Thursday 29 December 2016


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Pretty soon it is 2017 rather exciting proposition-but where has 2016 gone? It seems that nothing of consequence has happened this year; however one needs to look beneath the surface to feel and to know the unfolding of one`s life. Yes-looking at that, a whole lot has happened, all for the good. As Anne said-“the turning point”. This most often happens every 7 or so years, and all seems to change in a blink of an eye, but permission is needed from “self “ to embark on a new journey-be that of spirit or soul. Most often we are very judgemental about our selves, and we stay in a holding pattern often for years-a sort of “limbo”- we feel undeserving, unworthy.  We sort of need to shed our old skin-and need to see things and each other with new eyes. It is such a marvellous, exhilarating feeling for one`s heart.

Cleaning, clearing be that with sage or ”holy water” adds the intention to the permission; thus I have given both. So, all unnecessary encumbrances were cast to the wind-or rather were shredded and disposed of-with a short goodbye. Letting go of all the physical aspects of life that weighs one down is an absolute necessity for moving on-so, travelling light is a great way to move forward into a new year. I though this would be a difficult undertaking-not at all, rather a liberating one. Also, it was a rather unfair situation to place onto an other who really loves you-but he was patient and very understanding.  Now-I have to say, that is what love really is. I am blessed and rather undeserving of such deep love, but then one chooses not love, but love chooses one. Yes-one can actually love an other with eyes closed, that is the secret, that is true love. Finding some other part of ourselves that we are sub-consciously searching  and yearn for, that the soul is searching for in an other is a special gift,- it`s grace.

Sure-we have many deep connections that change and drive our present life, one needs to put them all in perspective. They all have had their importance, and reason for turning up-but some just needs to be blessed and allowed to go on its own journey. One needs to embrace fully one relation at a time, a 100% commitment and be fully immersed in the relationship, not just partly-that is very unfair to the other. So, much was cleared out-physically and literally, as I was at 85%, now finally I am  at 100%. One owes it to the other to be honest, loyal and fair –or one just lives a lie carrying all the past emotional baggage. And-what goes around comes around-the law of karma has a long memory.

At this point, I have taken stock; I like- no, I love where I am at in my life-this life. I am exactly where I need to be-in my physical as well as my spiritual life. It is absolutely congruent, all has fallen into place. My plans are crystal clear for next year, all mapped out in detail-but that is the only way realize them.  I fully realize that at times fate just does not play fair, but I sincerely believe that “intention, faith and gratefulness” will always bring forth the potential for God`s plan for us.

We create our life-that is the gift of free will-we live from that divine space where God reside within us. If we do that, no matter what we shall always find peace, joy, happiness and  love. True-it all changes in the material world, however once we recognize that we are really multi-dimensional, quantum beings we suddenly wake up to the awareness that-all and everything is part of the other, we are forever present in some form; entangled, and never changing, fully conscious-“I AM”.

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