Tuesday 8 September 2015


Omnia vincit amor--et nos cedamus amor
Love conquers all--let`s yield to love
....this quote is part of my 'avatar'- in a group where many members of my soul family reside !

I was thinking today about so many things….at times we get a huge reminder from spirit what is really important; we get  knocked off our feet. I have to confess that lately spirit has not been a major priority. It is funny when we focus more on the daily mechanics of things, we lose God somewhere in the shuffle- yet we should actually be living within God; make our whole life a prayer, a mediation. So much of my time, many years have been spent in finding God within me, through many channels. But I have lost so very much of the important information in my head, heart and soul; I feel ashamed before my very self as to the way I have submitted my life to the illusion, and have sold myself out. I feel terribly guilty about this.  How does one navigate back to spirit? The contemplative life takes much time- that luxury we do not have these days, even when one works 2 days a week- I have no idea how people have done it- like writing scores of books within the span of a few years

I truly understand the meaning of Jesus when he said “ You cannot serve two masters”-but what do we do in the age of the internet; “to be or not to be” , was the question asked by Shakespeare, but it is still valid, though he was really talking about something else, but the same really.

I used to be good at making lists of things to do-, but keeping to it was an effort even for a brief time- sadly I make promises in the heat of passion and do not follow through- I am ashamed and regretful about all of this. How does one correct this malfunction of spirit, or rather a dogged ego- where as Dyer said so succinctly that we “edge God out” in the name of  many unimportant  things, and things that were truly were important to me I simply  let go; now I seem to have to search my mind for what they actually were, and where I stand on these things-well, if I shall remember.

I now understand you and the fear of being lost in physicality. Within the illusion and the dream; and you bowed out gracefully. But- can one recapture moments of the past, draw it out of the memory banks when it is locked behind a chained door ?- I suppose it is right to say; “If you don`t use it . you lose it”. I have lost much; I feel very sad about this. I was reminded today- about an important part of my life, a group to which I have posted over 999 entries- I learnt so much there from my soul family; yet I have not been there is ages. How quickly we forget. Have you? 

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