Thursday 10 September 2015

I say I am You

Say, I Am You

I am dust particles in sunlight.
I am the round sun.

To the bits of dust I say, Stay.
To the sun, Keep moving.

I am morning mist,
and the breathing of evening.

I am wind in the top of a grove,
and surf on the cliff.

Mast, rudder, helmsman, and keel,
I am also the coral reef they founder on.

I am a tree with a trained parrot in its branches.
Silence, thought, and voice.

The musical air coming through a flute,
a spark of stone, a flickering in metal.

Both candle and the moth crazy around it.
Rose, and the nightingale lost in the fragrance.

I am all orders of being, the circling galaxy,
the evolutionary intelligence, the lift, and the falling away.

What is, and what isn’t.

You who know, Jelaluddin,
You the one in all, say who I am.
Say I am you.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

My angel,my all, my other self

 This is late 2014....from a blog called / The Clocks...which is closed

Strange human life, strange we humans. Lately I am filled with peace, for some reason in my soul I have come to terms with love. Maybe it is is influence of readings I have done-but I am not as needy, or perhaps obsessed with the ideas of love. Love  just is. I simply love and that is entirely sufficient, it is what it is and how it has to be, to be  real--I do not need re-assurance, a testament or a daily assurance from you for now I know that love given is what is real, not the one received. Though I have to confess that being loved is needed to complement, or is an adjunct to reinforce, or to complete the circle,- but it has to pour out from the other`s soul freely, without any force, without any fear without any enticement. If it is otherwise it is not love at all but self delusion.

You have but almost entirely have shut me out of your life lately-but that is  fine. I know I haven`t done anything to warrant that, so peace fills my heart , it washes over me like a warm embracing wave. A  joy that that fills me completely-- I do love you and for some unearthly reason I feel serene, fulfilled and do not lack or feel neglected by you. I know that you love me in your own way--you are a person who crafts  words in the most spectacular manner, however words are words only no matter how beautiful when it is without sufficient feelings of spirit, without flow of grace from the soul that is the very spirit of God. I also  realize that at time it is from your heart at times a need to satisfy me and at times even a burden--but these are our human qualities, our human weaknesses and stresses of life in general.

Things that changed in a most peculiar way for the better perhaps, sort of settled in onto out way of life--why? Perhaps there has been some private messages from God for me,  whispering to me during the night- funny I dream much these days- never did before. I have been but touched deeply by a few writers- especially John O`Donohue and other great souls who have shone the light on reality in a way. So, I really have  I have no need of daily communication with you-though it would be nice, but not a need. I know you love me and I love you with deep passion-but I have acknowledged after all this time that we are different, yet the same. I don`t have this desperate need of you that was torturing me, ever doubtful, ever present-I am at peace. 

I suppose this is for a number of reasons--I now feel entirely free of the idea that I have offended you, have said something to hurt you or have done anything to feel sorry about. None of that exists--all I have and do is love you. Whether you love me back in words of expression is irrelevant at this point now--for I know you do, though at times perhaps you may even doubt yourself, but I know you do. You see--that statement : We only realize things in all it perspective, in its beauty, in its value in its passing. I feel I am blessed for I am constantly trying to be aware of it all, appreciate all and be grateful for all before its passing.

At times I feel that I keep re-visiting your letters to Naomi, it tells me that you are still looking still for something--I actually have found it darling. Why I am saying this--it is because of your letters to her were full of yearning of things which you already had, possessed yet did not realize, maybe you should read a few sometimes and contemplate as to what your really want: is it the chase, the challenge, the "new experience"which you think will be more fulfilling, or perhaps the shine has gone and there is some tarnish. Ah, but you see things of value always have patina--! I tell you darling-happiness, joy, love lies and comes from within one, not without.

At times your words told me that you are/were happy  and love me--and at times I feel you are going through the motions and were bored--we seemed to have communicated more and more through "haiku". But-I do not blame myself any longer, there was a time when I did, but not any longer. The ball is in your court now-whether you hit it or not is up to you.

