Wednesday 22 May 2013

Of commitments and psychological tests......#15

Wednesdays are my so called off days--sort of "taking care of internal business" --it like" Friday`s with Maury". Remember the old Jewish guy who was dying and had a reporter over each Friday for tea and crumpets--and supplied a good wisdom talk about life. It is like that with me--as I hinted at this in an other entry a few days back--and the symbolism of the image is where I am at this point.

Let me go through the sequence of events of today, though a few things are actually carved in stone--in diamonds probably  with no possibility of any change, just that an other few have been added--that I shall try and re-create each Wednesday from now on--Yep, until I fall of the wagon. However being on the wagon even for a brief time eventually adds up in "brownie point".

As you are well aware--there is a constant urgency in my life, a haphazzardness,  --is there even such a word? :-) if not I just created one. Impatience, spontaneity and actions that are decisions on the spur of the moment. Yes, directly from the heart often as a reflex action--by passing my brain totally. I either  have no plans or many plans--often many things piled onto my plate or empty. You--think, meditate, contemplate and then contemplate even more, and some more --then after a few days, you act :-) I think in reality our symbolic depiction is closer to this a this ouroborus --
 Right side female/Left side male--But back to the story.
 This is in the physical, psychological as well as  mental  behaviours of my "whirlwind " of a life and sadly I have to confess due to that "wonderful" trait much does not get done, as I am not a "multi-tasker", far from it--but my plans often are.

Ok--I get up about 7 or before more days--my first thoughts are always God, as the image of Mary is in the four directions of my room and I see Her immediately when I open my eyes. Why? Because in my bedroom--though God said "do not have images of me"--I do, not worshipping the item, but as a reminder to my over-soul. Then comes feeding the fur kids, making coffee, writing to you, saying the rosary--may have a bath, but that is mostly at night. Candles, music--always Leonard, my bath time buddy :-) and often some wine, night only! Never a shower--I do not like it. Tidy up, make the bed--cleaning full force is Sundays. Take my huge pile of supplements and a herb or two--need to keep healthy!

I read the message from "the Universe", read the main points of "Mary Vitamin" and read the daily "Gospel" that comes each day.Maybe even some stuff from the "Reptile Purple".

Stuff that I have added--posting a thing or two on "Maria Club",  visiting with the "hourly angels", well at least with Laude, lighting a candle --the last two both  on the Gratefulness site, answer at least one post.  Actual meditation is with Laude--not long though--the rosary takes about 35 minutes--sometimes more. I shall maybe in a day or two--start the Consecration to Mary--I haven`t been to church since Easter--I do visit a chapel close by that is open 24/7 with the exposition all the time of the host or The Blessed Trinity, my parish church that is always open as well. Both have tremendous sacred energy radiation, you feel the presence of God. Very few churches these days have that---I say the rosary there at times.

Hey--whatever happened to the crystal rosary I sent you--you know I was not quite 16 when I bought that with my last dollar at St Peter`s . I so wish that you still have it, as it was one of my most favourite possessions. If not--well then it is the way it had to be. And to Cicuka--is she is some graveyard in Colorado in the company of seagulls?

I check e-mails, answer if need be and look up a few things on the internet--do some reading off the net--no books these days. I have a few waiting in line--Strange I started the Gita even before you had mentioned it--but haven`t finished. I Listen to Kisfaludy at night, and are doing some Magyar translations--with great difficulty regarding a few things as a favour or rather as a good deed, my tzedakah  --the Magyar Bible is still only a quarter done--but will be, but is now on the back burner. So is my book--as Adriyanna is taking courses all summer.

I also do stuff for my moms"artist cause"--just did a few submissions. The idea is not to win but for people to see her work--which I have to say is proceeding at a nice pace and finally--write a few entries for this blog. The others are in repose--though--the one with the cards are going well as well as entries of the new cards and our latest writings. Reiki--Lahra, I practise seldom, but do at times, often in the bathtub, no Leonard then :-)--for some reason it works very well for me, maybe it is faith.

Oh--and I cook, no meat at all at home, much tofu and veggies--juice veggies once a week--I only eat once a week chicken--maybe at Oliver if that--they don`t eat meat either, but the girl does,so she makes some on Thursday`s. Have a little wine--not that often--beer, never. ;-)

This is off totally: Did you ever look up or for your "name"--your galactic one?? It is within  the Dragon Soul blog entries--I was given it a while back. I wonder when you see it, or hear it will remind you of things. Up to you to search for it if you so desire--you will know the time of need to know.

No one has summoned me lately, neither has Our Blessed Mother --I do have a blog spot for her also, as well as the " Fekti Overcome" blog. I suppose She is aware of how many hours there are in a day--and I also have to work or I shall be like that guy at the grocery store--with a sign asking for money :-) Well, I don`t think it will come to that--I think I am still somewhat a bit materialistic, plus I and the fur kids need to eat and have a roof over our heads--though I doubt that your namesake would ever let that happen, he is a very caring person in every way--I have never asked him for anything in my entire life, but he is constantly giving. That is why I have a simple cell phone, he pays for it, he wanted to get me the fancy one with the internet and all--but I declined the offer. He does far too much for me anyway--but I do also for anyone whom I love.

I really don`t sleep much these days at all--no time :-). I see patients at the clinic Thursdays and Saturdays--to others I make house calls to at least a few times a week, or they come to mom`s house where I have an office. I almost never watch TV these days at all--plus it dosn`t interest me much--a few science, history, National Geographic stuff , PBS if it is something good or similar stuff--hardly ever a regular movie. Oh, like today--I shall watch Dr Phil :-), which is seldom.  Used to watch "Coronation Street", but I lost the channel--and I hate it on the internet--so that is gone.

This entry is more of a letter--than a blog--so who cares--I cast my fate at the wind.

Oh--the test--In order
Mercy, Spirituality, Appreciation, Gratitude, Capacity to love/be loved, Generosity/kindness, Honesty, Wisdom, Social Intelligence, Zest, Optimism, Curiosity, Fairness, Humour, Humility, Bravery, Leadership, Citizenship, Creativity, Self control, Critical thinking, Diligence, Perseverance--

Well, the bottom 10 suck--big time--:-) needs work and fast!

Well this is about it--for now. If something comes to me, I shall add it later.--plus correct it--as Phil is on!

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