Monday 31 October 2016

New times

 “The precession of the equinoxes refers to the observable phenomena of the rotation of the heavens, a cycle which spans a period of (approximately) 25,920 years, over which time the constellations appear to slowly rotate around the earth, taking turns at rising behind the rising sun on the vernal equinox.”

 Looking at new ages-meaning we are now on the cusp or perhaps even in the 1st  moment of the age of Aquarius, things are certainly changing in the world. There was the big dust up regarding 2012 at the time, however changes, when in comes to universal, cosmic changes are not a linear time event, it is a process. And most certainly , things started changes at the time of the procession of the equinoxes-that was the gateway in the late 1980`s. According to a number of serious channels-that I trust, we are at this point are deep into the ascension process.

No-this is not some esoteric phenomena, but the natural progression of the human soul and spirit which is becoming more enlightened, stepping up in the “cosmic evolutionary process”-moving away more from the physical part of life; meaning becoming more loving, compassionate and- that which is positive for the human heart and spirit. Most certainly does not mean the end of existence at all, on the contrary, becoming more conscious and awake, and being more in tune with the universe and creation.

Even the physicist Dr. M. Kaku believes this, that we have stepped onto the first rung of the cosmic ladder-according to him at this point,  there are 6 orders of cosmic civilisations, and we have just stepped from 0 into the 1st-. Man is much more than a bunch of protoplasm that has organized itself into life. I am convinced that God, Universal Mind-or whom ever is the grand designer of life has no purpose of destroying what he/they created, but expand it in a way-as all is expanding.

Everybody was very excited at the 2012 phenomena-of change, of stepping into a new dimension, of our DNA changing, when nothing apparently happened, most said it was just in the mind of the “new agers”-. They were depressed and disappointed that nothing cataclysmic had happened. It did-but on a universal scale, a cosmic scale which is rather difficult to see, feel or observe for us humans-though many do. No, it was not a non event at all-, a tremendous amount did happened-as it is a process and the process actually takes decades or even more- however, we have taken the fist steps.

However, when one looks at the world with eyes of soul and spirit-one realizes that it is amazing how much has changed over such a short time in world history-not just in the scientific field, as that really is the minor issue, but in the spiritual realm of the planet. There is a sort of separation of humanity-an awakening for some, for old soul and those who chose to do so-eyes, ears heart are open, and free will is present to make those choices as to go up-metaphorically or stay in this dimension. Now-this is not a different space or time, just an enormous change for those who seek, or choose it-not a physical place but a state of mind in a sense.

One knows, one feels-especially if you are an old soul-it is all written in our DNA- that junk DNA is waking up-the buttons have been pressed to awake, to get going. So many know and feel this is true-more an more people feel this, even at times it seems strange and abnormal, but look with the eyes of your “higher self”-and it will all make sense. 

Once we start understanding, the veil gets lifted and the purpose as it progresses becomes more clear. We are so very lucky, blessed and showered with grace to be living in these times-and as time  passes things start speeding up-I see it. So buckle up your seat belts, it shall be a bumpy ride folks-you`ve seen nothing yet. No-this is no myth at all-the ancients knew these times would come-and who were the ancients? They were us!.

Friday 28 October 2016

Celebrations and memories

Today is celebration time, my little niece, Scarlett, she is 8 today-party time. We will be all together, the whole family. Eating, drinking and being merry-life is far too short not to enjoy it . These are such wonderful moments and times. Makes me think back on my numerous birthdays as a child, and my later years and one thing becomes crystal clear-many are never  happy where they are in life-when we are young ,we want to be an adult, when we are adults we want to be children again. You take photos-you say-“God how awful is that” .Then years later you see the same photo and say, ”Boy-I looked just great”. This is human nature-one has to learn to appreciate the present and be grateful for everything-even if one is in a bad situation , it could always be worse.