We could have been talking via Skype , you chose not to--after all these years it seems a bit odd--but then, it is all up to you my darling heart--I am leaving it all up to you. We shall have plenty of time in heaven to talk of things that we have not discussed here on earth--I am convinced of that. This is a very comforting thought.

I love you my angel, my all--my other self

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Why now

Well just in case you are wondering it is time to clean house, I have so many blogs lying around that they need sweeping out.....well not that many really- under 10 blog spots- I shall bring to life a couple of more in the next while, so keep tuned.

Seeing that we have a tetrad- a blood moon, the Jewish New Year, the Pope coming to the White House and the expectation of the "end of the world" by a meteor or a Tsumani on the 28th of September and a few more titillating items on the agenda of God, I would like to enter the kingdom of heaven with a clean slate and conscience   - though in reality I doubt that anything will happen, but a new beginning for the planet; including myself as for all.

I think we have stepped finally into the energy of the next dimension which started way back in 1987 with the" Harmonic Convergence" - all this has taken a number of years to gel- 2012 was simply passing the halfway mark, and I strongly feel this is what the Maya and the other prophecies were fore-telling. We are deep into the change, the "Great Shift"is upon us finally. It is exiting times ahead of us-nothing is the old energy anymore. Us neither, I suppose. 

Activation, so to speak of those supposed "junk DNA" molecules -cranking it up to 44% from the 33% we are at now; guess some would call it "Ascension" maybe some "Rapture".

So- I have to do a lot of work in the next few weeks in more ways then one.


This is from  the other blog in /2014 I wrote it then.

Last night I laboured hard over this post most profoundly, as I was afraid that I would say the wrong thing. Probably have . That is why I removed it for a while as well as the Black Rose--for it contained things that I thought may offend you,--but all is out of love, nothing else. Never to hurt you.

I have to now elaborate here--I am still rather confounded over the Naomi blogs, or issues. I have no resolution in my mind. In the very initial letters you used and said the same words to her. "I am attracted to you like a moon to its sun"--well the phrase is close. "I need, I am hungry  human companionship, interaction". Wow. Any thing I have ever said to you was to you, and to you only. Terms of endearment, words quotes, poems, music were to you alone--ever. I would have been otherwise deceiving my own self were it different, I couldn`t not have lived with myself. All would then what I felt before would have been a lie, a deception.Yet--you used the term "grokked"--regarding being in love. You told her you need to be loved, you need the emotional connection--in fact the term you used were"hungry" for it as you never loved before. To tell you the truth I had to look up the word "grokked" as I never even heard it before.

Now something else is tugging at my heart, that is when I wrote to you about the car accident, you totally disregarded my plea. Your concern was beyond measure. Is this how one responds to a person that is in love with? No. You were only deathly silent. I could never have been, I could never have not responded to you. How could you not if you love me? I fail to understand where you are coming from in many respects. I have never intentionally hurt you, caused you pain--neither did I ever do anything to cause you pain. I would give part of myself for you if the need arose. That what love does. That how love responds. That what love is.

These are just a few incidents that come so strongly to mind--but one of the worst ones was, when you moved from Colorado and I asked if you are taking my picture and other things with you. Your answer was brief and very dismissive "why should I"? Well--that sure was a stab to the heart.

Now--I have to question what is happening as you have been silent for over a week. Did I offend you, or is there some sort of crisis? Or did I say something again in my letters? Is it maybe you have found out that I was in fact Simon as well as Giovanni? I wonder about it. Also, I was deathly scared to ask what that actual blind spot of mine is? What is yours? These things I would ask you would I have the courage to do so.

You see the Naomi thing haunts me most awfully, constantly can`t get it off my mind.The wounds are very deep indeed--but I so very much love you that it over shadows my pain. I just didn`t expect it. I was going to keep those letter in this blog space, but it just is a bitter reminder of that perhaps all that is and was between us is a sham. Is a lie. Is an illusion--for you a game. So I deleted them--I had them for a while and re-read and re-read them, it was driving me crazy.

