit to talk and enjoy the moments of remembrances.

Sunday 25 December 2016

Christmas 2016

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Christmas Eve as well as Christmas day went, as everything does, these days too have passed. It is always wonderful to be together with family, which we have ever since I can remember.  I think our family is lucky-as the past couple of years we are very close in proximity, and we do see each other very often-apart from major celebrations. This is the way it should be, as life is rather short; and these are days when memories are created.

These celebratory days for us are always very traditional, the same always in many ways-but always different really. I can honestly say that I remember at least 90% of all the past years-many in detail. Apart from celebrating the birth of Jesus, is a wonderful way to tie us to the past. Yes, to all those people whom we have loved, whom we still love who are no longer in this earthly realm, but are still very much connected to us on a heart and soul level. It is such a deep reminder-and all feels and seems as if all happened yesterday-all seems timeless.

There is a definite continuity to it-and that is a wonderful warm feeling to that knowing that some things do not really change. The memories keep on living within us-the pictures very vivid in our heads-so nothing really ever passes, even if the years do-and so do the people that we love. There is no death –for they all live on within us, and I am convinced that one day we shall once more be together and celebrate at one table. It is a promise that Our Lord made-and I trust His word.

Friday 23 December 2016

Cross the Rubicon

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Change is difficult, change take time, change needs patience, change needs a long term vision-but non the less, change is afoot. Now-if you are into the “new age” phenomena of accepting and believing that we have stepped into a new paradigm and the “shift” is upon us, then you are able to perceive the subtle changes happening all around. Nothing is as it was-and in fact it has been a tremendously fast process, even to the human mind it seems fast. Even linear time itself seems to have has sped up-just yesterday was 2012, heck, just yesterday was 2000. We try and resist-and often it is hard to, but recognize the need for change. We love our old, safe ways, but we have come to the  point where we have to cross “the Rubicon”-or stay behind. However, there is always a choice not to.

It is hard to let go, it is scary-but once it happens, fear just dissipates  –it comes with a tremendous feeling of freedom-in fact it is a rush without drugs. Why is this? -Well, I am no expert, but I think that we are always guided by our higher-self-who knows, but ego resists –it wants to stay in control and run the show. However , once we accept the new idea of becoming the “new human” we allow permission for self to change-at that point, then there is a shift, and the higher –self gets to be in control. One can actually palpate and feel the difference-it is seeing all in a different light-views, perspectives change and it feels great. One feels being in total control, -not just blowing in the wind aimlessly.

We, humans, have come a long way-these times of transition should be celebrated, be conscious of-for no times like these have ever existed on the planet. We, if we allow-are able to see so much more; our vision and perspectives have taken on a more panoramic view; -a planetary view. But, we are at this point in time not restricted-we can have a more cosmic view if we so choose. What would be the advantage of this? Why would one choose change? What could it achieve?  What would it mean?

The power of the step up is enormous. Everything in creation is purpose driven-one may not see it, but one can feel it especially in these time. The purpose is to expand, to grow –metaphorically and literally. The advantage here would be, that one will have a wider panorama of life, knowing that we can and have the power to direct our lives in every way. It is all up to us, a choice of free will.  This means that one would have greater understanding of all life-including the unseen ones-above all "cognizing" that God is within all, including us. Bringing forth, all the hidden knowledge, the actual power of the “innate”  and using the knowledge for improving self-as well as for the well being of the planet.

Change is progress, and progress is needed to move to higher aspects-to raise our awareness and consciousness.  The purpose of creation is to bring the “created” closer to the “creator” towards enlightenment, which is the beginning of real self actualization -and to realize that man is indeed made in the image of God. This mean-having the same attributes as God, for we are the “God spark”-thus we are “co-creators” in everything.  The blueprint is there, but choosing the possibilities are up to us, having a deeper insight will make one make wiser choices as all will be seen with different eyes as the planet changes .

