Thursday 23 May 2013

Gratefullness--this needed posting! #16

Br. David Steindl-Rast Shared Spirituality
How gratefulness lies at
the heart of all religious traditions.
by  Bro.David Steindl-Rast O.S.B
"Receiving ourselves mindfully, moment by moment, as gift flowing from the depth of the ultimate Giver, and giving all we are back in thanksgiving, makes us realize that we are immersed in the life of the Blessed Trinity."

In the mid-1960s – I had been in monastic training at Mount Saviour for about 12 years – our prior, Father Damascus Winzen, sent me out, now and then, to lecture about monastic life at some university. At this time, Buddhist and Hindu monks made their appearance in the United States. Since monasticism was my topic, intellectual honesty demanded that I inquire into what we had in common with monks of other traditions. I started by reading D.T. Suzuki’s The Training of a Zen Buddhist Monk, and was amazed: Down to small details of daily living, the similarities to our own monastic lifestyle were striking. Mindfulness was the goal in both traditions.

Friends to whom I spoke of my astonishing discovery put me in touch with Tai-san (now Eido Shimano Roshi), a young Japanese Zen monk who had recently arrived in New York. We met. In less than three minutes we knew that we were brothers: The cultural and religious differences were vast, yet we had more in common with each other than each of us had with non-monastics of our own tradition. Tai-san invited me to come and spend time at his newly established zendo in New York City. My prior and community wanted to meet him first. He came to Mount Saviour for a few days. The monks asked him theological questions. Tai-san and my brothers continually talked past each other, unable to find any common ground in the realm of concepts. He left. I thought the project had failed. But all the brothers agreed: “We didn’t understand what he said, but the way he walks and sits and eats proves that he is a monk.” Two weeks later I sat in Tai-san’s zendo.

Beginning with this first encounter, my understanding of the spiritual life shifted. I had become a monk because I wanted to be not just a run-of-the-mill Christian who followed only the commandments, but one who followed even the evangelical counsels. Now I realized that one is, so to speak, first a human being, then a monk and only then a Christian, a Buddhist, or whatever. Monastic life is, for certain people, their way of being human. A monastic vocation constitutes a deeper stratum of one’s spiritual being than one’s religious persuasion. I came to see that we recognize the evangelical counsels in the Gospels only because we recognize them first in the monastic make-up of our psyche; we read them into the Gospels as much as we find them there.
If I with my particular psychological make-up am to become the human being I can be at my best, it will be as a monk – a Christian monk, if I live in a Christian environment, a Buddhist monk, if I live in a Buddhist one. Through every encounter with monks of other traditions – and I was privileged to have many – my experience reinforced this insight. This had two effects: It made me strive to become an authentic human being (as monk) with the help of my Christian tradition, and it gave me a deeper sense of solidarity with all those who are striving for the same goal with the help of other traditions. It saved me from the trap of trying to become a good Christian at the expense of being fully human, and I never joined the competition and enmity between those who identify themselves primarily by their religious labels.

The one-word answer is gratefulness – not, however, as a mere concept, but as a practice, the practice of grateful living. This integral practice is at the heart of our own tradition – Eucharist=Thanksgiving – and at the heart of all other religions. It comes as close as we can come to that Religion that finds its expression in all of the different religions. Grateful living is Trinitarian mysticism-in-action. It unites us in depth with our partners in interreligious dialogue, but what it does for ourselves as Christians is even more important. Receiving ourselves mindfully, moment by moment, as gift flowing from the depth of the ultimate Giver, and giving all we are back in thanksgiving, makes us realize that we are immersed in the life of the Blessed Trinity. What characterizes our moment in history is the collapse of Christian theism. Gratefulness mysticism makes us realize that Christianity never was theistic, but panentheistic. Faith in God as triune implied this from the very beginning; now we are becoming aware of it. It becomes obvious, at the same time, that we share this Trinitarian experience of divine life with all human beings as a spiritual undercurrent in all religions, an undercurrent older and more powerful than the various doctrines. At the core of interreligious dialogue flows this shared spirituality of gratefulness, a spirituality strong enough to restore to our broken world unity.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Of commitments and psychological tests......#15

Wednesdays are my so called off days--sort of "taking care of internal business" --it like" Friday`s with Maury". Remember the old Jewish guy who was dying and had a reporter over each Friday for tea and crumpets--and supplied a good wisdom talk about life. It is like that with me--as I hinted at this in an other entry a few days back--and the symbolism of the image is where I am at this point.