It is like the story where a man was complaining he had no shoes, then he saw a man with no legs, and realized how lucky and blessed he was. We should remind ourselves often about this story.
Though one memory comes back to me very strongly from many years ago-on my 16th birthday I was at my school dance-and I was in the cloakroom and was fixing my hair-the girls around me were chattering about boys, and discussing their dresses and the night and –I looked at myself in the eye-in the mirror and thought-how great it is to be 16- I want so very much to stay 16 forever. I remember that precise moment, exactly down to what I was wearing to the last detail, how my hair looked and how deeply happy I was with myself, with life.
I have to admit-I have always been conscious of the moments I am in, and even more conscious of the moment passing; so I had or even now I have a special method almost like taking a mental photograph of the moment and trying to set it onto the screen of my mind. It is much easier these days because you can actually take a picture of everything anytime-and believe me I do. Many thousands-yeah, crazy I know; but what else is left of the moment? 
Often on special occasions people as well as family will ask, what would I like-often my answer is always the same- I`d love a piece of rock, stone, pebble or just a piece of driftwood  or a shell with a personal message or simply just the date on it-this what memories are made of. It means so very much to me-the material never does, never did.

This is how I treasure my special moments in life-in this is the way all is filed away in my heart, mind and soul.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

The New Atheists

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Last night I spent a couple of hours watching  a conversation between the 4-“new atheists” –Hitchens-he died in 2011 of cancer, Dawkins, Dennet and Harris; this was recorded some years ago in 2007 and nothing really has changed regarding our knowledge of God or religions or even that much in physics and cosmology-true some things; but compared to the universe- infinitesimally small.  Also, I watched a debate between 3 religious scholars and 3 of the “new atheists” that was recorded at a Mexico conference-all fighting for their truth. Ridiculous. No side could prove their point-never will in the near future either.

Humanity absolutely astounds me, more so the “new atheists”. Because many of them have written volumes of books-stating their own wisdom and beliefs as being the correct one, the true one and, they have read just as many books –(plagiarizing some writing of others I am sure), thus they feel that they are intellectually, as well as morally superior to the ignorant masses of 97% of the words population who believe in God or some sort of creative energy consciousness or force; names do not matter. They feel they have license to pass judgment on others because they believe in Darwinian evolution theory, thus God-is non-existent as all of creation has happened according to mutational accidents, and natural selection-from after the original “Big Bang”-that emerged from "nothingness", that is still expanding and speeding up, I have to add.  Their arrogance, pretentious  superiority is infuriating, their disrespect is obnoxious beyond measure of these men-they think they know it all. Yet they know absolutely nothing.

The religious scholars-know nothing either; we are all in the dark. Faith-or religion is a personal choice of free will. There is no right or wrong-for the sacred, the mystical, the spiritual is on a different vibrational dimension, and cannot be quantified or measured scientifically. It is a choice to believe or not-and nobody`s business to force their beliefs on an other. If atheism works for you, if pantheism works for you, if panantheism works for you, if paganism works for you, if Wicca works for you or any religion works for you-go for it. As long as you do good, your intention is positive and you do no harm. God cannot be proved or disproved. Within one`s soul one knows one`s truth-and it is individual  quest!

The argument of the “new atheists” is that religion is keeping people in the dark, is evil, archaic mental slavery- because we have a rational mind, and according to them –because science is so advanced, and there is “no proof” of a creator force in science. So no “creator”, no ”intelligent design” or purpose to creation, -it just is. However-we have free choice to believe what we feel to be right for us.

However they do acknowledge that scientific theories fall by the wayside more often than not, and new ones arise-as even string theory has to date numerous evolutions-superstring theory, and at the moment  “11 dimensional theory”; called M-theory and the very latest-“the sting theory landscape”. Dark energy and dark matter is still in its relative infancy as to the ”whys and whats “of it in physics and cosmology- the dark energy is 68%  and dark matter 27% just a reminder, of the universe. So we are left with less than 5% of our visible universe. I ask you-then what do we actually know? It is comparable to our “junk DNA”.

