Wednesday 30 November 2016


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 These days all kinds of fascinating things are out there-like examining and finding out about  your ancestry DNA- where one comes from %  wise, as to what one`s racial profile is. This is now possible to reconstruct, just amazes me. Now , the latest- there is one where they actually measure one`s telomeres-which are the ends of the DNA molecule-this is a very important determinant of aging. This last one is very interesting as it actually tells one what biological age one is, also how much telomeraze one has, which is the enzyme necessary for the heath of those tiny ends of the DNA-they become less frayed-the more frayed the more problems with aging. One can actually buy this as a supplement, as to how affective it is I have no answer yet-but I am sure that we shall know of its action in the very near future. There can be plus or minus 25 years regarding biological versus chronological age-back as well as forward. We have always known this, but there was no actual cellular test-we had numerous physical  markers, but this is so very exciting.

I wonder how many of us would like to live over 120 years or beyond? I would , however if some of my family members would also, otherwise it would be a very lonely place indeed. But-the possibility is definitely there- more so than ever. And as each decade passes, it is becoming more and more a realizable possibility-we are already seeing results. This is not only regarding lifestyle, environment knowledge, being more aware of nutrition , spiritual,  psychological aspects of diseases and health- but something else  is happening to the human race, beyond that. Something which is of a higher aspect-maybe more genes are being turned on-you know those “junk” ones , or awakening to the “biocentric” approach to life as we start feeling it innately.

This is very palpable and when one looks around it is very visible-today, even without knowing your telomeres, one sees that a  70 year old is often , like a 50 used to be some two decades ago. I see this in my practice, but a lot has to do with people being  more responsible and aware of their own health and well being-doing a lot of research. The internet is a wonderful tool-and knowledge is just a mouse click away.

I feel that intention, actual creative visualization (this is why a vision board is so great) , and being totally engaged in life in every aspect has much to do it-and even our genes are possible to be manipulated- by turning them on or off. I certainly do not believe if one has lousy genes than one is doomed-but there are many great possibilities to overcome the negative ones simply though  one`s own ability and willingness-but more so in the “belief” that it is possible. This is for me the key-accepting that it is possible –full heartedly.

So live life well and prepare for a longer life-never too late to start. Life is miraculous, magical and we are equipped with all the necessities to direct our own health, well being and life-with a caveat; the last word is always God`s.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Being right

We are here on this tiny blue orb to learn many lessons—often we have to re-learn it many times as our stubborn ego just dogs us. Perhaps the greatest lessons of my life have revolved around the slogan that I heard and tried to learn many years ago was: “Let Go and Let God”—a notion that involves relinquishing ego’s attachment to, or fear of, something. The single most pronounced attachment for most of us, especially me, during our lives one has the very strong attachment of wanting to be right. There is nothing ego loves more than to be right, which makes it an important and satisfying attachment to practice letting go of.

I seriously doubt that there is no one on this planet who has not engaged in arguing about trivial matters that turned into huge disagreements, which had a net effect of following a road of self-righteous anger. And all of it probably seemed to be for no reason other than the need, the desire, to be right. Eventually we may look back with wistful amusement, realizing now that our fear of actually being was so strong then that another person’s opinion could energize this unwanted feeling. Ego’s strategy was to be right no matter what, a highly successful maneuver that effectively distracted us from genuine purpose. Letting go of an attachment to being right can be a fairly simple exercise.

So how can one choose to:” let go and let God”, in a quest to eliminate an attachment to being right?  You can handle it with these simple words spoken to another, which is rather hard—but becomes easier with practice—: “You are right about that”. It stems from a soulful decision you make that when given the choice between being right and being kind—one should  will always choose to be kind. Saying “you are right about that” will gradually open the entry point to a road that leads through: “letting go and letting God” to experiencing a more significant life.

