Tuesday 14 May 2013

An odd tale #10

 A "Taltos`" constant companion is always a fire breathing dragon, most illustrations with 7 heads--which are simply the mirror version of itself-- it is the wayshower, or rather: "creation itself"--"time"  from the "light seed" by the "2 Creators".

Odd how strange we are-I am no greater teller of tales, but at times I feel the need to just write something, hoping perhaps someone shall read it one day. I have to say that as it is often said, each day is entirely different. Now, being human we have free will and are allowed--by God to create our own reality to a point. Why I say to a point, this is because I am definitely sure in my heart that we have a destination that we have decided on--or God decided on, and we have different routes to take to get there.

Now the question arises--when we take a wrong path, or seemingly wrong path often in the end it is the right one often depending on whether we put out trust in God or not. Here then comes the question of the ages--who are we actually. Are we a divine spark, or  are we simply an accidental happening from chaos. Or perhaps a third variation--we are illusions. If we are the latter, then who is the viewer of the pictures? --and for what purpose? I have been thinking of this lately as I have been listening to the "Taltos" and Gyuri. Time, creation, ethereal world, spiritual world--on and on ad infinitum.

When I am conscious of life itself, which is not that often I have to confess, and really should be every moment-- I have all these weird thoughts, questions about existence. As the years pass one gets older in chronological time, yet inside we feel the same as we did since we can remember. Photographs seem to conjure up the moment, and we are once more there--present within that whole story. So, having stated all this--then who are we in reality? Maybe we are in this giant ant hill, thinking we are the center of creation, meanwhile we are mere specks--  but where??? In a black hole--as I heard lately. Makes just as much sense as a membrane universe--none is comprehensible. So-bring on all the strange versions--why not?

As I listen to these great men of science--the theoretical physicists, mathematicians and other great scientific minds of our day, I come to the conclusion that we know absolutely nothing, for we do not have the capability to get beyond our human mind, --or rather our brain which is actually encased within our skull. Do certain mantras, chemicals behaviours open up the consciousness--as some have said. Or is that just chemicals fooling our consciousness--or is that in fact the reality?

This begs the question of soul. Is there one? Where is it? There is an actual place as a few "new age gurus" state--well there are various versions-, but all just as valid, or invalid as your guess or mine. The strange thing is, that often they are in entire different  areas of the body. These are some of the more acceptable ones for me--like within the pituitary; or within the skull in the area of the "third eye"; in the heart chakra;  in the root chakra; in the grey matter--the list is endless.

Yet we think, we feel and love--we experience all sorts of emotions. So what is that? How about animals, or other living things. Plants, insects--do they have group souls as some believe. For what purpose? Well apparently we have 5432 lives--to make it or break it--but even then it makes no sense--neither does the "cosmos" and all the so called "galactic connection"--whether we are from Bellatrix, Rigel, Sirius or simply from the bottom of the pond in someone`s backyard--, but on top of it all we have no real proof--only conspiracy theories and people with visions, or demonstration of simple madness.

We try so hard to live--bring up the children well, have a wonderful life, family, existence--work like a horse, try and do good, help others and in the end there is nothing--for life is but a fleeting moment. We live, love, --and no matter how hard we pray, we  die.

No wonder people become alcoholics, drug addicts or even kill themselves out of sheer despair. Ignorance is bliss--that is a fact. The more one thinks, the more conscious, the more thoughtful--the more one realizes the futility and the meaninglessness of everything.

So then what to do? Stop thinking--and forget all the scientific crap, the theories, the answers, -as there are none and never shall be. Now--do we have souls--we shall find out one day, or simply ashes to ashes--dust to dust and that`s it--at least we won`t even know. Fin.

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