Monday 2 January 2017

Life extension

I love new years and its promise, it is so exciting just thinking about it-knowing that there are so many opportunities that we fail to see.  This year is most special-“New Beginnings”#1 are always good news-especially when it is intermingled with “Change” #5. Attitude and Gratitude, is the driving force for our free will-and whatever we will access from the set of  “blueprints” is set by us.

 Now –lately I have read much, and delved deeper into a few of the more unconventional ideas-trying to think more outside the box. Linear thinking is really the old energy at work, time to utilize the  “new paradigm” –and see reality through new eyes. All it takes is practice-and allowing the “higher self “ to express its voice. Yes-we can all channel, we can all be aware of the multi dimension side of ourselves see and in a quantum way. Remember the 6 things one needs to Belief, Intention, Emotion, Spread Merkabah, Let trouble go,  Open the door, -and remember the 3 things to be grateful for every night –that is vital  for things to start happening or one just marks time.

 This year, is important to work on one`s self—as one comes to the realization that all is possible, it is time to act on it. One really needs to work  towards “self actualization” in every way-as Abraham Maslow suggests.  This entail a number of  areas-one need to work on one, that one feels important. Being in the health field-for me that is important for myself as well as my patients. So, briefly I will make some general suggestions that I myself will also follow. I have worked on this a while, but one tends to loose focus-it does take a some practice, conditioning and effort-as ego has a loud voice, and likes to take the easier route.

 One needs to remember –that age is a number, and there can be a huge difference between chronological age and biological age. The genes, have a part to play, but let me tell you a rather small one. Do not believe what they tell you—the allopathic community, one is not slave to one`s genes, far from it-one can access and turn on one`s that are sleeping.

What I am suggesting here is rather general—as each individual is different. Their needs and metabolism is different. You feel  and see the difference in three weeks-but it all has to be kept up. If one misses a day or two—just start again as soon as possible. But do not stop.

We have so many things that will help at our finger tips—that have come a long way in the past 30 years. So now, all one needs is to “do it”. Below are a few suggestions that one can consider in slowing down the aging process-the amounts suggested are base line/per day. I also have not suggested the basics-one can do research on that. –The suggested supplements will also waken a few genes that will promote good health. I will not explain what is for what, one can research it on the internet. Before you start anything-you may want to consult with your doctor, as this is a general prescription-and  you may have underlying health conditions that should be considered!

1.      Co enzyme Q10-150mg

2.     PQQ (pyrroloquinnolone quinone)-20mg

3.     Ashwaganda-125mg

4.     Phosphatidylcholine- 1,000mg

5.      Omega 3-1,2oomg

6.     D-5,000IU

7.     Curcumin/Cinnamon-1tsp each

8.     Garlic -900 mg

9.     Acetyl-L carnatine-500mg

10.   Lipoic acid-300mg

      11.    Astaxanthin-4mg

      12.    L-glutathione-50mg

      13.    E-400IU

      14.    Lutein-150mg

      15.  Ginko Biloba-100mg

Remember to add the basics-as well as life style changes. One day at a time!! Hope that this will help you to be the best you can be-and it is the first step towards life-extension.

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