Part of the meaning one gains by letting go is a movement toward real contentment. Most stress in our lives results from hanging on to beliefs that keep us striving for more, because ego stubbornly believes we need it. When we make the shift away from attachment, the influence of our ego fades. We replace attachment with contentment. Chasing and striving—and then becoming attached to what we chased after—is a source of anxiety that feeds: ”ambition”, but it won’t satisfy the need for meaning at our soul level.

Sunday 27 November 2016

Quakers and I

  Wow-the year has gone already; it boggles the mind. I really think that for some reason, I have no idea why, but linear time is speeding up. I am not going to dwell on this, as I have not even the slightest theory-but neither do any physicists -so we shall leave it there.

Candles going, incense burning now I have to get going with my thoughts-and today was a good  day; thanks God. Human life is rather strange when you inspect it closely-we are so fragile and affected by so many things around us-especially if you are a person , that I would call an old soul. By that I mean you have seen, experienced and lived through numerous events, lives and are capable to see the outcomes of certain unfoldings happening in this existence. We often pass many things up which we should become aware off, yet we just go blindly by –which would be very helpful in our awareness and for our enlightenment.

I have done a little research on the internet regarding our house where we live -as I feel there is something going on here. Nothing bad-but good, but rather strange. This was a Quaker settlement –fine upstanding people, God loving people , only  a few- about 5 families in 1801 and especially where we are, around our creek which is a small river. I feel very strongly that some are still around here, the reason I feel is that they loved this place, and that is what mom and I are feeling. It is an amazing beautiful area and easy to fall in love with it. According to the historical writings they had about a 100 or more acres each around the river as it is a very fertile area close to the lake.

 I have no fear whatsoever, but  we are both experiencing lucid dream-which we never did, or cant`t sleep so many nights, or just filled with anxiety, much emotional upheaval or at times just absolute serenity and peace. I know we are not alone here-but surrounded by nothing bad-only good. Mom has more problems than I, but she is more sensitive than I. But-without knowing what we feel-it is the same for both of us-mom and I. Even when we are not feeling well-we are experience the same things-physical as well as psychological and mental. No-there is no paranormal activity at all around us- only feelings, and good one`s at that. So I have no fear whatsoever- in fact I feel very safe and protected by them-and very welcome-I so very much love my place; I am on the ground level about 40 yards from the river.

About four houses down is where they have a tiny historical cemetery-I have mentioned this before, where many of the folks are buried-so they are close. More than the original five families-but not that many-mostly – from mid 1800`s. I went to read them all some days ago-and one wonders that these people actually lived and walked the earth, walked this very place where I was standing. So incomprehensible. But-we all go through the same-live and die; one truth in existence, that non of us escape-just a matter of time. But-we still think about it, and wonder about it.

When we moved in here, into this house- we did sprinkle “Holy Water” around- but I am thinking of doing a “sage burning ritual”-so they may go on their way peacefully, happily and with joy-they will be able to rest easy that their place is still loved very much and  so appreciated. Each day I give thanks for all this beauty around us-and how  lucky we are to see and experience this-I am sure that is why they are here-hard to break away from all of this wonderful creation that they too once experienced at this same spot.-it is really  hard to leave. I so wish I new their names….

Friday 25 November 2016

Everyday people

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Some days are rather unique in many way-the last few has; so often when stuff happens a certain song comes to my mind: “A steel guitar and a glass of wine”-not even so much of the lyrics but the title. I have both tonight-a glass of red wine and music-most definitely not Leonard Cohen for a long time; can`t do it . Anyway-they say everything passes-so true-the “here” is on immediately “there”-so “there” is in effect never a “here”. Sounds confusing, but it is not really.

I haven`t feeling great lately-and caught a miserable virus-and even spent a day in bed wallowing in the miseries of all the things one has in one`s mind. We have so much-once in a while we have to do a purge of mind-we are like hoarders of some things “mentally”-some are so lucky ,just living in the moment –which is already gone. So-I have to confess it has been a lousy few days-for many reasons that everybody faces in life-the usual that no one escapes. Neither the beggar or the rich man-it is a state of the human condition. Up and down like a roller coaster.

