Monday 21 November 2016

The way

 I am so frustrated this evening-I need a sign as which way to go.

 Many of the “new age” gurus-like Wilcock, Braden, Tolle, Shankar, Sheldrake, Chopra and numerous more that I have followed through the years-often stress the fact that you have to do this, that or an other thing, work hard at raising your consciousness-stepping up the ladder of enlightenment is no easy task awakening is serious business.

You have to meditate, follow various directions, rituals so you open the “pineal gland” or raise the “Kundalini”-and normalize or balance the various “chakras”, get your aura in order and polish your halo. Plus-be aware of the various channellings, messages  form cosmic civilizations, be aware of earth changes and work on activating more of our DNA. Be conscious of the different energy fields, be aware and vigilant of the earth changes and the different earth grids.

Be  sure to be in contact with the Ascended Masters and be up to date with their messages; anyone will do-from the long list you can choose from. Know your guides and get acquainted with your angel-mine being "Lelahel". And last but not least-be up to date regarding all the ancient prophecies. Be up to date on the Schumann resonance, listen only to 432Hz music. Be certain you understand, be aligned and in harmony with the three magnetic grids of the planet-especially the “crystalline grid.”

Translation: you have to work real hard to become enlightened and be ready for ascension. Do forgive me if I sound a bit cynical tonight—but I think I shall crawl back into my shell and hibernate, take the advice of Leary; “turn on, tune in, drop out”.-and wait until ascension that way—.

Oh,wow a sign, a crystal clear one—message just received loud and clear! Yes, synchronicity at work. The way is suddenly so very obvious  —from Kryon.

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