There is and never be an end to it. So faith, which is not religion, but can be religion- to some degree gives us an anchor of sorts-in the form of stories, or shows us metaphors as to how it could be, for we cannot imagine the real truth; only as much as what our mind can imagine, for it is limited-it can imagine to only to a certain point, which is in a box of sorts-to transcend the box, one has to step outside, which is a non material field or energy, a totally new paradigm -we are far from that still. Enlightenment is a process, is a waking up, an unfolding-as Alan Watts said: ”If someone tells you they will teach you enlightenment, they are lying to you”.

God-or whatever one wants to call the creative force has been with man since the very first man walked the earth; proof we need not, neither will we have-for we have no concept of the term “infinite mind”-or ”the eternal”. We each have to find our own way, our own light our own divinity and connections to our “source”, our own whomever we call God-or no God. 

Religions are just a way-showers-they all point in the same direction; towards love and to understanding ourselves as sentient beings. Understanding that we are connected to something which has a higher purpose and one grain of sand is still part of the desert, as one drop of water is still part of the sea-the tiniest is just as important as the grandest in the working of creation; which is in the mind of whom I call God-who is “Infinite Love”-the “I AM”.

Tuesday 25 October 2016


I have a friend-I have known him for well over many, many years and it astounds me all the changes he has gone through-things, ideas he has discarded that at a point in his life he would have died for-yet it is all gone now, in what to me is really a relatively short period of time in a life span. I suppose today`s age is the “throw away age”-we get rid of stuff, ideas as well as people-no loyalty to anything or anyone. For some people-things of value change-or they become bored with it, however things of value go up in value with time, they should not lose value- or they were then worthless in the first place. I feel awfully sorry for people like that-for they have no real anchor and are forever on a quest for something that they don`t even know what that is.

They are unhappy, depressed and question life forever. They are often within the darkness not in the light-and because of that, so much escapes them-looking for that impossible dream when it is hiding in plain sight. And later-when it is far too late, they have all sorts of regrets for allowing it all slip through their fingers. We all have our personal legend right within us-it just needs to be realized the universe conspires to makes sure of that-no magic to it. Coelho was right.

I am who I was decades ago-not much has changed about my likes or dislikes-and not much regarding new beliefs have entered my life-though much has grown larger and wider in concept, into a larger circle, but the same context.- My faith, my likes and my loves are exactly the same. I have the same  tastes and looking at the world has only strengthened in what was important to me, nothing has changed or was left behind.

 I have always loved what I do-I chose a wonderful career-it makes me fulfilled and satisfied that I am helping people-had I the choice again, I would chose the same path. I feel that is a blessing to be contented –as opposed to forever be searching for something  that one thinks will make one happier. I regret absolutely nothing at all.  

Perhaps because I do not like change-I love all things old with patina-they have history, character a story to tell. I adore antiques of all sorts-especially 17th Century oak furniture which we have- I have a 16th Century black oak organ in my bedroom-I love it and wonder who had played on it as I look at it.  I adore all  art over a 100 years;  old leather bound books with their special smell and anything to do with the past-not that the new is bad, it is just not for me. Modern does not have a great part in my life-even in music, I like very few modern artists- but I especially love classical music-and opera ever since I can remember.

As for the modern arts-of any sort, I abhor it, I find no beauty in it, just coldness and chaos. I have  respect for modern day conveniences of daily life, and of science, but I have far more respect for the past than the present.

Monday 24 October 2016

Live to 120?

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Now the question is would one like to live to 120- or not. One would lose most loved ones, except for grand or great grandchildren-and how would that make feel one? I am torn about that – if most of my family would be in the same boat than most definitely-but otherwise I would need to think very deeply about it. I am lucky , because there are decades of differences between my siblings and I, so that works great- my brother is 22 years younger than I- and looks decades younger than he is.