We have to face things that is hard, aggravating and energy depriving. Most often it is the people we love the most that do this to us-for me it is family most often. This time also-nothing major, but worry and anxiety is not a good thing-and I do that a lot ; I suppose because we love and care for them, otherwise it wouldn’t affect us in the least. The more we love the more their behavior and feelings hurt or pains us-especially how they feel. And at times it just becomes just too much -I for one feel that one just wants to escape to somewhere safe where one does not have to face the situation-but that is not often possible.

No one is immune to these times-comes with life-love and caring. But the sun always comes up tomorrow- even if it is a cloudy day; and things turn on a dime. Today was much better and tomorrow I am back at the office-and that is always great, it is very uplifting for me. But the past few days have been a major stress-and one needs time to recover from it. But it does seem that the ship is righted once more-and things are back to normal; so it seems. But this is the lot of : “Everyday people”-and we just have to go on. I am sure everybody in life has been through these moments many times, I am just putting a voice to it.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Mandela Effect

Serendipity. Live and learn. I never heard of the “Mandela Effect”-well I could not quite verify its reality as the only thing I could identify with or relate to was Curious George`s tail. I swear he had a tail. However-I do believe in parallel universes, as well as multiverses as do the present physicists, but apart from George`s tail-I have had numerous experiences with such occurrences but attribute it more to “belief” albeit not as religion, but as an abstract brain or mind function-though God is highly in the equation.

Having a complete, total , absolute belief in something real or not-the mind believes it to be real. It cannot differentiate between the two, and all reactions in the body –chemical and physical perceives it to be real. So all twelve body systems-endocrine , digestive, circulatory, lymph, nervous , respiratory, urinary, reproductive, urinary, skeletal, muscular and integumentary - get into the action.

This is how and why placebos work,  miracle healings, perhaps even visions if not attributed to chemical ingestion like ayahuasca, psilocybin, or LSD like substances-well okay, all attributed to God-in truth. But at least we have some concept of it in scientific terms. Often rituals also come into play-as well as the “new age” philosophy of what is the basis of “The Secret”-thanking before receiving. Gratitude is major.

In my case-I have to acknowledge that I haven`t perfected the physical concept yet totally-as then I would be retired on my very own island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean with money to burn, with numerous bankrupt casinos in my wake.

However I can attest to a number of events in my life that work and have always worked for me ever since I can recall-meaning from about age about four-though my parents weren`t religious at all-I cannot remember them ever being inside a church, though they were Catholics. So I would walk to church by myself on Sundays which was quiet ways away, people would ask me where I was going-I would say: “ to church”. I cannot recall how I got to the church the very first time, or the event there of- but I remember going often. We lived just outside of Budapest which was a safe place in those days.

So-thus began my religious life and God a great part in it, and prayers. I got to learn at that very young age  that if I really wanted something to happen, or get I had a ritual-I would do and say: ”Thank you Lord very much for everything You have done till now-please (make such and such happen)-but if not possible, then it is still OK. But thank you anyway.”-and I would make the sign of the cross. And  whatever it was it would always happen-but I never abused it-so I only did it if it was very important to me or others. More often than not it wasn`t for a material thing-but like an event, or for somebody or my parents fighting or an exam.

If I would loose something-the same would happen-but it would be addressed also to St Anthony-and the stuff would just appear out of no where, literally out of the ethers-believe it or not, it is true to this day, to this week in fact. And I can swear that the stuff whatever it is, is not there, and the next minute it is-maybe it is “imaginary blindness” on my part. This happens regularly.

Now I have no insight if it is the belief, the prayers, saints or God-in whichever order-but it works. I can actually always prove it-more often these days –maybe my “faith” is deeper or practice makes perfect or God is being good to me-I prefer to believe the latter-and thank Him with all of my heart for all my blessings and especially Our Lady.

