Saturday 19 November 2016

My thought

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I have many writings of a number of the”new age “ spiritual teachers, some I would claim them as my gurus. I strongly believe that if we sincerely, with positive intention seek within ourselves for answers it is all  there within-we just need to ask our “higher self”-which is on connection to the Divine. The teachers  may make us recognize our strengths, weaknesses and point us to  path to recognize enlightenment-but they have no answers as Alan Watts had so poignantly stated. But, as I stated before-no human being knows more than an other-maybe in certain small areas, but we are all filled with grace and the gift of the Creator.

Our journey to enlightenment is not something that suddenly bursts open like a flower bud-it is unlike the experience that Lord Buddha had under the Bodi Tree, he was a very old soul, so was Our Lord Jesus they were -every special. However our journey is a slow journey and and at an individual pace , a much slower one.

I also equate enlightenment not entirely as a spiritual awakening-a person with a halo on one`s head, but a human awakening regarding our relationship to the world, the planet, to creation in the universe and our human family; and treatment of all of creation. It isn`t an esoteric process, a spiritual  as well  as mostly a human process, which is part of the divine spark-and how we relate to the entire Divine creation .

For me awakening does comprise of a number of components-number one compassion, empathy, understanding diversity, encompassing all of humanity, mercy and above all , forgiveness and above all recognizing that love is the basis of all. We are all one, all connected and created equal with different gifts-.

My advice to myself is-do the best I can, help as much as I can, be compassionate as I can, be empathetic to all living things-from the greatest to the smallest.  Be understanding as I can be, for we are all special in some way-and realize we are all different and see the world , relationships differently; so hate, revenge, antagonism has no part in  my life.

Spirituality is a way, is nothing special, but a way back to our Source-. Love , forgiveness, loyalty and understanding that we are all different is an important factor to realize that we have to give and take to have balance-in the human existence. Love bridges all- fear kills all and antagonism is a real road block-so –do all with positive intention, positive attitude and no matter who enters, exited in your life they all expansion of spirit -added to your and their life profoundly–for God has a reason for all the happens.

Find a way to the one whom you call your Creator- religions don`t matter-just recognize that  out there is someone or something much greater that whom we are or can ever imagine. Find that connection and you will find peace, reason for living and be grateful everyday to whomever to  believe to be whom is your Creator, Source,or for me God. Blessed be our ”Universal Creator”…..a special blessing and thanks  to My blessed Mother, Our Lady-who always comes through- never has She ever  failed me.

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