This will achieve a closer relationship with God, realizing that there is no separation and that we are indeed part of the "ocean" whom is God. Knowing fully and accepting that we were created in love and are loved deeply.  A realization that we are masters of our lives, for that is free choice and endless possibilities to experience, express life in a positive way. It  means that we acknowledge and understand that we are spiritual, multi dimensional beings  - and that we are indeed quantum, ageless and timeless. We are and never were victims of creation-we have the power of the creative source-all negativity in life is allowing a lower vibration to function,-but then again, this is a choice.

We can become more compassionate, happy, caring, loving human beings to all. Health, longevity, harmony and balance can be achieved to its full potential. We can be real emissaries of light-the process is slow, but one needs to start now

The “new paradigm” also includes the first step up from “0”onto the “1st“ rung of  cosmic civilization according to the theoretical physicist-M. Kaku-he also says, that at this point in time –there are at least “6” cosmic civilization-from some channelings scores more.  God is wonderful indeed, and we are actually contributing to the expansion of the universe. It is a choice to embrace change or not. There are so many wondrous things to experience,  to see in this “new age”. Do not resist it it- take a chance and be daring, you will not be disappointed for we are all so very blessed to be living in these times. Be daring like Caesar, cross the Rubicon.

Thursday 22 December 2016

God particle

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Now this makes perfect sense to my soul. No this was not a divine revelation to me, but most certainly an epiphany that came from a recent channeling of Kryon. Concepts of life, death come in numerous metaphors, stories and even experiences. All religions state that we are immortal-and something within us is eternal.  Which one is true to spirit? Well, that is up to the consciousness of each individual soul-but whatever it is, it is all the “truth”.

We, are comprised of “self” that is anchored in physical reality, in linearity- and the “higher self”- that lies beyond the veil-(there is multiple names to this place), which is anchored in the ocean of quantum  existence, where all is ”one”. The “self” and the “higher self” is connected-metaphorically, by the “silver chord” . Thus soul in constant communication with its different parts.

In simple terms. Soul is eternal, endless and limitless. Thus when we die, we leave a piece or fractal of our soul behind, that gets to be part of  the soul of one`s that we have loved. It is incorporated into the very fabric of their DNA -so we still exist partly in them as we return to beyond the veil. Thus as we re-incarnate in each lifetime, we each time go through the same process-functioning multi-dimensionally on multiple levels. Each time we leave part of our self behind. Thus, as we ever expand and evolve as a “grand  consciousness unit”. Universal Consciousness, whom is God –whom is comprised of all the  individual soul sparks, forever expanding, eternally experiencing :”SELF”. Action created by the soul sparks.

So, we could say that each soul is the functional part of God, -we are the God particle, God in action. We are the manifestation of God in form-reflecting: “SELF” back to "SELF"-through the I AM, principle-through Shiva/Shakti principle as all is being created and destroyed through the dance of consciousness and energy. No Hadron Collider needed!

Wednesday 21 December 2016


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Being Christmas, one tends to be more introspective of one`s life-especially as one gets older, the priorities change. So do needs and wants. What makes one happy? What brings one joy? What makes one contented? –Stuff and more stuff?  I hardly think so. Sure it can add much to one`s life, makes life easier in many way, but often we fall into the trap of wanting more-never being satisfied. I really do not think that we are on this planet to be chasing some shiny object, constantly that we think will fill that empty space in our heart. Neither does our happiness dependent on an other soul. I suppose when one is young and foolish, one tends to think that. However, unless one find that peace and contentment within; happiness cannot exist.

So-truly what makes one happy? True, we are all different, unique, but there are certain underlining laws of spirit that is one for all. Joy is a necessary integral part of happiness-so one needs to find ways to be more joyful. One needs to see the beauty in everything- one needs to be a deep “observer of life”.  Joy is the catalyst for happiness, contentment and peace as one sees beyond the physical. One comes to the realization that all of creation is sacred, one feels the presence of God in one`s self and everything .

We all create everything consciously for ourselves, or not- for the potential for both is there. God has given us free will which allows us to create whatever the soul or heart needs. Gratefulness is an other catalyst which enhances  the creative divine force within us. Thus-one needs to be consciously grateful for each moment for once it has passed it shall never return. It is truly a gift to be able to see the beauty of the “now”, the reverence of the "now".  