Thus I do not know if we can jump from one universe into an other, or if CERN is dabbling in the occult, playing with fire. Or perhaps Lord Shiva is doing His dance of destruction, -but I do know that there is more to everything than meets the eye, far, far more. Strange, weird and incomprehensible-whatever the mind can conceive is possible, even more than that.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Throw away love

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Some new movie is out, I didn`t even notice the title, but in the trailer a guy say says to the girl: “don`t throw love away”. What a profound statement-for we sure do. I have often referred to today`s generation as the: “the throw away generation”-and this statement made me think real hard as we so often pass things up very quickly. 

Regrets may kill you. It does kill you. There are plenty in life-often this lesson is learnt the hard way for all of us. I think Sinatra had it wrong, though he did it his way -however the Searchers didn`t! This  old song came to life in me-

Don't throw your love away
No, no, no, no
Don't throw your love away
For you might need it someday.

Don't throw your dreams away
No, no, no, no
Keep them another day
For you might need them someday.

Lovers of today
Just throw their dreams away
And play at love
They give their love away
To anyone who'll say, I love you.

As Heraclitus the Greek philosopher said- “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” Think about this long and hard for a while. Some things can never be undone.


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 On a High and Windy Hill....

Strange thing sound, especially the sound of the human speaking voice it has a wonderful resonance to it. Some people have a magic to their voice especially the different accents. There is something very charismatic, soothing and almost hypnotic that some people have. A couple of great men come to mind-never women for me. Not even the great actresses like Hepburn or Taylor. But Oh, those so awesome were Richard Burton, Laurence Olivier, Richard Harris, Rex Harrison and –I adore the voice of Alan Watts. These iconic men come immediately to my mind, I am probably dating myself here :-) –though Watts was certainly no actor.

American accents do nothing for me, except William Holden. Neither do Canadian-though I did like Pierre Trudeau`s accent-but then who didn`t like Pierre Trudeau?  What a charmer- a ladies man with brains to match and a great Prime Minister. His son, Justin cannot hold a candle to his father in any way or form, especially politics. I have to admit, intelligence is a turn on for me. I could never imagine loving a handsome , un-intelligent man;  but I could adore an ugly intelligent one. Though this time I am lucky, I have it all the way-he`s intelligent, handsome, and voice to match. 

Back to voices-. Maybe it is the British high class posh accent that draws me. The words just flow smoothly from their lips, and one falls immediately in love with them. Although I do like the common touch of the Cockney- as portrayed by Michael Caine in “Alfie”. 

Many years ago, in the stone-age, I took drama lessons quite seriously for a few years. Started when I was 13-of course there was a lot of  what was called “voice work”-and had to learn to talk with different accents. I was good at a few, especially the Cockney. Also lots of Shakespeare-I still love it-especially Sonnet 116. We used to put on shows for charity regularly, in different old age homes and  hospitals –try and cheer people up by bringing a little sunshine into their lives. 

I had a long monologue that I performed often from “Pygmalion”-a famous speech of Eliza Doolittle and an other one from “Love is a Many Splendored Thing”-the very last few pages of the book of the speech of Han Suyin . This latter, was also my audition piece for the SABC (South African Broadcasting Corp). I did a number of commercial on the radio for a while and a few “radio plays”- I remember a few still-very vividly. 

I was also in a number of plays-in a group called “The Bank Players”-that was a professional theatre group. I was paid for these-I used the money to go to Europe when I graduated grade 12. We performed in “The Library Theater”  in Johannesburg. We had a new play every three months generally. No, it wasn`t quite Broadway, not even off Broadway :-) -I was the youngest in the group-16 at the time. When I auditioned for them the first time-it took them 10 days to decide if I would get a certain part; I would call them during my lunch break from school and at least three more times per day-I was very insistent. But I was hired-from then on no more audition for them-thank God. I would have been a nervous wreck.

