Monday 22 July 2019


I have decided a while back that I refuse to get old. I have decided to reject it consciously. The numbers of our birthdays weigh us down by a little each year, as we are told by society that we are getting older. Age is simply a number- a fraction of time as we know it, just cycles around the sun. Time is just an illusion anyway, as now science tells us-so why don`t we accept it?

So why allow it to influence us? It is all a story we allow ourselves to believe and we do. In actuality, we, ourselves create old age by accepting what society is dictating to us, not how we actually feel. Thus, we start disengaging more and more from life, as this belief becomes more entrenched within our psyche and becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. One becomes disinterested in the present, or future and stays anchored in the old habits, old beliefs of the past. We start focusing on all the negatives we are told that accompanies the passing of the years, instead of focusing on all the positives that accompany the wisdom one acquires.

There is a fountain of youth within us-that is our mind, especially our imaginations which is empowered by a “creator” energy. We are endowed with this, which is a form of grace, a power source that drives life and each cell of our body. It is the actual driving force of all life-not just human life. Our talents, our creativity, our thinking, our interests, our well being spring forth from this place. It flows into our life and into the lives of people we love, this is the elixir of longevity. It is the fountain head of health, happiness, peace and joy. When we tap into this source, we will truly have defeated age.

Thus- I hope that we all shall tap into this magic. The belief that it is possible is the first step. Second is to cultivate it-never cease being interested in new things, new ideas, new ventures. Third is to live it-we have to practice everything to make it happen. And just -”do it” whatever makes you feel happy and brings you joy. Forget the rules, forget society, forget the illusion of old age. You are as old as you feel. Think and thus I AM...thus we are!

Sunday 21 July 2019

Mirror of the mosaic

Related image
Life is like a beautiful mosaic image that is made up of different colours of stone, a collage of images that often as we make them, we do not see the story. The secrets are all hidden within the story, the instructions for the purpose of life itself. Then suddenly, as we place that final stone in place, and like magic, we see one story unfold. Then follows an other, and an other and so forth. This happens in sequences-some are larger images, some smaller-like chapters in a book, during different times in our lives, as relating to importance. Each containing within itself specific instructions. Times like these are times for reflection-and a time to observe ourselves and our actions, like a reflection in a mirror. This is a true gift, the power to evaluate and perhaps, if need be make corrections of our course in the river of life.

The old wise soul observes the image closely, and heeds its overall message by rational thinking. The young foolish soul, takes it light heartedly and disregards it. The infant ignorant soul is blind to all the facts, as it presumes that it is right in every way and has nothing to change. Then there is the ancient compassionate soul, who observes each image with the heart, as a reminder of its true life, its true nature. An enlightened realization of what is expected of them to further their evolvement, which is to stay on the path of light by means of gratefulness, humility and love. A reminder that we keep forgetting due to living in"time"-in which the ego is often in charge. This message is a directive for a correction as to how to serve creation and the Creator, how to join eventually with the ultimate Divine Presence. Thus in every image, there is an answer hidden, as to how to proceed if we are willing to hear.

Wednesday 10 July 2019

Crossed Oceans of Time

I have crossed oceans of time to find you!

 This line comes from the film: “Dracula”-with Gary Oldman, who played Beethoven in “Immortal Beloved”-anyone who knows me –knows that I am simply in love with that movie.  Now, I am not that keen on the film Dracula-but the line takes my breath away. Now if ever a man says this to a woman, she knows that there has to be something in past live events-one just knows, it is kind of a “cell memory” that exist deep in our DNA. By the way- a woman  is allowed to say this line-it is not gender specific. Have you ever said it? Then think about it real hard-where did the thought originate from? From you? Or from where? Food for thought.

 If one really seeks to know, to understand one`s self in creation , one needs to access the “Akhashic Records-it is very possible to know. All you need is wanting to know-and it is there in plain sight. Why would one want to know? Why the need to understand? Why the want of  knowing the hidden?  Well, it is like having an anchor-knowing and understanding existence. Having some vague idea of where one`s home really is-and above all whom has been deeply entangled with one`s life. Finding our missing self-the other part of that “divine spark”, that is us. Our other self-the mirror reflection that knows all and understands all about one`s thoughts, ideas, and the deepest of secrets. The very core of spirit and soul always seeks  to be in balance-and through finding it gets to be complete.  These are hard and difficult concepts-one cannot learn it, study it-just ”is” within  one. An innate knowing that one is connected, bound to an other soul-, that together it becomes “the complete self” . That is why I find the line from “Dracula” so very profound, for the search is the journey-often the mission of finding the “other self”.