My sister is 13 years younger than I is she has a 31 year old and a  15 old. My  daughter had her children very young-at 18, so she has a grown family and she is very young still-which is wonderful. So we are truly blessed-and thank God-all is healthy-including mom, who is 91-doing on 72-in every way. She is amazing- the doctors or anyone who sees her do not want to believe her age. My grandmother was 95- when she died-but that was some years ago-today she could live well beyond a 100.But it is the quality of life that is very important-she was great till the end.

In our family this is very common, my grandmother had a sister who was 22 years younger than her-all from the same father, so we sort of have this in our genes. Also-it is important to be interested in the times, in the world, in what is happening -and be  busy doing something one loves. Mom is like that-she is a walking Wikipedia, Her I-pad is never out of reach…. -and she is talented in so many ways . She is on her I-pad constantly and doing her art-everything interests her, always busy-I hope I shall be half like her if God permits.

She is happy-and is surrounded by loving family-always going out, never alone and always busy even with the house though we have a cleaning lady-and pottering in the garden in the summer.  We are a very close family-thank God. She takes care of her self the past 35years-eats great takes oh so many supplements, no medication-and is in great shape. Never drank or smoked and always loved life and lived for the family.

I am a bit different-I go to extremes at times, which I know- but that is me; I know what to do, but doing it is not always easy-I am not as disciplined as mom  or my brother=we shall see what life has in store-I have a good heart- and  soul –the rest don`t matter. I do the best in life, I don`t harm anything or anyone intentionally-I love what I do and I am loved deeply; for which I thank God daily.

So would I like to like to live to 120-yes-under the conditions I am now; for I am blessed beyond measure, which I do not even deserve. I am very happy, at peace with my self-at times we all erupt, but that is seldom-I am contented and very bound to God-which gives me strength, courage and hope  in everything. My spiritual life is of paramount importance to me, the mundane, the temporal not as much, for I know that shall all end.

I am not perfect, none of us are, but I try and do my best and help people and whomever I can-I am loyal, honest an trustworthy and never in my life did I betray anyone.  Thinking back I cannot think of anything that I have ever regretted in my life. I have never betrayed anyone I love or have loved. I am proud of that -nor have I ever hurt anyone knowingly -which is a wonderful feeling.

Longevity and telomeres

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 I am in simple awe as to how our brain works-and now according the very latest research we actually grow new brain cells-700 daily; which dosn`t sound much compared to the billions we have, but by the time we are 50 we have none of our original brain cells we were born with. This was unheard of even 20 years ago ,which is utterly amazing-and it isn`t even that difficult to do. Life extension is a major part of my work, and with all the new nutraceuticals available out there it is really possible to live well for at least  over 110 at this point- and in good health.

We also have numerous test whereby we can determine certain sub-clinical deficiencies that often occur before any disease shows up-and address the issues before anything more important shows up. Keeping the immune system healthy is also major part of longevity.  A lot has to do with having good genes, environment, but much can be done with just a little effort especially lifestyle and an alkaline ash/anti inflammatory  diet-and most necessary supplementation which for each person`s prescription is individualized. Inflammation is the major problem for most chronic degenerative condition we now know, which is the major problem in the ageing process and well as mental and brain health.

But here I will talk a little more about the latest research on telomeres. An other important research that is now proven an accepted are in the telomere research-is by a combination of certain nutraceuticals -this slows down ageing tremendously. Telomere length represents our biological age as opposed to our chronological age-which can be a difference of 25 year.Our cells replenish by copying themselves. This happens constantly throughout our lives. Telomeres get shorter each time a cell copies itself, but the important DNA stays intact. Eventually, telomeres get too short to do their job, causing our cells to age and stop functioning properly . Therefore, telomeres act as the aging clock in every cell. Telomeres are shortened as we age, but telomeres can also be shortened by stress, depression, smoking, obesity, lack of exercise and a poor diet-especially refined CHO, saturated fats, alcohol-except some red wine for resveratrol, lack of sleep and deficiencies of certain vitamins, mineral and numerous enzymes. The previous list is for telomeres as well as generation of new nerve cells.