True--I have in the past before we broke up said some real nasty things to you--including stuff in some post under different disguises--I was angry, mad but above all deeply wounded to the core. I have never been so blunt ever before with anyone as when I told you those things--and some made up stories about some other men. They were all just stories, all untrue, just to inflict some sort of pain on you, to make you see how I was feeling. I was desperate as to evoke an emotion from you.  How could you even imagine I would have betrayed you in any way or form were you here or on the moon. I am and was always committed to you, to us. Nothing would ever move me from that--I shall die loving you. Why? How? Is beyond me. Beyond understanding.

Where are you now? I don`t really know anything about your Chicago life--all you do is send me a card here and there--the very odd neutral letter. You said a few things in your last one--after the Elibron  card--but all is a big secret. You say you don`t write your journal--maybe. But you said "writing is like breathing" and you would die without it. So then how are you surviving?

Then when your letters seemed filled this anguish, sadness confusion, pain--being lost. I sent you the St. Jude Prayer--you were offended--saying you were feeling great. Yet you were filled with complaints about your life, your sister and life. I don`t understand. Please make me see and understand where we are. What is happening ?

You invite me and my mother to Chicago--isn`t that a bit strange to you? It was touching, nice--but awfully strange. I am no teenager, neither are you. No? Now there is deathly silence. You open my cards a day or two later--yesterday`s isn`t even open. What is happening? You said things were great in Kentucky. Now what? I asked about your parents as to what they are doing there--more silence. We chat on the internet--you disappear from sight for days--not saying goodbye or anything. Now I would understand if you are drinking or doing whatever you are doing with Luis--but still it is very curious as how you are behaving with me.

You said --a week or two ago."The whole weekend I shall be thinking just of you--"And you went totally off the radar--when your sister went to Wisconsin. As you said-- we were communicating via Haiku on the gratefulness site. Even your birthday card--it was acknowledged a day or two after. Why? You haven`t told me a thing about how your birthday went--or anything. What is going on--? It feels I hardly know you. One day I do, the other you are a complete stranger.

Thank God I didn`t suggest that you get back on Paxil, that would have totally finished us off. I was going to when you were so full of anguish and depression--well that is how you sounded. My interpretation maybe wrong, off on a tangent--no body language to see your reactions or explanations. I am utterly confused. Totally lost in this situation. Is there an actual "us"? I am deathly scared of losing you--so I shut up, but even that is not enough. Even neutral things seem to aggravate you, bring you to a boil I know. What am I supposed to do? Please let me know. Give me a sign--a something. This is not a one night stand we are having--it is a 8 year question. It is a hell of a long time--not a day, weeks, months but many years in the making. Now I know it is very convoluted--we haven`t met, seen each other. We could on the internet--every night, but you feel safe this way as I had said way back. You are frightened--want me and want me not. You said you would send pictures. When? In the next century? Why is it so hard for you to let your guard down at this point in our relationship?

I have never told you this--but from the very beginning you have reminded me so much of Merton and Fr. Ralph in the "Thornbirds". Yes, I know neither of them are  your favourite. Why because they remind you of yourself! And also you are jealous, especially if I talk about any other man--as I did on Assisi. Oh, yes--and the reading of "Proteas"--you started and stopped in your tracks--no explanation , nothing. Long after you told me you were jealous of the protagonist--Well I ask you, really? And just deleting the Assisi front page--now I am reminded that , that is where and when it all started --our break up.....funny both beginning and the end-Alpha and Omega of us! I had quite forgotten--. Even that group was so important for you--I gave it to you, then you destroyed it.

Who was it that told you to open Reiki Frontiers? Remember it was I! I wanted you to be happy, successful and fulfilled--when it started going and people acclaimed you. Please give me a break--who cares what those people think.Where are those people when you are in darkness, in pain? When you need something? Where the hell is that woman--what`s her name--Mariah Windsong. Wow--some genius she is. And you put her in charge--in charge of what? Nothing. For Neither Assisi or Frontiers mean one iota in our lives, in any life.