One needs to live with passion and purpose, for we have a magnificent life.The secret is that that no matter how or where we are on our journey, we are always so very blessed-and knowing that it is a choice to be joyful, happy, contented and peaceful.....which eventually all boils down to love, whom is God.

Sunday 18 December 2016

Time to say goodbye

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 I have major news for everyone out there! I have done some real soul searching lately, and shone some light on a few things in my life, and things which I never wanted to admit have become crystal clear-finally bubbled to the surface of being. We are the greatest of liars to ourselves, about many things that affect and effect our lives. We try and convince ourselves of  facts that are actual “lies”, which never was nor will it ever be ”truth” because it just feels good. And yes, we all want to be loved, we so want to be needed,- we desperately yearn to be someone`s hero. So-we lie to our higher self, "ego" lies. In truth, we need no one, for what we crave, long for is already present within us. We feel the strong need of an other soul to complete us. Not at all, for we are all complete-God is within,God is home.

We say things with determination, to ourselves, -well, in truth “ego” tends to do the convincing, the cheating and the talking- its sole purpose is just wanting to convince every cell of our body for its own selfish purpose, and in so doing trying to misdirect spirit or make us blind to the reality of things. Plays mind games for its own advantage and sake-but what this does it grounds us more in the physical, trying to anchor us further into 3-D.  Ego is more in line with the dark side, as it is to the light. Yes-it is real hard thing to let go.

You see-spirit knows all , sees all, understands all; if we do not allow “ego”-the little me, into the drivers seat. Let me put all this into a more understandable form regarding life, for life is more complex than our physical existence-as I do believe most sincerely that we are multi dimensional beings, and stepping it up a notch at this moment in temporal time. Perhaps becoming more aware that just maybe-our true existence and nature lies in a more quantum field. The light workers would call this an “upgrade” of our DNA to a  higher vibration-but before all else, one must be free of the “old energy”.

Where am I going with all this which seems to make not one iota of sense?  Well, I will tell the honest truth-as 2016 is year of 9 “completion” and 2017 is a 1-“ new beginning”-which is living from the heart not the brain.

You see a “new beginning “ cannot start until all the prior business has been addressed, dealt with and in a sense one has to “burn all bridges”-figuratively. Everything that is a hindrance -especially illusions, dreams and memories. Time to grow up and get out of the sandbox. Say goodbye to all with reverence-and give self the permission to leave all behind. I promise –“ego“ has a very short memory span.

First. Be honest with spirit without fear. This is an absolute “must”. Everything that we want to know, really need in every possible way, all answers lie in the love and wisdom of spirit.  All one needs is to accept it in gratitude, and it is done.

Second. Realize that everything is connected to everything-all is “one” really with no separation.  Nothing can be ever lost—this is the truth, ego wants one to think otherwise. All life has within it the “divine spark”.  Cling not to lies of ego.  The reason of existence is to expand and be more aware of this connection between self- the I AM, which is God in compassionate action.

Third. Face the stuff without the mantra of ”poor little me”—and just let go totally, fully and  let God in every way to manifest from within to without. Step into the new energy of light with great hope, -knowing, realizing that all is well and that we are so loved by God knowing that through love, all things are possible. Leave the past behind for good, never look back—for all had its purpose, but now it is needed no longer.

Time to say goodbye to all that was-and say hello to the "light" of wisdom, understanding, compassion and be aware of higher consciousness. Welcome to the "new age" of humanity-great, blessed time to be alive. Be ever grateful for the honor-never forget the sacredness of "I AM" that is always followed by a verb. 

Thus-I AM, love and light.
I AM, Suzanne 

Friday 16 December 2016


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Fast forward to 2016: -continuing from previous post as to where we are now in December 2016;

As the Maya had said: “The road forks here, so our choice to go up or down”- 2012 was the stepping over point, and it was year zero,-thus  year one was 2013 as we will be entering year “FIVE” = "change"of the second 18-according to Kryon, as 2016 is a  “NINE” equaling completion. Year 2017, is a "ONE"="new beginnings". Thus now is time to clean house-in every way. Mental, spiritual and physical-if we are going to take the “up road”-the time of awareness, the time of awakening, the time of  realization. Get ready for change and new beginnings.