Definition of ageing is:  when the DNA strands start getting shorter and stop growing at the ends- A telomere is a region of repetitive DNA at the end of a chromosome, which protects the end of the chromosome from deterioration. If cells divided without telomeres, they would lose the ends of their chromosomes, and the necessary information they contain. The telomere shortening mechanism normally limits cells to a fixed number of divisions, and animal studies suggest that this is responsible for aging on the cellular level and sets a limit on lifespans.

In my practise I use Cerebro Vital PQQ(Pyrroloquinoline Quinone)-10 Advanced Mitochondrial & Nerve Growth Factor-for the telomeres. Before you take it , make sure that you speak to a doctor who is familiar with this and makes up a great anti ageing program for you  personally- as this is  not a magic bullet, it needs other co factor to work- like CO-enzyme Q10,  fish oils, phosphatidylcholine,  Goji berry, ginseng, ginko biloba, foti, gotu kola , various mushroom extracts,  higher than RDA vitamin D and a number of other factors apart from the general basics. Peace, contentment, being close to nature and to nurture the spiritual life is just as important as taking anything-as all healing,life comes from within and there has to be balance and harmony, especially with nature. There has to be homeostasis in the body.

Also the person prescribing these needs to check interactions between other medications taken as they can have serious interactions-this is very important that is why you need to have a professional draw up your anti-aging protocol. There is no guarantee to anything , but at least one can be the best that one can be, for we are all different and unique-and in the end God is the final determiner of life and death.

Some days

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Some days are strange it is almost like one is in an alternate universe-and 
there is a transcendental quality about it , almost like not being present,
and the events taking place is as if it witnessed by a stranger. Us humans 
are mystical creatures indeed, and is so much stuff bubbling in one`s head 
at times that one just does not know what to say or where to start.

Yesterday was one of those unusual, days-almost like being in the twilight zone.
Happens sometimes, not that often, but then all sorts of different strange
ideas whirl around in my head, that at other time would make no sense 
what so ever, but at these times they do. Even the font is different now .

Maybe it was stirred up by reading Watts-and he is one great thinker I admire,
and who really makes me think about things that I seldom do. Though I am
not much into Buddhism, or Zen, yet he has this hold over me for some reason, 
and makes perfect sense-frightful sense at times; deep within me that I often
 dare not face-which he forces me to face. Mostly my most deepest of fears , 
which we all have to some degree being human.

Sunday 23 October 2016

Never waking up

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Friday 21 October 2016


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 Jackson Pollack

“The world's great civilizations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependence back again into bondage.”   Alexander Tyler (ca.1770) 

The fall of civilizations is always for a reason, we are on the cusp of such an event. I do believe that we are in terminal decline-whether this is a natural progression  or some force causing our catastrophic end due to our behavior is questionable. I also doubt very much that it is due to the clash of civilizations, as some believe-thus I shall not delve into the political aspect of the decline on which I could harp forever, but more so the way I see it, which is due more to a spiritual, social and moral decline as has been with the previous fall of some of the greatest civilizations on the planet. Yes-we do it unto ourselves; and keep doing it.

 These days I am often bitching about the way things are in the world, but to be honest is going to hell in a hand basket –the world , that is the western world as I do not know that much about the eastern, apart from a few weeks I spent in a few different countries on a holiday. Here in the west, we are obsessed with affluence and indulge in luxuries and freedoms, we have lost the inner control and are spiraling into moral and spiritual bankruptcy -into the utter abyss.

There is a drastic absence of morality, and such , at some point, this will affect the entire society and will inevitably bring about its downfall. We have sacrificed our soul to modernization, to science and to depravity. Spirit, as in “holy”-no longer exists as it has been extinguished by the anthem of “freedom and liberation”- in other words; we have sold our souls to the devil. I am not even mentioning here a relationship with a higher power, that is for an other time- and that is a private relationship between each individual and their God if they so choose or not. Nothing wrong with being an atheist-though I don`t choose to be one.