Like Merton your cop out with the usual politically correct excuse of-- God. Sound so spiritual, so introspective, so lame. I don`t think non of you holy men are holy at all--God is the excuse for your inadequacies, as was Merton's. He as well as you said-"I could never imagine myself being loved or love"--in fact one of his books is titled "Learning to Love". God--you men of intelligence are all mad. As they say there is a fine line between madness and genius. Maybe it is all the writing, the mental pre-occupation with all the psychological stuff that drives you over the edge. All of you when loved--or love can`t handle it and hide behind God or this spiritual life. As in your case, as well as Merton it is --Mary or whoever the Divine Feminine is "du jour".

 Now is this normal behaviour? An expression of coping well in and with life? No.  Did Merton die happy though world acclaimed? Did Fr. Ralph? No they all died with regrets--after getting the fame and acclamation from the world. Their ambition actually did them in--and almost destroying the woman who loved them completely. Yes--I too would walk that path were we living in the same city--that is why I don`t want to meet--I do not want to be totally consumed by your fire. Their own vanity, self centredness, self interest, being completely self absorbed and raging egoism--as it does you. Vanity as I have said--is one of the deadly sins--you were destroyed by that comment when I said it. But--the truth always hurts.

As with Merton--God told him to be silent--was he? Are you? Do you listen to God? No--you fight Him day in and day out and wield you sword against Him when you are mad. Well--you are simply a man and shall never beat God even though you want Lucifer to help you. This is the way it is--shortcomings, inadequacies and being ill equipped at handling the reality of the life. Incapable in handling the real world--hiding somewhere--in cloisters, hermitages and monasteries instead of facing the stark reality--acknowledging that life- especially love is hard work.

Yes-- I see far too clearly, even more so since I have gotten more into Merton. Yes--he made me depressed to some degree for I realized the truth, or rather accepted it which I have always known. But as did M, or Meggie-- as I too, we  cannot stop loving. I cannot ever stop loving you no matter what you do--that is the curse.  We are mesmerized, bewitched and transformed by men like you. Maybe it is the words--and no action bit. We are emotional and generally turned on not by the sex, but by the heart. That is our deadly weakness. We cannot escape no matter how hard we try, how well we fight. We are captured for good, and are captivated like a moth is attracted to light--in fact to that which kills it. And you all know it far too well--see the weakness and revel in it for it gives you strength in the face of all adversity. Yes all you holy men of God--you destroy love. You kill one`s who love you. You forsake when you need to step up. You leave when you need to protect. You run when you have to fight--all in the name of God and the spiritual life.

This is really why I decided to open this addendum--I had to have a voice somewhere--let out my frustrations, my feelings and vent. My painful soul that is crying buckets of tears at times. I have no idea what to say, what to do. I have no idea what you actually need. What you want of me, if anything at all. I would so much want to know your internal life--all I know are the love letters you write--but spiritually where you are at I am in total darkness. But I really needed to put down some thought of how and what I feel.

Now--well you are totally have vanished, off the radar. Where are You?



The Black Rose

I wrote this a while back  in an other is time for it to see sunlight here so you may see it.

If I am being totally honest--the way why I feel so is because of you. I can`t figure you out at all, and that exercise the other day when you talked about my blind spot, your blind spot seems to be lingering with me. You came back into my life through some deception on my part, though you could have seen through it were you not jumping into a new relationship in the heat of the moment with a new woman you haven`t even had a decent communication with, or knowing whom she actually was. Yet you were totally taken in. Fell into the trap-how very gullible of you, how very human.

You see the need , the want and the desire is there, but so is the fear that you have to live up to being a man--you over compensate by the romantic letters, prose, and innuendos.  Making love on the pages is far easier than reality. Maybe there is no desire to, for the mind cannot distinguish between the though and the physical action- it is just as real in the mind. Perhaps all is out of feeling that you are not good enough from some experience in the past. That is safe, but for a time only. Once you feel you are in danger of living up to it in the real life you are scared as hell and run for the hills.

But this makes me wonder--how many women have you done this to? Yes, now I think Wendy may not have been as crazy as you have told me. You deceived her, made her fall for you. The point you made a while back that your sister is now assured that I am really in love with you, was such a strange statement, that it just floored me.

What does it matter what your sister thinks to you? Or to me? Are we teenagers, or even younger? Is she your mother?  Most odd.