Let me go through the sequence of events of today, though a few things are actually carved in stone--in diamonds probably  with no possibility of any change, just that an other few have been added--that I shall try and re-create each Wednesday from now on--Yep, until I fall of the wagon. However being on the wagon even for a brief time eventually adds up in "brownie point".

As you are well aware--there is a constant urgency in my life, a haphazzardness,  --is there even such a word? :-) if not I just created one. Impatience, spontaneity and actions that are decisions on the spur of the moment. Yes, directly from the heart often as a reflex action--by passing my brain totally. I either  have no plans or many plans--often many things piled onto my plate or empty. You--think, meditate, contemplate and then contemplate even more, and some more --then after a few days, you act :-) I think in reality our symbolic depiction is closer to this a this ouroborus --
 Right side female/Left side male--But back to the story.
 This is in the physical, psychological as well as  mental  behaviours of my "whirlwind " of a life and sadly I have to confess due to that "wonderful" trait much does not get done, as I am not a "multi-tasker", far from it--but my plans often are.

Ok--I get up about 7 or before more days--my first thoughts are always God, as the image of Mary is in the four directions of my room and I see Her immediately when I open my eyes. Why? Because in my bedroom--though God said "do not have images of me"--I do, not worshipping the item, but as a reminder to my over-soul. Then comes feeding the fur kids, making coffee, writing to you, saying the rosary--may have a bath, but that is mostly at night. Candles, music--always Leonard, my bath time buddy :-) and often some wine, night only! Never a shower--I do not like it. Tidy up, make the bed--cleaning full force is Sundays. Take my huge pile of supplements and a herb or two--need to keep healthy!

I read the message from "the Universe", read the main points of "Mary Vitamin" and read the daily "Gospel" that comes each day.Maybe even some stuff from the "Reptile Purple".

Stuff that I have added--posting a thing or two on "Maria Club",  visiting with the "hourly angels", well at least with Laude, lighting a candle --the last two both  on the Gratefulness site, answer at least one post.  Actual meditation is with Laude--not long though--the rosary takes about 35 minutes--sometimes more. I shall maybe in a day or two--start the Consecration to Mary--I haven`t been to church since Easter--I do visit a chapel close by that is open 24/7 with the exposition all the time of the host or The Blessed Trinity, my parish church that is always open as well. Both have tremendous sacred energy radiation, you feel the presence of God. Very few churches these days have that---I say the rosary there at times.

Hey--whatever happened to the crystal rosary I sent you--you know I was not quite 16 when I bought that with my last dollar at St Peter`s . I so wish that you still have it, as it was one of my most favourite possessions. If not--well then it is the way it had to be. And to Cicuka--is she is some graveyard in Colorado in the company of seagulls?

I check e-mails, answer if need be and look up a few things on the internet--do some reading off the net--no books these days. I have a few waiting in line--Strange I started the Gita even before you had mentioned it--but haven`t finished. I Listen to Kisfaludy at night, and are doing some Magyar translations--with great difficulty regarding a few things as a favour or rather as a good deed, my tzedakah  --the Magyar Bible is still only a quarter done--but will be, but is now on the back burner. So is my book--as Adriyanna is taking courses all summer.

I also do stuff for my moms"artist cause"--just did a few submissions. The idea is not to win but for people to see her work--which I have to say is proceeding at a nice pace and finally--write a few entries for this blog. The others are in repose--though--the one with the cards are going well as well as entries of the new cards and our latest writings. Reiki--Lahra, I practise seldom, but do at times, often in the bathtub, no Leonard then :-)--for some reason it works very well for me, maybe it is faith.

Oh--and I cook, no meat at all at home, much tofu and veggies--juice veggies once a week--I only eat once a week chicken--maybe at Oliver if that--they don`t eat meat either, but the girl does,so she makes some on Thursday`s. Have a little wine--not that often--beer, never. ;-)

This is off totally: Did you ever look up or for your "name"--your galactic one?? It is within  the Dragon Soul blog entries--I was given it a while back. I wonder when you see it, or hear it will remind you of things. Up to you to search for it if you so desire--you will know the time of need to know.

