Tuesday 24 September 2019


 Image result for phoenix

The Phoenix is the Egyptian mythological bird of red, gold and purple plumage, colors of the rising sun. Metaphorically she symbolizes rebirth and resurrection as she died in the fire of the funeral pyre, but arose once more from the ashes. Maybe a haunting question or riddle-are we the phoenix?

The story goes such...

This magnificent bird had her nest at the top of a huge palm tree which caught fire that was ignited by a spark struck from the hooves of the celestial steeds drawing the chariot of  the Egyptian Sun God, Ra.

Amid the flames this exquisite Arabian bird extended her golden neck and unfurled her purple wings, but instead of flying off, she  danced an exquisite dance. Eventually, she was consumed by the flames of the fire and she herself was reduced to ashes--but this was not the end. Indeed, it was only the beginning.

Five hundred years later a new bird was reborn from the exact same ashes. It sealed the remains of the nest in myrrh, wrapped  it in aromatic leaves, and molded it into the shape of an egg.  It carried this as a sacred offering to the temple of the sun at Heliopolis, and then flew away to paradise. Five hundred years later it once more returned to earth, where it began again the cycle of self-immolation and resurrection--a process that continues forever. 

Is this the story of man? 

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