But what really nags at me is; is this a game? I don`t think so really, but I do have my doubts about your commitment. I think you are honest, but you cannot or feel that you cannot live up to the expectations in real life-that is why you don`t want  a job, a congregation nor a life outside the family in the real world.

You are scared and are not able to handle a relationship in the normal sense, or in the reality. It is like not being able to watch yourself in the mirror. You want the feeling of love as "learning to love, or being capable of love or accepting that you are worthy to be loved" which you really haven`t even now learnt or have come to terms with, maybe very slightly, but not really. You have feelings of doubt, insecurity and uncertainty about standing on your own feet within a relationship. That you can`t do and you feel that you are not worthy being loved at all. For you feel you can`t reciprocate.

But you can, and you do! Don`t you see that?  Open your eyes. Open your heart. Open your soul for all is shut down. And, oh yes, you hide behind God, spirituality and now the boys. You cling desperately to this notion of ethereal love, or love in a past life or in the next life. Your feelings of inadequacies are killing you or the writings fulfill  you in that area to some degree; probably thinking that or rather convincing yourself that, that is what spirituality is. Well it isn`t.

That is why when it gets more dangerous or when I said I may come to Chicago a  few years or  ago, that what made you run. Now, I think it was the influence of your sister and maybe your mother that allowed or perhaps forced you to ask me this time.  I am certainly sure you were praying that I would refuse. Well, I have.

You see darling to be able to love wholly, one must be whole commit  and allow the entwining of one`s heart with the beloved. You say you do, but it frightens you and you find all kinds of excuses. That is why you have never really have had a normal relationship from the get go. Even with Katherine. The others were more of a need, like you needed a mother figure when you had the relationship in Toronto, that is why it happened. But it was never a balanced relationship, that is why you felt abused, used and tormented. It was a dominant relationship not a mutual one. As all the few other had major problems, sadly with me, we could work things out, even if we never meet and have a healthy relationship, sure a bit strange: but healthy and rewarding.

In a way I too have some of the fears you do, as because I am so committed to my family and I feel responsible totally for my mother. So, in a way I am walking in a similar moccasin to you in an other way. Even going on a date years ago I felt guilty. Why? I have no reason maybe I felt sort of the man of the family and being with a man felt I was betraying them.

So, you see darling- I am not as secure, self assured and self sufficient as I often sound. We are all very flawed human beings.for me it stems from my mother always telling me when I was a child and even later that I was the reason why she never left my father. So I feel guilty about that, always have, still do. I can`t get over it. But with my rational mind I know it not to be true, for she could have left, but didn`t for her own security. True- I always begged her not to leave, but now this is what I have faced my whole life.

For you whatever happened, what you never wanted to tell me is the reason once , if ever you will tell me that is when you will be able to let go and love sincerely, till then it is just a thought that you love, are but empty words trying to convince yourself. As I do so well about my mother. As your mother did forever confiding in you, plus whatever else that went on with you in you younger days. You see parent have to be able to let their children fly- neither of us were allowed to do that and weighted down, tethered with the guilt trips. You felt responsible for your mother`s unhappiness with Jan, as I did for mine-yet we are the children and they are the parents, it was their duty to teach us to fly and to push us out of the nest, not to hold us back. No-once more  you feel the responsibility for the boys as well, also that  Kai is unhappy and miserable. It is not your fault that she and your mother  made the wrong choices!

Neither is it mine about my mother this shall never end. Will it? And, this is where we are, why we are so  fucked up and messed up forever. Incapable to function, incapable to have a decent relationship, incapable to have an independent life. Our problems are very deep seated and I am sure not even years of therapy will put us straight, neither will anti-depressants, drugs nor alcohol will do it--we are doomed for the sins of our mothers. Till death us do part. For we love them far too deeply, that can only be escaped through death--nothing else. Were we different, we would have walked years ago--but love has very strong chains, impossible to break.

The letters, the cards, the quotes, the poetry are the safety valves for appeasement for our spirit and heart for sanity sake. Do we really love each other--now that is the question. Or are we just using each other  for our troubled life trying to find some normalcy, some answers some realty that we may accept as being the truth.