No one has summoned me lately, neither has Our Blessed Mother --I do have a blog spot for her also, as well as the " Fekti Overcome" blog. I suppose She is aware of how many hours there are in a day--and I also have to work or I shall be like that guy at the grocery store--with a sign asking for money :-) Well, I don`t think it will come to that--I think I am still somewhat a bit materialistic, plus I and the fur kids need to eat and have a roof over our heads--though I doubt that your namesake would ever let that happen, he is a very caring person in every way--I have never asked him for anything in my entire life, but he is constantly giving. That is why I have a simple cell phone, he pays for it, he wanted to get me the fancy one with the internet and all--but I declined the offer. He does far too much for me anyway--but I do also for anyone whom I love.

I really don`t sleep much these days at all--no time :-). I see patients at the clinic Thursdays and Saturdays--to others I make house calls to at least a few times a week, or they come to mom`s house where I have an office. I almost never watch TV these days at all--plus it dosn`t interest me much--a few science, history, National Geographic stuff , PBS if it is something good or similar stuff--hardly ever a regular movie. Oh, like today--I shall watch Dr Phil :-), which is seldom.  Used to watch "Coronation Street", but I lost the channel--and I hate it on the internet--so that is gone.

This entry is more of a letter--than a blog--so who cares--I cast my fate at the wind.

Oh--the test--In order
Mercy, Spirituality, Appreciation, Gratitude, Capacity to love/be loved, Generosity/kindness, Honesty, Wisdom, Social Intelligence, Zest, Optimism, Curiosity, Fairness, Humour, Humility, Bravery, Leadership, Citizenship, Creativity, Self control, Critical thinking, Diligence, Perseverance--

Well, the bottom 10 suck--big time--:-) needs work and fast!

Well this is about it--for now. If something comes to me, I shall add it later.--plus correct it--as Phil is on!

The question is....? #14

You know through the years I have gotten to know you so very well, it is frightening in a way. I have learnt a very important thing about you--your response time is looooooooong. You spend much time thinking about "things, stuff,whatever"--me, I jump in it head first and gets me into trouble, but I am learning this form of action from you well--as maybe you  may have observed.

It was some days ago that I said the thing about your touching  statement--and lo and behold here you are today asking as to what it maybe :-).Ah--yes--your card this minute:  "ILLUMINATION" is the key word--well spoken, but above all "your own path--whatever, where ever, however" --is a huge lesson well learnt as well. You see that is exactly the only secret. Wisdom of sages has to be practiced in one`s own way--not the way one is told to practice it.

 The penny has fallen for you, for often you were very hard on yourself--probably still are at times. Old habits are hard to break--but eventually they do exit. Sweetheart--you are doing great, better than ever--this is what spirituality is--getting into the muck of life. As I said in my previous entry--it is easy being spiritual and godly when things are running like a Swiss clock.

Now darling--you are actually living your vocation. Religion is not a church, neither is chanting mantras spirituality nor is quoting Buddha verbatum enlightenment. I like the new you, well love the old , the new and the next one to emerge :-) But, you could, nor can ever do wrong by me--why? I haven`t the foggiest--yes, those "new agers, those lightworkers" you love so much :-) would call it--karma. I just call it love.

Now--I have totally gotten off on a tangent--the question was what touched me the most that you have ever written to me? 

Well-- very simple, your letter heading on my birthday:
 To love an angel :-).
 Thank you--for I love an angel also.

The internet #13

Strange as it seems--one tends to forget that the internet is a world-wide web, thus often many get into hot water and get burned.  Generally what I write are personal blogs, either to you or myself, however the entire universe is watching. Though--all are welcome to read it, for it contains no great secrets, just conversations from my heart. Just in passing--I need to say that the internet is amazing and it is  now the grown ups get separated from the children. Meaning--one can use it for expansion of consciousness or contraction of consciousness.

 We have a choice in determining the very future of our existence--and even beyond. Make wise choices my friends, chose with wisdom, intelligence and above all love, for the universe is very fair--whatever you do unto others you are certainly doing it to yourself--either in the present, or in the future.

Now--back to my original thought. One is able to check how many page views one has in total, or per day--but just by chance I came upon a page, on my own blog site where it will tell me  even from what countries it has been viewed--well call me stupid, but it blew my mind. Some pages have been read even in Russia--now it won`t tell me which page and how many, but the country of origin.

