Monday 20 May 2013

Driftwood #12

Actually this in a sense a continuation of yesterday`s entry. Yes--we are like driftwood in a way-- separate and very different. Dry, sun dried on a beach that is saturated with water. Thus we are so very different--and set apart from all and everything.

For reasons unbeknown to me there are certain things I love and adore--driftwood is one, but the closest to my heart are shells as anyone who is familiar with me knows--maybe there is much underwater life where I originate from, even living in liquid.. Today--I thought of took stock of what is important in what we call life,why we are actually in this process of creation. It is of course mostly for progression, for enlightenment as any good Buddhist will tell you, but I think above all to prove our existence before go God--or prove rather our worthiness. Now, how many of us can actually say, or even know, or most importantly--think about it in a conscious manner.

Ask a hundred souls, they will say --oh yes love your neighbor, do good-- but hardly anyone really lives it. Love, love, love--and I have to say that many of these so called "new age souls" are filled with it, but seldom demonstrate it. But it sounds real good, and perhaps it is sort of an absolution in a way for their own conscience.

Yes--"namaste" is the order or the day as a salutation, but I wonder how many actually know or ever think of its actual meaning or its implication it vibration. Not that I am  such a sanctimonious soul, far from it, but at least I try to be honest at least to myself--being anything else would be a total lie. Yet they do it.

I also often wonder--that what many of these so called "new age, enlightened souls"really believe in their heart of hearts--many I am convinced are simply fooling themselves. Trying to impress mostly themselves of their uniqueness and spirituality. I doubt that not one of any of the saints  went around blowing a trumpet about their special connection to God, or their sanctity. I am sure St Francis didn`t even told his animal audience.

I have thought that man is as time progresses is becoming more spiritual--by this I mean  being more God realized, that is recognizing that there is more to man that just matter. And I am not meaning religion at all--for only a minute number actually know what that means, or feels.

I haven`t been speaking with Her lately, but maybe it is time--so much is happening and it is sort of time for "de-cluttering" in many areas by that are important, namely spirit and soul. We get side tracked so easily--the lure of the material, of the persistence of ego is very strong and hypnotic almost.

I so wish I could be stronger to do what needs to be done--but I too am weak, no matter how I try. I swear to do things and it falls by the wayside, and then I hate myself--yet I am crystal clear on the "mission", yet little gets done, then comes the guilt.

The saints had it easy--through their faith came the strength of action--I suppose my faith is not as strong as it should be, or I am just being tested or perhaps hardened. For what? I am told often--"for things to come"--now that is one frightening statement for me--I certainly hate suffering and I am very bad at enduring pain and  love peace , quite and serenity. So what is to come--I hate and shall never ask, as I may become a total psychological wreck.

I have to admit my previous blog was in a similar vein, but it takes a while to adjust oneself  --so I just have to come to terms as to whom I am really and why I am here--as well as you. But the key that will open the door is to accept in all aspects --not half ass reality, not just the romantic notion--that we are from the stars. This is even more difficult of a challenge than just being an ordinary human  being, for it comes with enormous responsibility which is not that easy to comprehend. So now what?

A systematic following of the plan--that we our  self originally drew up--willingly, now it is time to realize it and bring it into action. My human side is fearful, however --we are not , are we?

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