I have decided a while back that I refuse to get old. I have decided
to reject it consciously. The numbers of our birthdays weigh us down
by a little each year, as we are told by society that we are getting
older. Age is simply a number- a fraction of time as we know it, just
cycles around the sun. Time is just an illusion anyway, as now
science tells us-so why don`t we accept it?
So why allow it to
influence us? It is all a story we allow ourselves to believe and we
do. In actuality, we, ourselves create old age by accepting what
society is dictating to us, not how we actually feel. Thus, we start
disengaging more and more from life, as this belief becomes more
entrenched within our psyche and becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
One becomes disinterested in the present, or future and stays
anchored in the old habits, old beliefs of the past. We start
focusing on all the negatives we are told that accompanies the
passing of the years, instead of focusing on all the positives that
accompany the wisdom one acquires.
There is a fountain
of youth within us-that is our mind, especially our imaginations
which is empowered by a “creator” energy. We are endowed with
this, which is a form of grace, a power source that drives life and
each cell of our body. It is the actual driving force of all life-not
just human life. Our talents, our creativity, our thinking, our
interests, our well being spring forth from this place. It flows into
our life and into the lives of people we love, this is the elixir of
longevity. It is the fountain head of health, happiness, peace and
joy. When we tap into this source, we will truly have defeated age.
Thus- I hope that we
all shall tap into this magic. The belief that it is possible is the
first step. Second is to cultivate it-never cease being interested in
new things, new ideas, new ventures. Third is to live it-we have to
practice everything to make it happen. And just -”do it” whatever
makes you feel happy and brings you joy. Forget the rules, forget
society, forget the illusion of old age. You are as old as you feel.
Think and thus I AM...thus we are!
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