Sunday 20 November 2016

Galactic citizens?

Image result for planets and galaxies
Now that we have entered the 21st Century many things have taken a turn, in fact the real stepping over the line was in 2012-which everybody at the time seemed to have interpreted rather differently. Yes-it was an end to the old, to the basic ideas of most of our scientific achievements-which are now morphing into a more complex scientific mode. These changes are sudden compared to cosmic history, however in our lives, it seems a very slow process in our linear time. These are the times that we are living that the Maya had predicted, and many of the ancients in their sacred writings . In fact, it is astounding how accurately they have predicted the forthcoming history of humanity-especially when we look at it with a more panoramic vision. 

Most religions have spoken of this-in very simple vernacular, but simplicity can always be interpreted and fitted into the days of the time, giving it a more scientific and complex  spin. Our brains have expanded to some degree, our consciousness and awareness is more in touch with the whole energy system of the universe-though we are still in “kindergarten” phase when coming to comprehend and understand creation and our place in it.  

Global nations, cultures, as well as galactic cultures have have their zeniths and nadirs-in my view so does humanity-we have just entered the first moment of our zenith as humanity. The 1st years of the 2000 year of the  “Golden Age”. This is not only  a planetary phenomena - but more so a galactic one,-we are all  one human  family that we have awakened up as if from a dream. Some still try and resist and think what is happening today in politics is a step backwards, or racism or separation-not at all. All things new are foreign and strange until we get used to it.  It is a new chapter in human history, as regarding the universe as a whole. In a way- the writers of  “Star Trek” were real visionaries, or had deep foresight.

This does not mean that nationalism is wrong, or keeping one`s root, family, racial history in the forefront should be erazed, or forgotten-we are a jig-saw puzzle, every piece is needed and  has a part to play. Multiculturalism is good-great in fact, but does not need to be baked into one “cake”-recognition of individuality is one of the greatest gifts for humanity, wanting to preserve one`s history is a blessing -being , white, black, pink or polka dot does not mean one is a racist, neither does it mean that one race or nation is superior or than an other which was the “old world” idea for millenia-those times are gone.

Acceptance , diversity, individuality, differences should be, and will be celebrated-especially with this coming generation that is coming to age-the old souls are back on the planet; we are no more just citizens of the world, but we are citizens of a galactic system, of the universe which is teeming with different forms of life and species which is seen on the horizon wanting to make contact with a peaceful-diverse accepting planet. 

So, I really see no need for fear of change, anger at the new, hate because of differences-nor the change in the US or the EU or elsewhere-for change is good, inevitable for growth and beneficial for expansion and awakening of spirit, soul and of creation. If we don`t accept multiculturalism and celebrate it, how will we be able to accept our neighbours from a different galaxy? Fight them? War with the? Kill them? Is that being civilized or is that being looking at creation still with our reptilian brain? 

 No, once we learn to accept each other and revere, accept and preserve our different heritages, that is the time we shall see the first visitor arriving to our planet from, perhaps even a different dimension-but until we learn the lesson of respect, sacredness, peace, understanding, mercy, acceptance of diversity and love they shall not appear-neither shall we proceed forward. Until we learn all the lessons of being truly human- until then we are not quite there yet as being called “fully human”. 

Let us choose light instead of darkness, now is the time. Choose compassion, care, gratitude, appreciation-these influence life deeply and brings coherence, a special field of energy  between heart and brain-and between each other; that is when the actual miracle happens.

These are the most wonderful, exciting  days and times to be human, and  many are celebrating not just on this planet but elsewhere as well- as some soul I respect deeply  says...... And so it is.

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