Sunday 18 December 2016

Time to say goodbye

Image result for quantum energy
 I have major news for everyone out there! I have done some real soul searching lately, and shone some light on a few things in my life, and things which I never wanted to admit have become crystal clear-finally bubbled to the surface of being. We are the greatest of liars to ourselves, about many things that affect and effect our lives. We try and convince ourselves of  facts that are actual “lies”, which never was nor will it ever be ”truth” because it just feels good. And yes, we all want to be loved, we so want to be needed,- we desperately yearn to be someone`s hero. So-we lie to our higher self, "ego" lies. In truth, we need no one, for what we crave, long for is already present within us. We feel the strong need of an other soul to complete us. Not at all, for we are all complete-God is within,God is home.

We say things with determination, to ourselves, -well, in truth “ego” tends to do the convincing, the cheating and the talking- its sole purpose is just wanting to convince every cell of our body for its own selfish purpose, and in so doing trying to misdirect spirit or make us blind to the reality of things. Plays mind games for its own advantage and sake-but what this does it grounds us more in the physical, trying to anchor us further into 3-D.  Ego is more in line with the dark side, as it is to the light. Yes-it is real hard thing to let go.

You see-spirit knows all , sees all, understands all; if we do not allow “ego”-the little me, into the drivers seat. Let me put all this into a more understandable form regarding life, for life is more complex than our physical existence-as I do believe most sincerely that we are multi dimensional beings, and stepping it up a notch at this moment in temporal time. Perhaps becoming more aware that just maybe-our true existence and nature lies in a more quantum field. The light workers would call this an “upgrade” of our DNA to a  higher vibration-but before all else, one must be free of the “old energy”.

Where am I going with all this which seems to make not one iota of sense?  Well, I will tell the honest truth-as 2016 is year of 9 “completion” and 2017 is a 1-“ new beginning”-which is living from the heart not the brain.

You see a “new beginning “ cannot start until all the prior business has been addressed, dealt with and in a sense one has to “burn all bridges”-figuratively. Everything that is a hindrance -especially illusions, dreams and memories. Time to grow up and get out of the sandbox. Say goodbye to all with reverence-and give self the permission to leave all behind. I promise –“ego“ has a very short memory span.

First. Be honest with spirit without fear. This is an absolute “must”. Everything that we want to know, really need in every possible way, all answers lie in the love and wisdom of spirit.  All one needs is to accept it in gratitude, and it is done.

Second. Realize that everything is connected to everything-all is “one” really with no separation.  Nothing can be ever lost—this is the truth, ego wants one to think otherwise. All life has within it the “divine spark”.  Cling not to lies of ego.  The reason of existence is to expand and be more aware of this connection between self- the I AM, which is God in compassionate action.

Third. Face the stuff without the mantra of ”poor little me”—and just let go totally, fully and  let God in every way to manifest from within to without. Step into the new energy of light with great hope, -knowing, realizing that all is well and that we are so loved by God knowing that through love, all things are possible. Leave the past behind for good, never look back—for all had its purpose, but now it is needed no longer.

Time to say goodbye to all that was-and say hello to the "light" of wisdom, understanding, compassion and be aware of higher consciousness. Welcome to the "new age" of humanity-great, blessed time to be alive. Be ever grateful for the honor-never forget the sacredness of "I AM" that is always followed by a verb. 

Thus-I AM, love and light.
I AM, Suzanne 

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