Actually this also brings an other idea to my mind that often we seem to say, but skim over without much depth of thought--that is our connectedness. We say we are one, we profess to be one but we most certainly do not act as one when it comes to others. This strange paradox, if I could call it that comes to life often when an other is in need.  Yes, then we are a singularity--mono, one--separate from everyone.

It is an interesting phenomena to watch people regarding this behavior. The other day when I was shopping for groceries there was a man with a sign--I don`t remember what it said, but he was asking for money. When I came out I handed him a bunch of grapes in a plastic bag--and handed him $2--and said that he should wipe the grapes. His answer first was that may I be blessed and then he said--"beggars can`t be choosers". As I drove home and thought about his statement, I was sorry that I had failed to tell him that he is only a beggar if he feels he is. He dosn`t need to choose that. Many with much are beggars and many with little have treasures. I shall tell him, when next time I see him--I am sure I will for he has to hear this message.

In that little inspirational God video --: One quotes is-
"It is not the one who has the most--It is always the one who needs the least, is the one who has the most".

But, really what struck me the most --as often it does, that scores of people walked past him without batting an eye lid, never mind giving a cent. The point I am trying to make here is that many people are uncaring, heartless and cruel---I know it will come back to haunt them. I ask you, would anyone be poorer without 25c. Everybody goes through hard times--we wouldn`t be human otherwise. It actually makes us remember our human frailties and that all is transient-- everything, but the things of spirit. Yet--often that is the fartherest thing from our mind.

When I was about 12 I had a wonderful young Afrikaans teacher that I truly loved-Miss. Shadlick this is what she wrote in my autograph book so many years ago:

"It is easy to smile and be happy when there are no clouds in the sky, but the time to be happy is when you feel dreary with the sky filled with dark clouds and nothing is going your way".  Yes-for everything passes. Mmm, I wonder how she would feel that I am remembering her? Wherever she is.

Monday 20 May 2013

Driftwood #12

Actually this in a sense a continuation of yesterday`s entry. Yes--we are like driftwood in a way-- separate and very different. Dry, sun dried on a beach that is saturated with water. Thus we are so very different--and set apart from all and everything.

For reasons unbeknown to me there are certain things I love and adore--driftwood is one, but the closest to my heart are shells as anyone who is familiar with me knows--maybe there is much underwater life where I originate from, even living in liquid.. Today--I thought of took stock of what is important in what we call life,why we are actually in this process of creation. It is of course mostly for progression, for enlightenment as any good Buddhist will tell you, but I think above all to prove our existence before go God--or prove rather our worthiness. Now, how many of us can actually say, or even know, or most importantly--think about it in a conscious manner.

Ask a hundred souls, they will say --oh yes love your neighbor, do good-- but hardly anyone really lives it. Love, love, love--and I have to say that many of these so called "new age souls" are filled with it, but seldom demonstrate it. But it sounds real good, and perhaps it is sort of an absolution in a way for their own conscience.

Yes--"namaste" is the order or the day as a salutation, but I wonder how many actually know or ever think of its actual meaning or its implication it vibration. Not that I am  such a sanctimonious soul, far from it, but at least I try to be honest at least to myself--being anything else would be a total lie. Yet they do it.

I also often wonder--that what many of these so called "new age, enlightened souls"really believe in their heart of hearts--many I am convinced are simply fooling themselves. Trying to impress mostly themselves of their uniqueness and spirituality. I doubt that not one of any of the saints  went around blowing a trumpet about their special connection to God, or their sanctity. I am sure St Francis didn`t even told his animal audience.

I have thought that man is as time progresses is becoming more spiritual--by this I mean  being more God realized, that is recognizing that there is more to man that just matter. And I am not meaning religion at all--for only a minute number actually know what that means, or feels.

I haven`t been speaking with Her lately, but maybe it is time--so much is happening and it is sort of time for "de-cluttering" in many areas by that are important, namely spirit and soul. We get side tracked so easily--the lure of the material, of the persistence of ego is very strong and hypnotic almost.

I so wish I could be stronger to do what needs to be done--but I too am weak, no matter how I try. I swear to do things and it falls by the wayside, and then I hate myself--yet I am crystal clear on the "mission", yet little gets done, then comes the guilt.

