Wednesday 10 July 2019

Crossed Oceans of Time

I have crossed oceans of time to find you!

 This line comes from the film: “Dracula”-with Gary Oldman, who played Beethoven in “Immortal Beloved”-anyone who knows me –knows that I am simply in love with that movie.  Now, I am not that keen on the film Dracula-but the line takes my breath away. Now if ever a man says this to a woman, she knows that there has to be something in past live events-one just knows, it is kind of a “cell memory” that exist deep in our DNA. By the way- a woman  is allowed to say this line-it is not gender specific. Have you ever said it? Then think about it real hard-where did the thought originate from? From you? Or from where? Food for thought.

 If one really seeks to know, to understand one`s self in creation , one needs to access the “Akhashic Records-it is very possible to know. All you need is wanting to know-and it is there in plain sight. Why would one want to know? Why the need to understand? Why the want of  knowing the hidden?  Well, it is like having an anchor-knowing and understanding existence. Having some vague idea of where one`s home really is-and above all whom has been deeply entangled with one`s life. Finding our missing self-the other part of that “divine spark”, that is us. Our other self-the mirror reflection that knows all and understands all about one`s thoughts, ideas, and the deepest of secrets. The very core of spirit and soul always seeks  to be in balance-and through finding it gets to be complete.  These are hard and difficult concepts-one cannot learn it, study it-just ”is” within  one. An innate knowing that one is connected, bound to an other soul-, that together it becomes “the complete self” . That is why I find the line from “Dracula” so very profound, for the search is the journey-often the mission of finding the “other self”.

I suppose that some search over many lifetimes-and come up empty, yet others a mere few and are lucky-perhaps a gift from the Creator that find that “other self”.  Often though-souls do not always evolve in the same sequence, or rather like in music-do not harmonize and they are blind to the recognition. Then on goes the story for numerous more lifetimes until both are once more on the same page-in harmony. Perhaps it has to do with “soul age”-not that an older soul is more important than a younger one, but perhaps a little more wisdom is accumulated through passage of lifetimes.

Now you may well ask-where is all this leading to? Down a few rabbit holes-unless one understands the whole idea of reincarnation-and accepts it. One needs to come to the point, where it all rings true-and  allow it all to unfold-not fight it as some do-with the anthem: “it cannot be proved by science-so such things don`t exist”. Well maybe not yet-but we are getting there-but the first step is acceptance, and the rest follows as does night follow day.

The question that begs to be asked-“Is every deep love story an old connection”. No. Being passionately, deeply in love does not necessarily reflect an old soul connection-. One can be in love many times, and this could be the first connection-but soul knows where it is at, if one asks it. So moral of story: Listen- but hear as well, to your soul`s voice and follow its instructions-for it not only sees, but feels and remembers all that has transpired through numerous lifetimes. Yes-crossing oceans of time is often necessary-to find that other part of us.

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