Those were fun days-then I grew up and had to do more serious things, like go to college and university. And the dream of becoming a star died-and I became a doctor-like Han Suyin-but without Mark Elliott aka William Holden. Life does its own thing-but love is a many splendored thing indeed .

Monday 21 November 2016

The way

 I am so frustrated this evening-I need a sign as which way to go.

 Many of the “new age” gurus-like Wilcock, Braden, Tolle, Shankar, Sheldrake, Chopra and numerous more that I have followed through the years-often stress the fact that you have to do this, that or an other thing, work hard at raising your consciousness-stepping up the ladder of enlightenment is no easy task awakening is serious business.

You have to meditate, follow various directions, rituals so you open the “pineal gland” or raise the “Kundalini”-and normalize or balance the various “chakras”, get your aura in order and polish your halo. Plus-be aware of the various channellings, messages  form cosmic civilizations, be aware of earth changes and work on activating more of our DNA. Be conscious of the different energy fields, be aware and vigilant of the earth changes and the different earth grids.

Be  sure to be in contact with the Ascended Masters and be up to date with their messages; anyone will do-from the long list you can choose from. Know your guides and get acquainted with your angel-mine being "Lelahel". And last but not least-be up to date regarding all the ancient prophecies. Be up to date on the Schumann resonance, listen only to 432Hz music. Be certain you understand, be aligned and in harmony with the three magnetic grids of the planet-especially the “crystalline grid.”

Translation: you have to work real hard to become enlightened and be ready for ascension. Do forgive me if I sound a bit cynical tonight—but I think I shall crawl back into my shell and hibernate, take the advice of Leary; “turn on, tune in, drop out”.-and wait until ascension that way—.

Oh,wow a sign, a crystal clear one—message just received loud and clear! Yes, synchronicity at work. The way is suddenly so very obvious  —from Kryon.

Mystical mystery

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"The first mystery is simply that there is a mystery, a mystery that can never be explained or understood, only encountered from time to time. Nothing is obvious. Everything conceals something else."

Rabbi Lawrence Kushner

Over the years my interest have varied greatly-especially when it comes to the mysteries of life, and of existence-though I consider myself more of a renegade Catholic incorporating many eastern religious ideas into my belief system, but I am a Catholic non the less having many serious disagreement with the Vatican`s  dogma.

I could list here a few dozen interesting figures in history from the religious to the strangest , who have delved into the magical, ethereal and the mystical that have tickled my deep interest through the years. Each time I had an encounter with one of these figures through their writings, and more often than not, I embraced part of their philosophical, theological, mystical insights, experiences which at the time made absolute sense.

These thoughts came to me this morning as I was reading some of  Dion Fortune`s writings. To be honest, one can go absolutely insane regarding all the ideas and thoughts that are out there but all are uniquely individual in their numerous writings-all vastly different and enormously fascinating. Not that I am saying that there is no truth in most of these writings of these enlightened souls, but it is for each of us to determine what “our truth “ is. Today-in minutes from the internet we can access information, that only a hundred or less years ago took a lifetime to find. But-at times too much information is not always a good thing .

Looking back now-perhaps because one becomes more reliant on self observation , imagination or encounters with age, as opposed to look for answers outside. I have come to the realization that in reality no one knows more than an other human being. One may accumulate more knowledge from their writings from  books, but those are still written by humans arising from their own experiences, ideas and interactions with existence.

Now- my musing here is more in the esoteric and mystical field as opposed to the different sciences that one learns throughout life that becomes necessary for us to be acquainted with the world and its advancement. These days I am less inclined to dive into something new that intrigues me, I try and keep things more serene and simple in my life-perhaps trying to be more organized and hitching my wagon to one star-rather than many. 

I think I came to this conclusion because I have come to the realization that there is no absolute truth, for that we shall never know; we just know our own and be that complicated, outlandish or the least simple it is just as important as the ones that come from the greatest of minds. Our reality is created by us-and we determine that through free will; what is real to one is absurd to an other, our experience is the determinant or base of our belief whatever that maybe.
All is mystical, and all is a mystery.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Galactic citizens?