The saints had it easy--through their faith came the strength of action--I suppose my faith is not as strong as it should be, or I am just being tested or perhaps hardened. For what? I am told often--"for things to come"--now that is one frightening statement for me--I certainly hate suffering and I am very bad at enduring pain and  love peace , quite and serenity. So what is to come--I hate and shall never ask, as I may become a total psychological wreck.

I have to admit my previous blog was in a similar vein, but it takes a while to adjust oneself  --so I just have to come to terms as to whom I am really and why I am here--as well as you. But the key that will open the door is to accept in all aspects --not half ass reality, not just the romantic notion--that we are from the stars. This is even more difficult of a challenge than just being an ordinary human  being, for it comes with enormous responsibility which is not that easy to comprehend. So now what?

A systematic following of the plan--that we our  self originally drew up--willingly, now it is time to realize it and bring it into action. My human side is fearful, however --we are not , are we?

Sunday 19 May 2013

Some days #11

 Now and again one gets reminded with a sudden jolt as why one is here, what is one`s mission really. A year or two ago--I asked Our Lady--/GOD, as to what is all this about. It was the time when there was much hoopla all over the internet on many site, around 2006. Why then, that I have no idea, but that  is when I met you this time around again. You stated  your galactic connections, the past which suddenly rang true for me. But the first time was really when John-Paul died and the "book of Gospel" story which I have already narrated, was kind of a turning point in realization, or perhaps "waking up" I had never thought of it before, neither did I know much of any "Reptilian" civilization, apart from the Zecharia Stichin, von Daniken and other weird and strange people by the score --whose interpretations of extra terrestrials was just a good read.

But then--the messages came, still do when I inquire, though not as much lately, for I don`t converse with Her much--for I did get my "mission statement"--what more is there to ask? Simply--just do it. Step by step plodding the road and whomever has to hear or understand will do just that. What does all this have to do with today--well, suddenly I am being reminded almost daily of the mission, which I haven`t been for a while. Why? I don`t know. I am told simply to follow my "higher self" and let it do the figuring out.

I hope you remember what we were told about the mission-- "to pull souls through". I am almost daily guided onto paths where I am meeting similar souls, with somewhat similar missions--strange how Our Lady works. Probably because I was kinda off the path consciously, probably distracted by the physical, the mundane.

I know that this year we have take our first steps into the next phase, everything for me is pointing to it. Yes, the Maya were right. Nothing is as was, nothing is as concrete as it was, all is much more --let`s say"porous", almost in a process of dissolving or dissolution. That is why time seems to be passing so fast, because it actually is. Now the process may take many years, but maybe not--of this I have no knowledge, neither would I ask the question. Somethings are better not asked, for I may not be happy with the answer.

Understanding the "time construction" is good to know, however it is not that vital for for  me--but for many that is the turning point, that I do understand. I think at this point in time, though a few pointers, I am more aware than ever  of my roots and my heritage--as I am also sure of yours. And I don`t mean the terrestrial one either.

Working for peace--in this system,  on this planet, in this nation, in our human  family is not an easy task, but that is what we signed up for. Remember how  She described the job "goodwill ambassadors".  I wasn`t that ecstatic about being called a "reptile" at the time, "dragon"sounds a bit more romantic, --however we are what we are.

In a most strange fashion, not that I would ever want to  convert anyone--that has to come from free will, but I have quite a few, as I am sure you also apart from your direct family. But, actually, Kai is a very strong impression for me, maybe your dad--though he may not say it directly to you. One can only help one who asks for help--or wants change, or wants to hear the truth.

No--we are not delude at all, trust me. At times when one gets side tracked it seems so as one gets into the wake of all the --flotsam and jetsam  of the world. We have to shake it all off or we loose focus.

I think it is time to do a bit of " prosthelytizing ", not in a religious context, but a spiritual one --in a small way, to sort of point in a direction of the way. How? Well, any which way one can--I know of a few, but the problem these days is time. But it is doable. I shall be back posting, well not as much as I did--but at least some to one group. I haven`t in a few weeks--they probably think that I have returned home to the stars.

