Sunday 19 May 2013

Some days #11

 Now and again one gets reminded with a sudden jolt as why one is here, what is one`s mission really. A year or two ago--I asked Our Lady--/GOD, as to what is all this about. It was the time when there was much hoopla all over the internet on many site, around 2006. Why then, that I have no idea, but that  is when I met you this time around again. You stated  your galactic connections, the past which suddenly rang true for me. But the first time was really when John-Paul died and the "book of Gospel" story which I have already narrated, was kind of a turning point in realization, or perhaps "waking up" I had never thought of it before, neither did I know much of any "Reptilian" civilization, apart from the Zecharia Stichin, von Daniken and other weird and strange people by the score --whose interpretations of extra terrestrials was just a good read.

But then--the messages came, still do when I inquire, though not as much lately, for I don`t converse with Her much--for I did get my "mission statement"--what more is there to ask? Simply--just do it. Step by step plodding the road and whomever has to hear or understand will do just that. What does all this have to do with today--well, suddenly I am being reminded almost daily of the mission, which I haven`t been for a while. Why? I don`t know. I am told simply to follow my "higher self" and let it do the figuring out.

I hope you remember what we were told about the mission-- "to pull souls through". I am almost daily guided onto paths where I am meeting similar souls, with somewhat similar missions--strange how Our Lady works. Probably because I was kinda off the path consciously, probably distracted by the physical, the mundane.

I know that this year we have take our first steps into the next phase, everything for me is pointing to it. Yes, the Maya were right. Nothing is as was, nothing is as concrete as it was, all is much more --let`s say"porous", almost in a process of dissolving or dissolution. That is why time seems to be passing so fast, because it actually is. Now the process may take many years, but maybe not--of this I have no knowledge, neither would I ask the question. Somethings are better not asked, for I may not be happy with the answer.

Understanding the "time construction" is good to know, however it is not that vital for for  me--but for many that is the turning point, that I do understand. I think at this point in time, though a few pointers, I am more aware than ever  of my roots and my heritage--as I am also sure of yours. And I don`t mean the terrestrial one either.

Working for peace--in this system,  on this planet, in this nation, in our human  family is not an easy task, but that is what we signed up for. Remember how  She described the job "goodwill ambassadors".  I wasn`t that ecstatic about being called a "reptile" at the time, "dragon"sounds a bit more romantic, --however we are what we are.

In a most strange fashion, not that I would ever want to  convert anyone--that has to come from free will, but I have quite a few, as I am sure you also apart from your direct family. But, actually, Kai is a very strong impression for me, maybe your dad--though he may not say it directly to you. One can only help one who asks for help--or wants change, or wants to hear the truth.

No--we are not delude at all, trust me. At times when one gets side tracked it seems so as one gets into the wake of all the --flotsam and jetsam  of the world. We have to shake it all off or we loose focus.

I think it is time to do a bit of " prosthelytizing ", not in a religious context, but a spiritual one --in a small way, to sort of point in a direction of the way. How? Well, any which way one can--I know of a few, but the problem these days is time. But it is doable. I shall be back posting, well not as much as I did--but at least some to one group. I haven`t in a few weeks--they probably think that I have returned home to the stars.

However--every little step counts, and the time is nigh. Also a few other things which are prompting my spirit--I have lazed around enough, I have slipped off the wagon. You also, though the children are a full time responsibility and we are always where we need to be. I think it is time for soul searching--and breakaway from the lures of the material to some degree--though as Our Lord said: One cannot serve two masters, though we often try to juggle it, but I am not a  juggler.

So where to now--well my plan is to do a little in regard to this "our mission" daily--maybe 15 minutes, maybe many hours everyday, but it is a definite commitment--as is the rosary. Time to wake up and not live like an onion plant, but as an olive tree--as one of the scrolls says in "The greatest Salesman in the World".  My mother sure isn`t an onion plant--a great example to many.

Re-commitment, Reconnection, Regeneration and Renewal is my latest battle cry!--and maybe re-vamping life.

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