Wednesday 21 December 2016


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Being Christmas, one tends to be more introspective of one`s life-especially as one gets older, the priorities change. So do needs and wants. What makes one happy? What brings one joy? What makes one contented? –Stuff and more stuff?  I hardly think so. Sure it can add much to one`s life, makes life easier in many way, but often we fall into the trap of wanting more-never being satisfied. I really do not think that we are on this planet to be chasing some shiny object, constantly that we think will fill that empty space in our heart. Neither does our happiness dependent on an other soul. I suppose when one is young and foolish, one tends to think that. However, unless one find that peace and contentment within; happiness cannot exist.

So-truly what makes one happy? True, we are all different, unique, but there are certain underlining laws of spirit that is one for all. Joy is a necessary integral part of happiness-so one needs to find ways to be more joyful. One needs to see the beauty in everything- one needs to be a deep “observer of life”.  Joy is the catalyst for happiness, contentment and peace as one sees beyond the physical. One comes to the realization that all of creation is sacred, one feels the presence of God in one`s self and everything .

We all create everything consciously for ourselves, or not- for the potential for both is there. God has given us free will which allows us to create whatever the soul or heart needs. Gratefulness is an other catalyst which enhances  the creative divine force within us. Thus-one needs to be consciously grateful for each moment for once it has passed it shall never return. It is truly a gift to be able to see the beauty of the “now”, the reverence of the "now".  

One needs to live with passion and purpose, for we have a magnificent life.The secret is that that no matter how or where we are on our journey, we are always so very blessed-and knowing that it is a choice to be joyful, happy, contented and peaceful.....which eventually all boils down to love, whom is God.

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