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Now that we have entered the 21st Century many things have taken a turn, in fact the real stepping over the line was in 2012-which everybody at the time seemed to have interpreted rather differently. Yes-it was an end to the old, to the basic ideas of most of our scientific achievements-which are now morphing into a more complex scientific mode. These changes are sudden compared to cosmic history, however in our lives, it seems a very slow process in our linear time. These are the times that we are living that the Maya had predicted, and many of the ancients in their sacred writings . In fact, it is astounding how accurately they have predicted the forthcoming history of humanity-especially when we look at it with a more panoramic vision. 

Most religions have spoken of this-in very simple vernacular, but simplicity can always be interpreted and fitted into the days of the time, giving it a more scientific and complex  spin. Our brains have expanded to some degree, our consciousness and awareness is more in touch with the whole energy system of the universe-though we are still in “kindergarten” phase when coming to comprehend and understand creation and our place in it.  

Global nations, cultures, as well as galactic cultures have have their zeniths and nadirs-in my view so does humanity-we have just entered the first moment of our zenith as humanity. The 1st years of the 2000 year of the  “Golden Age”. This is not only  a planetary phenomena - but more so a galactic one,-we are all  one human  family that we have awakened up as if from a dream. Some still try and resist and think what is happening today in politics is a step backwards, or racism or separation-not at all. All things new are foreign and strange until we get used to it.  It is a new chapter in human history, as regarding the universe as a whole. In a way- the writers of  “Star Trek” were real visionaries, or had deep foresight.

This does not mean that nationalism is wrong, or keeping one`s root, family, racial history in the forefront should be erazed, or forgotten-we are a jig-saw puzzle, every piece is needed and  has a part to play. Multiculturalism is good-great in fact, but does not need to be baked into one “cake”-recognition of individuality is one of the greatest gifts for humanity, wanting to preserve one`s history is a blessing -being , white, black, pink or polka dot does not mean one is a racist, neither does it mean that one race or nation is superior or than an other which was the “old world” idea for millenia-those times are gone.

Acceptance , diversity, individuality, differences should be, and will be celebrated-especially with this coming generation that is coming to age-the old souls are back on the planet; we are no more just citizens of the world, but we are citizens of a galactic system, of the universe which is teeming with different forms of life and species which is seen on the horizon wanting to make contact with a peaceful-diverse accepting planet. 

So, I really see no need for fear of change, anger at the new, hate because of differences-nor the change in the US or the EU or elsewhere-for change is good, inevitable for growth and beneficial for expansion and awakening of spirit, soul and of creation. If we don`t accept multiculturalism and celebrate it, how will we be able to accept our neighbours from a different galaxy? Fight them? War with the? Kill them? Is that being civilized or is that being looking at creation still with our reptilian brain? 

 No, once we learn to accept each other and revere, accept and preserve our different heritages, that is the time we shall see the first visitor arriving to our planet from, perhaps even a different dimension-but until we learn the lesson of respect, sacredness, peace, understanding, mercy, acceptance of diversity and love they shall not appear-neither shall we proceed forward. Until we learn all the lessons of being truly human- until then we are not quite there yet as being called “fully human”. 

Let us choose light instead of darkness, now is the time. Choose compassion, care, gratitude, appreciation-these influence life deeply and brings coherence, a special field of energy  between heart and brain-and between each other; that is when the actual miracle happens.

These are the most wonderful, exciting  days and times to be human, and  many are celebrating not just on this planet but elsewhere as well- as some soul I respect deeply  says...... And so it is.

Saturday 19 November 2016

My thought

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I have many writings of a number of the”new age “ spiritual teachers, some I would claim them as my gurus. I strongly believe that if we sincerely, with positive intention seek within ourselves for answers it is all  there within-we just need to ask our “higher self”-which is on connection to the Divine. The teachers  may make us recognize our strengths, weaknesses and point us to  path to recognize enlightenment-but they have no answers as Alan Watts had so poignantly stated. But, as I stated before-no human being knows more than an other-maybe in certain small areas, but we are all filled with grace and the gift of the Creator.

