Tuesday 25 October 2016


I have a friend-I have known him for well over many, many years and it astounds me all the changes he has gone through-things, ideas he has discarded that at a point in his life he would have died for-yet it is all gone now, in what to me is really a relatively short period of time in a life span. I suppose today`s age is the “throw away age”-we get rid of stuff, ideas as well as people-no loyalty to anything or anyone. For some people-things of value change-or they become bored with it, however things of value go up in value with time, they should not lose value- or they were then worthless in the first place. I feel awfully sorry for people like that-for they have no real anchor and are forever on a quest for something that they don`t even know what that is.

They are unhappy, depressed and question life forever. They are often within the darkness not in the light-and because of that, so much escapes them-looking for that impossible dream when it is hiding in plain sight. And later-when it is far too late, they have all sorts of regrets for allowing it all slip through their fingers. We all have our personal legend right within us-it just needs to be realized the universe conspires to makes sure of that-no magic to it. Coelho was right.

I am who I was decades ago-not much has changed about my likes or dislikes-and not much regarding new beliefs have entered my life-though much has grown larger and wider in concept, into a larger circle, but the same context.- My faith, my likes and my loves are exactly the same. I have the same  tastes and looking at the world has only strengthened in what was important to me, nothing has changed or was left behind.

 I have always loved what I do-I chose a wonderful career-it makes me fulfilled and satisfied that I am helping people-had I the choice again, I would chose the same path. I feel that is a blessing to be contented –as opposed to forever be searching for something  that one thinks will make one happier. I regret absolutely nothing at all.  

Perhaps because I do not like change-I love all things old with patina-they have history, character a story to tell. I adore antiques of all sorts-especially 17th Century oak furniture which we have- I have a 16th Century black oak organ in my bedroom-I love it and wonder who had played on it as I look at it.  I adore all  art over a 100 years;  old leather bound books with their special smell and anything to do with the past-not that the new is bad, it is just not for me. Modern does not have a great part in my life-even in music, I like very few modern artists- but I especially love classical music-and opera ever since I can remember.

As for the modern arts-of any sort, I abhor it, I find no beauty in it, just coldness and chaos. I have  respect for modern day conveniences of daily life, and of science, but I have far more respect for the past than the present.

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