Saturday 31 December 2016

Happy New Year

Superstitions were meant to be listened to-or it will bite one in the backside. To-day, being the last day of the year, there are a number of things that one needs to watch, do or not do. For one-nothing to be eaten that swims, crawl , flies-bad news . So, four legged creatures –mainly ; pork for good luck in the new year.  Please, break nothing-that is a disaster in any which way-breaking up of relationships-family or love! Also-do not do any washing, especially hang or dry washing-that is a strict no-no-otherwise you will be working like a dog all year for nothing much. Now-one has to be vigilant of today, and tomorrow-for whatever transpires, that will be the venue for the whole year.  So tread carefully-listen to great music, or read great stuff-and above all make great food and eat it. Make sure your place is clean and organized, as that is how it will be all year.

My advice is-do not drink much-for that is not a good omen; one needs to be clear headed to accomplish purpose, goals and mission-no matter what that maybe all year. One needs to be conscious in this world, we are often in a daze, hardly awake. Time to wake up!   Make it a habit to say-“thank you” as soon as you open your eyes-then it will be a good day. Gratefulness is the magick esoteric word, trust me. Be happy, joyful  and optimistic for that is how the following year will be. Today is the time to construct a vision board, and a series of affirmations-I have one already from a past few months-but I will up date it. Plan the work, and work the plan is the motto for things happening.

Remember that we make our own lives, whatever happens we do it- be that understood at the time or not. So, do not rebel, be accepting of your choices, for I assure you they are all good. Let old baggage float away. Consciously make an effort in some visual way and see it leave you. New beginnings are great, exciting and allowing us some wonderful opportunities to  do major construction in our lives. No life is a rose garden-so one needs to be accepting and grateful for what one has, for so many have it much worse.

Each soul is a light on this planet, thus let us be that; we are responsible for all that is happening on the planet, so let us try and improve things-even in a small way. Compassion, understanding, acceptance and forgiveness are virtues that we all need to cultivate if we want peace in the world. Value and appreciate that divine spark in each living being-even animals; they are examples to us demonstrating unconditional love- recompense them for their gift, let us appreciate  and be good to them.

Forgive, forget and move on in the new year-non of us know how much time we have on this planet, but at this point we are alive so our mission is not done yet. Appreciate the “now” appreciate the “then” also –see how blessed we are being surrounded by people that love us, that we love, be that one or many. Family is so very special, though at times we may have our differences; that is just being human.

One needs to live with “mindfulness” and “gratitude” every moment -relating to life and Gaia. Generates more light- through respect and love for all has a very strong energy field that uplifts all, including the planet. Be generous to self and others, not only regarding the material, but the emotional aspects of existence-through that we progress and allow  our “higher self” to orchestrate things, as opposed to our ego-thus we move on, thus we shall have a peaceful planet thus we shall have a more enlightened human being-the key lies within us.

Happy New Year everybody-may you always be filled with love, happiness and joy. May you be forever be  blessed by our God and Our Lady in everything that you do-and always walk in the light. May you always live your lives with passion, courage and  wonder-and be the best you can ever be! Love, be love and  be loved!

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