Our journey to enlightenment is not something that suddenly bursts open like a flower bud-it is unlike the experience that Lord Buddha had under the Bodi Tree, he was a very old soul, so was Our Lord Jesus they were -every special. However our journey is a slow journey and and at an individual pace , a much slower one.

I also equate enlightenment not entirely as a spiritual awakening-a person with a halo on one`s head, but a human awakening regarding our relationship to the world, the planet, to creation in the universe and our human family; and treatment of all of creation. It isn`t an esoteric process, a spiritual  as well  as mostly a human process, which is part of the divine spark-and how we relate to the entire Divine creation .

For me awakening does comprise of a number of components-number one compassion, empathy, understanding diversity, encompassing all of humanity, mercy and above all , forgiveness and above all recognizing that love is the basis of all. We are all one, all connected and created equal with different gifts-.

My advice to myself is-do the best I can, help as much as I can, be compassionate as I can, be empathetic to all living things-from the greatest to the smallest.  Be understanding as I can be, for we are all special in some way-and realize we are all different and see the world , relationships differently; so hate, revenge, antagonism has no part in  my life.

Spirituality is a way, is nothing special, but a way back to our Source-. Love , forgiveness, loyalty and understanding that we are all different is an important factor to realize that we have to give and take to have balance-in the human existence. Love bridges all- fear kills all and antagonism is a real road block-so –do all with positive intention, positive attitude and no matter who enters, exited in your life they all expansion of spirit -added to your and their life profoundly–for God has a reason for all the happens.

Find a way to the one whom you call your Creator- religions don`t matter-just recognize that  out there is someone or something much greater that whom we are or can ever imagine. Find that connection and you will find peace, reason for living and be grateful everyday to whomever to  believe to be whom is your Creator, Source,or for me God. Blessed be our ”Universal Creator”…..a special blessing and thanks  to My blessed Mother, Our Lady-who always comes through- never has She ever  failed me.

Friday 18 November 2016

Persian rug

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This year flew by at a wink of an eye-it was a most wonderful year. We all have ups and down,that is being human-but looking at it overall it was one of the best. Maybe it is where we live- it is a wonder of nature, it has a wonderful natural vibration and spirit. I often wonder who walked here,who lived here  where I am walking; I am sure they must have been very happy in this wonderful place,-and yet it is very close to the city; one just can get lost on the trails in our forest and just be embraced by the spirit of God everywhere-one just feels the oneness.

We still enjoying Indian Summer, see myriads of stars in the evening and we had the largest “golden”moon ever the other day reflecting back from the  river was enchanting. All the trees are bare apart from the pines-the ravine down to the river and the lawn looks like it is covered by a majestic Persian hand woven carpet-with the different coloured leaves-it was like a magnificent painting.  However- it was cleared up totally this afternoon by the gardeners-and once more we have the green grass carpet back once more and our resident raccoon family loves it.

All my life I lived in the heart of the city, and seldom thought and saw the beauty of nature-apart from our garden or once a while on a holiday into the mountains or down to the sea. One should be conscious of all the beauty every moment and notice the tiniest of things –they are all incredible miracles. Often things we miss that are out of mind. In the city one can hardly ever see a star-we miss the most important parts of creation. In the city we work, run from mall to mall, shop till we drop and many live in huge concrete structures and watch TV all night, drop into bed and then the same thing starts again the next day-like lab rats. Our souls instead of expanding , contract for lack of growth, which beauty, nature, creation brings forth from our spirit-and if we lose or forget those inspirations materialism takes over the reigns of life. We become more and more diminished by modern life and just "exist" instead of experiencing life to the fullest.
So just look up- and try to look at the stars and imagine the grandness of creation and the vastness of the universe of which we are a part of-and you will be so amazed.