I suppose that some search over many lifetimes-and come up empty, yet others a mere few and are lucky-perhaps a gift from the Creator that find that “other self”.  Often though-souls do not always evolve in the same sequence, or rather like in music-do not harmonize and they are blind to the recognition. Then on goes the story for numerous more lifetimes until both are once more on the same page-in harmony. Perhaps it has to do with “soul age”-not that an older soul is more important than a younger one, but perhaps a little more wisdom is accumulated through passage of lifetimes.

Now you may well ask-where is all this leading to? Down a few rabbit holes-unless one understands the whole idea of reincarnation-and accepts it. One needs to come to the point, where it all rings true-and  allow it all to unfold-not fight it as some do-with the anthem: “it cannot be proved by science-so such things don`t exist”. Well maybe not yet-but we are getting there-but the first step is acceptance, and the rest follows as does night follow day.

The question that begs to be asked-“Is every deep love story an old connection”. No. Being passionately, deeply in love does not necessarily reflect an old soul connection-. One can be in love many times, and this could be the first connection-but soul knows where it is at, if one asks it. So moral of story: Listen- but hear as well, to your soul`s voice and follow its instructions-for it not only sees, but feels and remembers all that has transpired through numerous lifetimes. Yes-crossing oceans of time is often necessary-to find that other part of us.

The Journey

Years ago I was give a book titled “Passages”-I can`t remember the author, neither the content of the book except for one thing-that we pass through different phases of our lives through the passing of the years and each phase changes us. Also with each phase come different questions. Now, I have experienced this-up close and personal, as so many others. It has nothing to do with age, but priorities and outlooks on different levels of our psyche. Maybe it is spiritual growth, a soul awareness, or manifestation of higher consciousness, but it is very powerful as it forces us to stare deep into the eyes of that hourglass that is life, as the minutes tick down one grain of sand at a time-as we face the realization of our mortality.

I have entered a strange passage of my life, termed “time of deep wondering”-perhaps a better term would be -”reflection”. This is a very frightening period, especially when people I have known vanished from my life overnight. Friends, acquaintances I have interacted with-gone forever. Family members I have loved suddenly are no longer in this physical realm. Partners I have woken up in the same bed with many a morning, no longer exist. Lovers who loved me, made passionate love to me, who were part of my very being-are no longer breathing. They have disappeared into this deep void of the unknown.

Where are they? What has become of them? No one has come back from the dead except Christ-even that is in doubt if we truly are honest, no matter how deep our faith is, there is always a tiny seed of doubt. Now-why is that? Every religion talks of an afterlife-is it out of fear, trying to quell the spirit? Is there a spirit? Is there a soul for that matter? Many have promised to return-they have not. Many have sworn to give a sign-they have not. So why not?

Maybe there is nothing. Maybe we are not allowed. Maybe its of no value. Maybe one enters a different dimension of no return. Maybe they cannot communicate with this plane. Maybe they just don`t want to. Maybe one just gets total amnesia. Maybe life is just one strange coincidence-of nothing. The answer lies in Scarlett`s last words in Gone with the Wind-’I shall think about it tomorrow’-for tonight I have no answer to this question of the ages.

I read a post on FB the other day-it said: "Dust if you must but wouldn`t be better to do what you really love ? For there is not much time left. Ponder the difference between want and need. If you do decide to dust remember, that dust you were and in the end you, yourself will make more dust." 

So-for this reason a while back I made a number of decisions and changes regarding my life. I have come to this realization some time ago that time flies, does not walk-that is why I don`t kill myself with work anymore. I only do things I love to do, things that enhance my life and helps my soul unfold. I completely stopped working this year-so now I walk a lot in the forest, read a lot-also I have a lot of various interest and questions  about many things, so I research much on the internet. In this day and age the world is at our fingertips-before you had to go to the library and search stuff for days and weeks before you found what you were looking for, now we just have to press a button and all is there. Answers to any question are now possible. 

I write a lot for my own pleasure, watch movies that inspire or move me or lifts my spirit. I enjoy listening to great music, pray, meditate -and try and see absorb and appreciate all around me. I try to live in the now and commune much with nature as much as possible.  I sleep little or much, as I don`t have to get up on time. Potter a lot with our plants and flowers-even that I make as easy as possible ; most are in pots, sit by the river for hours, sit on the deck watch the awesome sunsets and sunrises, just observe nature in its tranquility and beauty, We live in a spectacular, beautiful enchanting place-it is a conservation area, I enjoy every moment of my life filled with gratitude, joy and happiness. Go into the city center if only I have to.  My  family lives within 2 miles-I see them often, and it is a wonderful feeling that everybody is around the corner. I are so very blessed I cannot stop thanking God enough daily! 

Even if we eventually become dust, I can say I have enjoyed being alive and would not change anything about it.