We are leaving the "age of barbarism" behind-the 20th  Century; the 21st was the beginning  of awakening- and we are in the transformation phase. Just look around the planet-see it, feel it.Everything, everywhere is changing-spiritually, physically and geo-politically. We have embarked on a new wonderful journey-and year "FIVE"is coming up-hope has regained  a foothold and spirit is the driving force of humanity. It is stepping up in time that which  has been spoken about by the ancients-we are so lucky to be here-the most exciting time in creation as we are witnessing the change ; but everybody is here! For we were and are the ancients-as Kryon says!

God-love-light is winning the battle over darkness, the old energy-this is the time of the great reckoning. Yes-still wars are raging-darkness does not give up easily; but not for long-the souls within that struggle shall emerge victorious, for there is no death-but change-humanities`s birthright! As Our Lord said: "Fear not".

Thus we enter year "FIVE" of the last 18, with a "ONE" coming up. Clean house!...I have, but not quite finished. How about you?
....and so it is.


Refresher from 2012

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The text below is in note-form. I think I’ve captured all the important data, but this is not an exact word for word transcription.
Kryon starts with a quick review of where we are ‘right now’.

The basis of ancient Mayan Calendars is that the Mayans saw the processions of the equinoxes... over time they saw how the stars were not in the same place year to year, how they moved ever so slowly. They measured the movement and realised that it was a cycle.

The galactic alignment began 18 years ago, it’s a 36 year event moving through the galactic centre - the stripe in the sky. So 18 more years to come!

Changes on the planet began about then... and its also when predictions of Nostradamus and Scripture fell over - a few years after the Harmonic Convergence of 1987.

This means that many ancient prophecies are not now going to come to pass.

In these 36 years there is a profundity of potential...

One of the early inventions was the laser beam. Another aspect is the rise of spiritual teachers, messengers, those writing books etc - in short there has been a grand awakening of teachers.

(Kryon says to take the following lightly). The movement of Earth is slow, and includes oscillations which make for the possibility of error. At the centre of galaxies are black holes which distort light and time - and what we think is the middle. In truth we have already passed the alignment with the centre (but we do not ‘see’ it that way) and have been sitting in the energy for a while... For us what we celebrate on the 21st is a marker.

Over the next 18 years... there will be a battle called the Bridge of Swords, which is a description of getting rid of the old energy as it flails and fights and dies hard, struggling to survive. It will keep trying, putting on a new face to try a new way - but always not succeeding. Kryon saw this happen to the Plaiedians, which is why he knows its going to happen to us. Don’t worry if people say that we are not moving forward, we will be - even though we won’t always see it!

The young of today are different! They think differently . Especially those under 20 will be looking at us and asking “what is wrong / up with you”? They will know that the old energies have had their days...

Major ‘game changing’ inventions which change life for all on the planet in a big & positive way are delivered through consciousness from the Divine - given to humans when it is ‘time’ (people are ready) - they never just happen randomly. Often there are several inventors working on these inventions simultaneously and totally independently. Medicine, radio, flight... the Americans are credited for inventing powered flight, but in reality the French were only one week behind them! Often these inventions come with the aim of helping people come together (or cure of illnesses eg: Penicillin), creating a unified planet where we can see just how alike we all really are and what in life works, what does not work. Did Marconi really invent radio? Others were also working on it at the same time but did not publish.

The potential is seen that within 18 years the middle east will enjoy peace. Kryon will be “very surprised” if this has not happened by then. It’s the young ones who will do this, as they have not automatically assumed hate for the others (as taught by their parents - on both sides). They will make THE difference (My comment: I assume this means that peace comes through reconciliation between Jews, Christians and Islamics and not one wiping the others out!)

Coming soon, a new technology which lets us tune in to what we could not tune in to before. A really big game changer!

The new invention will be the revelation of being able to measure and see Quantum energy - albeit initially through instruments. This will blow everything we know out of the water - every single science will need to be re-written. physics, biology, etc

This brand new technology will allow us to tune in to things we could not tune into before.

