Friday 16 December 2016


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Fast forward to 2016: -continuing from previous post as to where we are now in December 2016;

As the Maya had said: “The road forks here, so our choice to go up or down”- 2012 was the stepping over point, and it was year zero,-thus  year one was 2013 as we will be entering year “FIVE” = "change"of the second 18-according to Kryon, as 2016 is a  “NINE” equaling completion. Year 2017, is a "ONE"="new beginnings". Thus now is time to clean house-in every way. Mental, spiritual and physical-if we are going to take the “up road”-the time of awareness, the time of awakening, the time of  realization. Get ready for change and new beginnings.

We are leaving the "age of barbarism" behind-the 20th  Century; the 21st was the beginning  of awakening- and we are in the transformation phase. Just look around the planet-see it, feel it.Everything, everywhere is changing-spiritually, physically and geo-politically. We have embarked on a new wonderful journey-and year "FIVE"is coming up-hope has regained  a foothold and spirit is the driving force of humanity. It is stepping up in time that which  has been spoken about by the ancients-we are so lucky to be here-the most exciting time in creation as we are witnessing the change ; but everybody is here! For we were and are the ancients-as Kryon says!

God-love-light is winning the battle over darkness, the old energy-this is the time of the great reckoning. Yes-still wars are raging-darkness does not give up easily; but not for long-the souls within that struggle shall emerge victorious, for there is no death-but change-humanities`s birthright! As Our Lord said: "Fear not".

Thus we enter year "FIVE" of the last 18, with a "ONE" coming up. Clean house!...I have, but not quite finished. How about you?
....and so it is.


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