Friday 25 November 2016

Everyday people

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Some days are rather unique in many way-the last few has; so often when stuff happens a certain song comes to my mind: “A steel guitar and a glass of wine”-not even so much of the lyrics but the title. I have both tonight-a glass of red wine and music-most definitely not Leonard Cohen for a long time; can`t do it . Anyway-they say everything passes-so true-the “here” is on immediately “there”-so “there” is in effect never a “here”. Sounds confusing, but it is not really.

I haven`t feeling great lately-and caught a miserable virus-and even spent a day in bed wallowing in the miseries of all the things one has in one`s mind. We have so much-once in a while we have to do a purge of mind-we are like hoarders of some things “mentally”-some are so lucky ,just living in the moment –which is already gone. So-I have to confess it has been a lousy few days-for many reasons that everybody faces in life-the usual that no one escapes. Neither the beggar or the rich man-it is a state of the human condition. Up and down like a roller coaster.

We have to face things that is hard, aggravating and energy depriving. Most often it is the people we love the most that do this to us-for me it is family most often. This time also-nothing major, but worry and anxiety is not a good thing-and I do that a lot ; I suppose because we love and care for them, otherwise it wouldn’t affect us in the least. The more we love the more their behavior and feelings hurt or pains us-especially how they feel. And at times it just becomes just too much -I for one feel that one just wants to escape to somewhere safe where one does not have to face the situation-but that is not often possible.

No one is immune to these times-comes with life-love and caring. But the sun always comes up tomorrow- even if it is a cloudy day; and things turn on a dime. Today was much better and tomorrow I am back at the office-and that is always great, it is very uplifting for me. But the past few days have been a major stress-and one needs time to recover from it. But it does seem that the ship is righted once more-and things are back to normal; so it seems. But this is the lot of : “Everyday people”-and we just have to go on. I am sure everybody in life has been through these moments many times, I am just putting a voice to it.

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