Cosmic consciousness

Made me wonder as I was watching the video according to Dr. Wm Tiller, consciousness is a higher spectrum than the ultra gamma rays—thus it travels far faster than the speed of light—thus according to this theory, (consciousness, which is coherent information that is transmitted)— which has multi-dimensions—meaning whatever chakra is activated, the higher the faster the vibrational frequency! —the 2rd chakra`s(basal) energy which is consciousness itself—its conscious energy can  can travel at speed of light (186,000 mls/sec)to the power of 2 which is (34 billion mls/sec)—frequency of ultra gamma rays with frequency so high as to penetrate anything at a subatomic level—the 4thchakra(heart chakra) power of 3 ( 64 quadrillion mls/sec), the  –the 7th chakra (crown chakra) to the power of 5.  

At the speed of light we can reach the Pleiades system (2.5 quadrillion mls)in 440 light years—but this way it takes only a fraction of 1/37 of  a second! To the power of 4—we can get to the Andromeda Galaxy 2.5 million light years from earth—in a fraction of a second! Here we attain super-cosmic consciousness.

We need to attain the highest vibrational coherence in all of our centers that is possible in this lifetime—this is why it is important to work on the higher levels, so that we maybe able to travel farther—and attain cosmic knowledge—maybe through the crown chakra—we maybe able to, or some already access the “Akahsic Records”, the huge cosmic library of God. This is a place, or some cosmic space—maybe outside of time and space, maybe the Andromeda Galaxy where all the information is stored—all records of past, and futures events are stored—Yes—here is no “present”, this concept is a mere bridge to past and future.

And we are worried about getting a date on Sunday—or just with paying the mortgage, or that the”outfit “ is important. Thus—all of this information leaves us to ponder whom and what we or whom we really are. LaoTse was right, with this being the truth: —we are mere butterflies dreaming we are man! Yes—Oliver is right—soul-work is where its all at, all else is mere mirages for the benefit of ego. The “sin” or the “missed mark”.

Wow—we are far more than we can ever experience, imagine—we are light beings in action; we are God in action.

Tuesday 8 September 2015


Omnia vincit amor--et nos cedamus amor
Love conquers all--let`s yield to love
....this quote is part of my 'avatar'- in a group where many members of my soul family reside !

I was thinking today about so many things….at times we get a huge reminder from spirit what is really important; we get  knocked off our feet. I have to confess that lately spirit has not been a major priority. It is funny when we focus more on the daily mechanics of things, we lose God somewhere in the shuffle- yet we should actually be living within God; make our whole life a prayer, a mediation. So much of my time, many years have been spent in finding God within me, through many channels. But I have lost so very much of the important information in my head, heart and soul; I feel ashamed before my very self as to the way I have submitted my life to the illusion, and have sold myself out. I feel terribly guilty about this.  How does one navigate back to spirit? The contemplative life takes much time- that luxury we do not have these days, even when one works 2 days a week- I have no idea how people have done it- like writing scores of books within the span of a few years

I truly understand the meaning of Jesus when he said “ You cannot serve two masters”-but what do we do in the age of the internet; “to be or not to be” , was the question asked by Shakespeare, but it is still valid, though he was really talking about something else, but the same really.

I used to be good at making lists of things to do-, but keeping to it was an effort even for a brief time- sadly I make promises in the heat of passion and do not follow through- I am ashamed and regretful about all of this. How does one correct this malfunction of spirit, or rather a dogged ego- where as Dyer said so succinctly that we “edge God out” in the name of  many unimportant  things, and things that were truly were important to me I simply  let go; now I seem to have to search my mind for what they actually were, and where I stand on these things-well, if I shall remember.

I now understand you and the fear of being lost in physicality. Within the illusion and the dream; and you bowed out gracefully. But- can one recapture moments of the past, draw it out of the memory banks when it is locked behind a chained door ?- I suppose it is right to say; “If you don`t use it . you lose it”. I have lost much; I feel very sad about this. I was reminded today- about an important part of my life, a group to which I have posted over 999 entries- I learnt so much there from my soul family; yet I have not been there is ages. How quickly we forget. Have you?