Initially we wont realise its significance.

But once we open the portal to multi-dimensional energy and can see it / can work with it the first thing we will be aware of will change everything we know. We will be astounded. We will have a global ‘aha’ moment.

We will have discovered how to communicate with the rest of the galaxy (in real-time) and realise that its actually teeming with life. All our present day ideas about inter-stellar communications using radio waves will be realised as being ‘old’, 3D.

Anyone who has quantum receivers / transmitters will be able to speak to us / hear us! This will be done through a process of entanglement. Kryon said that NASA is working on this right now. It will take a while to figure out who is talking and what they are saying, but we will get there.

Most affected by this will be the Church / religion. (These notes do not include Kryon explanation for saying this).

This will possibly / probably will take longer than just 18 years... but the coming 18 years are the time for planting the seeds (Kryon says that he is speaking metaphorically).

The children growing up now and their children will put all this together. Their children will give the planet what Kryon describes as the biggest invention it has ever had. Kryon says that when people can see quantum energy and start looking around the planet they will see the grid, the crystalline, life forms which were not previously known / not even contemplated could exist in the air, ........ thanks all to this we will have to redefine life - as it will no longer be as we thought we knew it!!!!!

Our DNA is evolving... even over 1000 years, over 50 years, it has changed. Over next 18 years the speed of the changes will become exponential. “Designer evolution” - there is a link between Gaia, human consciousness and the evolution factor of human DNA - by us changing the energy of the planet Gaia will respond by shifting our DNA. At present our DNA is working at 30%. By the end of the 18 years will be at 35%. This represents very significant change for such a short period of time. Soon our scientists will start seeing this.

(This next section might upset people - but if really understood will explain much and help foster greater understanding about whats really going on.)

Evolution pushes the envelope, it creates and then tests to see how changes work.. The savants and autistic children who have been born without structure of 3 dimensions are quantum individuals to the max who respond poorly / badly to 3D society. They represent Gaia / Mother Nature and Spirit testing the waters of whats next for humanity, how far can it push the DNA changes... to create people who are less structured, who can think conceptually and quantumly.

The pattern comes from the Plaiedians, who are quantum - they have quantum biology - after their transition it took them almost a quarter of a rev to reach this level. A rev (ie: revolution) is the time it takes for one revolution around the galaxy.

Clock time ‘as we know it’ is only related to life here on this planet. But since all stars travel at the exact same speed so this creates a universal way of expressing time.

We will redefine life. Kryon asks what happens if we find a kind of life which we can have a dialogue with that is not corporeal. We will talk with the air, the forests, the animals. The way Kryon says this suggests that the people who hear this message will also be here to see this - although its unlikely that we (you and me) will be in our present-day (2012) bodies when this comes to pass. We will be able to see the fruits of our labour, of our struggles of the present era.

Kryon describes the potentials for a future earth... 5 currencies, war is something that the barbarians used to do before the end of the long count. It was foolish, stupid. Once you have arrived on a continent you are there. No borders, same money, etc. Everyone likes each other. Even in the middle east - people will wonder what was wrong with their grandparents, why they hated each other.

Its about consciousness. Seeds we plant ‘today’ just need to grow up, be given a chance - these ideas may seem outlandish but they are not.

Consciousness is the key to a better future. Kryon says that he has often talked about compassionate action - the eagle meets the condor - a balanced planet (no longer masculine heavy) which sees the wisdom of the divine female. The attributes of the mother, who would never send her dearly loved children to the battlefield..

Change is slow, we are on our way - we should take a moment out celebrate our being half way through the shift, we are on our way!!!!

Its time for the ‘first world’ to start to understand the process, get in touch with the ancestors (who are already celebrating) and ask them whats going on, hear their prophecies and discover that they are the same as ours. This will make us more peaceful people.

Kryon wants us to leave this place differently than when we came. (I assume he means room / gathering). He says that there is hope, a LOT of it. He implies that he and many others on the other side of the veil are standing with us holding our hands - and this time they are not letting go. His tone of voice is one of hopeful excitement, as this time it really does seem that we are going to make it.