Life is like a beautiful mosaic image that is made up of different colours of stone, a collage of images that often as we make them, we do not see the story. The secrets are all hidden within the story, the instructions for the purpose of life itself. Then suddenly, as we place that final stone in place, and like magic, we see one story unfold. Then follows an other, and an other and so forth. This happens in sequences-some are larger images, some smaller-like chapters in a book, during different times in our lives, as relating to importance. Each containing within itself specific instructions. Times like these are times for reflection-and a time to observe ourselves and our actions, like a reflection in a mirror. This is a true gift, the power to evaluate and perhaps, if need be make corrections of our course in the river of life.
old wise soul observes the image closely, and heeds its overall
message by rational thinking. The young foolish soul, takes it light
heartedly and disregards it. The infant ignorant soul is blind to all
the facts, as it presumes that it is right in every way and has
nothing to change. Then there is the ancient compassionate soul, who
observes each image with the heart, as a reminder of its true life,
its true nature. An enlightened realization of what is expected of
them to further their evolvement, which is to stay on the path of
light by means of gratefulness, humility and love. A reminder that we keep forgetting due to living in"time"-in which the ego is often in charge. This message is a
directive for a correction as to how to serve creation and the
Creator, how to join eventually with the ultimate Divine Presence.
Thus in every image, there is an answer hidden, as to how to proceed
if we are willing to hear.
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