Friday 23 December 2016

Cross the Rubicon

Image result for the rubicon
Change is difficult, change take time, change needs patience, change needs a long term vision-but non the less, change is afoot. Now-if you are into the “new age” phenomena of accepting and believing that we have stepped into a new paradigm and the “shift” is upon us, then you are able to perceive the subtle changes happening all around. Nothing is as it was-and in fact it has been a tremendously fast process, even to the human mind it seems fast. Even linear time itself seems to have has sped up-just yesterday was 2012, heck, just yesterday was 2000. We try and resist-and often it is hard to, but recognize the need for change. We love our old, safe ways, but we have come to the  point where we have to cross “the Rubicon”-or stay behind. However, there is always a choice not to.

It is hard to let go, it is scary-but once it happens, fear just dissipates  –it comes with a tremendous feeling of freedom-in fact it is a rush without drugs. Why is this? -Well, I am no expert, but I think that we are always guided by our higher-self-who knows, but ego resists –it wants to stay in control and run the show. However , once we accept the new idea of becoming the “new human” we allow permission for self to change-at that point, then there is a shift, and the higher –self gets to be in control. One can actually palpate and feel the difference-it is seeing all in a different light-views, perspectives change and it feels great. One feels being in total control, -not just blowing in the wind aimlessly.

We, humans, have come a long way-these times of transition should be celebrated, be conscious of-for no times like these have ever existed on the planet. We, if we allow-are able to see so much more; our vision and perspectives have taken on a more panoramic view; -a planetary view. But, we are at this point in time not restricted-we can have a more cosmic view if we so choose. What would be the advantage of this? Why would one choose change? What could it achieve?  What would it mean?

The power of the step up is enormous. Everything in creation is purpose driven-one may not see it, but one can feel it especially in these time. The purpose is to expand, to grow –metaphorically and literally. The advantage here would be, that one will have a wider panorama of life, knowing that we can and have the power to direct our lives in every way. It is all up to us, a choice of free will.  This means that one would have greater understanding of all life-including the unseen ones-above all "cognizing" that God is within all, including us. Bringing forth, all the hidden knowledge, the actual power of the “innate”  and using the knowledge for improving self-as well as for the well being of the planet.

Change is progress, and progress is needed to move to higher aspects-to raise our awareness and consciousness.  The purpose of creation is to bring the “created” closer to the “creator” towards enlightenment, which is the beginning of real self actualization -and to realize that man is indeed made in the image of God. This mean-having the same attributes as God, for we are the “God spark”-thus we are “co-creators” in everything.  The blueprint is there, but choosing the possibilities are up to us, having a deeper insight will make one make wiser choices as all will be seen with different eyes as the planet changes .

This will achieve a closer relationship with God, realizing that there is no separation and that we are indeed part of the "ocean" whom is God. Knowing fully and accepting that we were created in love and are loved deeply.  A realization that we are masters of our lives, for that is free choice and endless possibilities to experience, express life in a positive way. It  means that we acknowledge and understand that we are spiritual, multi dimensional beings  - and that we are indeed quantum, ageless and timeless. We are and never were victims of creation-we have the power of the creative source-all negativity in life is allowing a lower vibration to function,-but then again, this is a choice.

We can become more compassionate, happy, caring, loving human beings to all. Health, longevity, harmony and balance can be achieved to its full potential. We can be real emissaries of light-the process is slow, but one needs to start now

The “new paradigm” also includes the first step up from “0”onto the “1st“ rung of  cosmic civilization according to the theoretical physicist-M. Kaku-he also says, that at this point in time –there are at least “6” cosmic civilization-from some channelings scores more.  God is wonderful indeed, and we are actually contributing to the expansion of the universe. It is a choice to embrace change or not. There are so many wondrous things to experience,  to see in this “new age”. Do not resist it it- take a chance and be daring, you will not be disappointed for we are all so very blessed to be living in these times. Be daring like Caesar, cross the Rubicon.

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