Wednesday 22 May 2013

The internet #13

Strange as it seems--one tends to forget that the internet is a world-wide web, thus often many get into hot water and get burned.  Generally what I write are personal blogs, either to you or myself, however the entire universe is watching. Though--all are welcome to read it, for it contains no great secrets, just conversations from my heart. Just in passing--I need to say that the internet is amazing and it is  now the grown ups get separated from the children. Meaning--one can use it for expansion of consciousness or contraction of consciousness.

 We have a choice in determining the very future of our existence--and even beyond. Make wise choices my friends, chose with wisdom, intelligence and above all love, for the universe is very fair--whatever you do unto others you are certainly doing it to yourself--either in the present, or in the future.

Now--back to my original thought. One is able to check how many page views one has in total, or per day--but just by chance I came upon a page, on my own blog site where it will tell me  even from what countries it has been viewed--well call me stupid, but it blew my mind. Some pages have been read even in Russia--now it won`t tell me which page and how many, but the country of origin.

Actually this also brings an other idea to my mind that often we seem to say, but skim over without much depth of thought--that is our connectedness. We say we are one, we profess to be one but we most certainly do not act as one when it comes to others. This strange paradox, if I could call it that comes to life often when an other is in need.  Yes, then we are a singularity--mono, one--separate from everyone.

It is an interesting phenomena to watch people regarding this behavior. The other day when I was shopping for groceries there was a man with a sign--I don`t remember what it said, but he was asking for money. When I came out I handed him a bunch of grapes in a plastic bag--and handed him $2--and said that he should wipe the grapes. His answer first was that may I be blessed and then he said--"beggars can`t be choosers". As I drove home and thought about his statement, I was sorry that I had failed to tell him that he is only a beggar if he feels he is. He dosn`t need to choose that. Many with much are beggars and many with little have treasures. I shall tell him, when next time I see him--I am sure I will for he has to hear this message.

In that little inspirational God video --: One quotes is-
"It is not the one who has the most--It is always the one who needs the least, is the one who has the most".

But, really what struck me the most --as often it does, that scores of people walked past him without batting an eye lid, never mind giving a cent. The point I am trying to make here is that many people are uncaring, heartless and cruel---I know it will come back to haunt them. I ask you, would anyone be poorer without 25c. Everybody goes through hard times--we wouldn`t be human otherwise. It actually makes us remember our human frailties and that all is transient-- everything, but the things of spirit. Yet--often that is the fartherest thing from our mind.

When I was about 12 I had a wonderful young Afrikaans teacher that I truly loved-Miss. Shadlick this is what she wrote in my autograph book so many years ago:

"It is easy to smile and be happy when there are no clouds in the sky, but the time to be happy is when you feel dreary with the sky filled with dark clouds and nothing is going your way".  Yes-for everything passes. Mmm, I wonder how she would feel that I am remembering her? Wherever she is.

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