However--every little step counts, and the time is nigh. Also a few other things which are prompting my spirit--I have lazed around enough, I have slipped off the wagon. You also, though the children are a full time responsibility and we are always where we need to be. I think it is time for soul searching--and breakaway from the lures of the material to some degree--though as Our Lord said: One cannot serve two masters, though we often try to juggle it, but I am not a  juggler.

So where to now--well my plan is to do a little in regard to this "our mission" daily--maybe 15 minutes, maybe many hours everyday, but it is a definite commitment--as is the rosary. Time to wake up and not live like an onion plant, but as an olive tree--as one of the scrolls says in "The greatest Salesman in the World".  My mother sure isn`t an onion plant--a great example to many.

Re-commitment, Reconnection, Regeneration and Renewal is my latest battle cry!--and maybe re-vamping life.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

An odd tale #10

 A "Taltos`" constant companion is always a fire breathing dragon, most illustrations with 7 heads--which are simply the mirror version of itself-- it is the wayshower, or rather: "creation itself"--"time"  from the "light seed" by the "2 Creators".

Odd how strange we are-I am no greater teller of tales, but at times I feel the need to just write something, hoping perhaps someone shall read it one day. I have to say that as it is often said, each day is entirely different. Now, being human we have free will and are allowed--by God to create our own reality to a point. Why I say to a point, this is because I am definitely sure in my heart that we have a destination that we have decided on--or God decided on, and we have different routes to take to get there.

Now the question arises--when we take a wrong path, or seemingly wrong path often in the end it is the right one often depending on whether we put out trust in God or not. Here then comes the question of the ages--who are we actually. Are we a divine spark, or  are we simply an accidental happening from chaos. Or perhaps a third variation--we are illusions. If we are the latter, then who is the viewer of the pictures? --and for what purpose? I have been thinking of this lately as I have been listening to the "Taltos" and Gyuri. Time, creation, ethereal world, spiritual world--on and on ad infinitum.

When I am conscious of life itself, which is not that often I have to confess, and really should be every moment-- I have all these weird thoughts, questions about existence. As the years pass one gets older in chronological time, yet inside we feel the same as we did since we can remember. Photographs seem to conjure up the moment, and we are once more there--present within that whole story. So, having stated all this--then who are we in reality? Maybe we are in this giant ant hill, thinking we are the center of creation, meanwhile we are mere specks--  but where??? In a black hole--as I heard lately. Makes just as much sense as a membrane universe--none is comprehensible. So-bring on all the strange versions--why not?

As I listen to these great men of science--the theoretical physicists, mathematicians and other great scientific minds of our day, I come to the conclusion that we know absolutely nothing, for we do not have the capability to get beyond our human mind, --or rather our brain which is actually encased within our skull. Do certain mantras, chemicals behaviours open up the consciousness--as some have said. Or is that just chemicals fooling our consciousness--or is that in fact the reality?

This begs the question of soul. Is there one? Where is it? There is an actual place as a few "new age gurus" state--well there are various versions-, but all just as valid, or invalid as your guess or mine. The strange thing is, that often they are in entire different  areas of the body. These are some of the more acceptable ones for me--like within the pituitary; or within the skull in the area of the "third eye"; in the heart chakra;  in the root chakra; in the grey matter--the list is endless.

Yet we think, we feel and love--we experience all sorts of emotions. So what is that? How about animals, or other living things. Plants, insects--do they have group souls as some believe. For what purpose? Well apparently we have 5432 lives--to make it or break it--but even then it makes no sense--neither does the "cosmos" and all the so called "galactic connection"--whether we are from Bellatrix, Rigel, Sirius or simply from the bottom of the pond in someone`s backyard--, but on top of it all we have no real proof--only conspiracy theories and people with visions, or demonstration of simple madness.

We try so hard to live--bring up the children well, have a wonderful life, family, existence--work like a horse, try and do good, help others and in the end there is nothing--for life is but a fleeting moment. We live, love, --and no matter how hard we pray, we  die.

No wonder people become alcoholics, drug addicts or even kill themselves out of sheer despair. Ignorance is bliss--that is a fact. The more one thinks, the more conscious, the more thoughtful--the more one realizes the futility and the meaninglessness of everything.

So then what to do? Stop thinking--and forget all the scientific crap, the theories, the answers, -as there are none and never shall be. Now--do we have souls--we shall find out one day, or simply ashes to ashes--dust to dust and that`s it--at least we won`t even know. Fin.