Sunday 1 January 2017

On being grateful

Image result for old beautiful post cards
I had this saved sometime ago-as I thought it would come in handy, for the time when I had decided to make this a habit of my life. Well-new years are always a good place to start-it is sort of a resolution, however I do not make them as I never keep the. But-this I shall incorporate into my life. Though-I am going to here put my own version into this poem of sort. I wish I knew who wrote it, as the credit is not mine-except the things I am grateful for-starting with last night.

The three gratitudes-
Every night before I go to sleep
I will say out loud,
Three things that I’m grateful for,
All the significant, insignificant
Extraordinary, ordinary stuff of my life.
It’s a small practice and humble,
And yet, I find I sleep better
Holding what lightens and softens my life
Ever so briefly at the end of the day.

Sunlight, and starry skies-moonlight,
The crackling snow under my feet.
Good kitties , most prcious fur kids-

-all three Fonzie, Chloe and Alice.
and awesome green Philodendron 
and ferns in my living room,
A wonderful New Years Eve with mom, -
phone call from the kids at midnight-
And an amazing concert from the Lincoln Centre,
A photo session with mom-last night ,
the creek partly iced glittering like diamonds,
and all the Christmas cards from friends and family.
My mothers  good health,-as well as mine,
seeing my daughter so beautiful-glowing with happiness.
Knowing that all family is within 5kms-nice to be near.
Hearing the “The Great Pretender” by the Platters-
and “Smoke gets in your eyes,”mom`s favourite.
Making me choked up as memories of SA come flooding back.
beautiful Church-Mass this morning at St Francis de Sales.
Especially being with mom-speaking with my cousin
and Aunt Olgi on Skype-and Aniko from Sweden.
Great lunch-pork of course-and “kocsonya”-
And your sweet face-and beautiful words.
All the magic of “then". My heart filled with love.

This most awesome house-all the stain glass,

Poinsettias on the table-sun streaming in.
The “Blue Danube Waltz” and French Horns.
Ticking of the clock- and tiny spiders.
Candles and incense on the old organ-who played it,
I wonder?
My old coat-that my dad loved-the snow flake crystal broach,
from Oliver and Co.
Thoughts of sweet Muriel-how I love her.
Scent of “Opium”.
Message of Kryon-so profound-touched my heart,
-6 things; Belief,  intention , emotion, leave troubles behind, 
spread Merkabah, open the door!
And that I know that intention and faith-
Is everything.
Never a doubt-about God-and so it is.

And after three things,-well much more by now,
More often than not,
I get on a roll and I just keep on going,
I keep naming and listing,
Until I lie grinning,
Blankets pulled up to my chin,
Awash with wonder
At the sweetness of it all.

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