Wednesday 22 May 2013

The question is....? #14

You know through the years I have gotten to know you so very well, it is frightening in a way. I have learnt a very important thing about you--your response time is looooooooong. You spend much time thinking about "things, stuff,whatever"--me, I jump in it head first and gets me into trouble, but I am learning this form of action from you well--as maybe you  may have observed.

It was some days ago that I said the thing about your touching  statement--and lo and behold here you are today asking as to what it maybe :-).Ah--yes--your card this minute:  "ILLUMINATION" is the key word--well spoken, but above all "your own path--whatever, where ever, however" --is a huge lesson well learnt as well. You see that is exactly the only secret. Wisdom of sages has to be practiced in one`s own way--not the way one is told to practice it.

 The penny has fallen for you, for often you were very hard on yourself--probably still are at times. Old habits are hard to break--but eventually they do exit. Sweetheart--you are doing great, better than ever--this is what spirituality is--getting into the muck of life. As I said in my previous entry--it is easy being spiritual and godly when things are running like a Swiss clock.

Now darling--you are actually living your vocation. Religion is not a church, neither is chanting mantras spirituality nor is quoting Buddha verbatum enlightenment. I like the new you, well love the old , the new and the next one to emerge :-) But, you could, nor can ever do wrong by me--why? I haven`t the foggiest--yes, those "new agers, those lightworkers" you love so much :-) would call it--karma. I just call it love.

Now--I have totally gotten off on a tangent--the question was what touched me the most that you have ever written to me? 

Well-- very simple, your letter heading on my birthday:
 To love an angel :-).
 Thank you--for I love an angel also.

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