 I am most bothered about the loss of the arts-for that what reflects the inner life of the human spirit-its very core. Some will say- “We have great art, great artists (like the eg Jackson Pollack), writers, poets, composers, -great works of various magnitude-the world is full of it”. But, examine it with the eye of truth, with the eye of reason, and one realizes that within most, not all; the soul is missing-it is dead, it is cold, hard  and it has no heart beat, and has very little esthetic beauty also.

Maybe I am just old fashioned, born in the wrong century-but it actually pains me to see what is happening-and my heart cries for my child and grandchildren who will have missed what I so much enjoyed and brought so much joy to my spirit. It is so important to life that which feeds spirit-beauty in music, in art, in literature and architecture, which now is only reserved for those who are drawn to study it, where in the past it was available to all of humanity to partake and enjoy.  Yes Tyler was right-“back again into bondage” once more.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Harvest in Maple

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 Last weekend was harvest time. Harvest is a particularly special time of year,  for people who make wine. As a purely neophyte in knowing anything about winemaking, I have by serendipity fell into a totally new world  of this special art. French,  Hungarian,  and ofcourse- these days my favourite wines are made by my favourite Italian who has explained much to me about the “hows”, and I have to admit I am starting to be quite an expert as he is a wonderful teacher-this is strictly his hobby as he does have a serious day job. Well wine making is in his blood-he has a beautiful huge vineyard in Maple  Ontario- a few miles from Toronto, and it is a wonderland this time of the year-.

I see nature and the earth as an intimate romance of weather and climate that magically spawn delicious grapes literally from the ethers. I feel blessed to see how he has nurtured these grapes till now - like babies and now it as if by magic, it turns into fantastic wine. It is not as easy task and many years of experience needs to go wholeheartedly into the process. I will carry these good times, memories with me forever.
Wine also serves a loftier purpose by bringing friends and family together-during this season we have had so many fun times-his family are wonderful-my family have come up a few times and were immediately treated like family. I am so fortunate to have those I love together - in the making  and the drinking of the wine-though often the older ones are opened, not the latest ones! 

This is a glimpse of what a harvest looks like through my “rose-coloured glasses”-as a novice wine connoisseur. Maybe I shall get better with time-so I hope. Harvest time is not easy-well for me, as it is rather a new experience.  The alarm buzzing before 5.30am that does the opposite of make me want to hit the snooze and doze off a couple dozen more times-. For me, it makes we want to throw the down comforter off and jump out of bed-realizing I was already alone in bed –Gio was  gone. I walked through the hallway with its beautiful but creaky original wood floors trying not to wake anyone else, and then tip toed into the kitchen to turn on the kettle to make up a pot of fresh coffee. But-I was already pretty late, everybody was already around the table, dressed ready for work.

Looking outside was simply awesome-the trees were already changing to myriads of fall colours -and the orange sun peeked through the trees projecting  the most beautiful image  of the surroundings. It was a bit chilly in the house, as there was a little frost during the night. And-I am not used to getting up that early- 5.3o am is rather early still-the sun was hardly warming up anything yet.

–Gio`s mom was already ready with  a huge, breakfast. Scrabbled up some free-range farm fresh eggs and threw a couple of pieces of bread in the oven and a tall pile of pancakes stacked in a pile with a huge bottle of maple syrup next to it sat on the table. A fresh brew of a pot of bubbling coffee`s fragrance permeated the whole house.“It’s going to be a long, hard, hot, sun-soaked day Suzie in the vineyard and a lack of a hat, sleep and/or calories will catch up to you pretty quickly if you’re not careful”.

 I was up for the weekend, and  it does takes a couple days to get adjusted to the work-but all was worth it, and with what seems like as much wine poured at dinner as is sold by the winery during the day its hard to get to sleep on time.I am so happy of this special experience, this blessing –to witness this wonderful new world that I am privy to, and to enjoy and see nature at its best-at its glory and at its abundance of blessings of the fruits of this wonderful planet-we call earth.