Monday 24 October 2016

Live to 120?

Image result for old young people
Now the question is would one like to live to 120- or not. One would lose most loved ones, except for grand or great grandchildren-and how would that make feel one? I am torn about that – if most of my family would be in the same boat than most definitely-but otherwise I would need to think very deeply about it. I am lucky , because there are decades of differences between my siblings and I, so that works great- my brother is 22 years younger than I- and looks decades younger than he is.

My sister is 13 years younger than I is she has a 31 year old and a  15 old. My  daughter had her children very young-at 18, so she has a grown family and she is very young still-which is wonderful. So we are truly blessed-and thank God-all is healthy-including mom, who is 91-doing on 72-in every way. She is amazing- the doctors or anyone who sees her do not want to believe her age. My grandmother was 95- when she died-but that was some years ago-today she could live well beyond a 100.But it is the quality of life that is very important-she was great till the end.

In our family this is very common, my grandmother had a sister who was 22 years younger than her-all from the same father, so we sort of have this in our genes. Also-it is important to be interested in the times, in the world, in what is happening -and be  busy doing something one loves. Mom is like that-she is a walking Wikipedia, Her I-pad is never out of reach…. -and she is talented in so many ways . She is on her I-pad constantly and doing her art-everything interests her, always busy-I hope I shall be half like her if God permits.

She is happy-and is surrounded by loving family-always going out, never alone and always busy even with the house though we have a cleaning lady-and pottering in the garden in the summer.  We are a very close family-thank God. She takes care of her self the past 35years-eats great takes oh so many supplements, no medication-and is in great shape. Never drank or smoked and always loved life and lived for the family.

I am a bit different-I go to extremes at times, which I know- but that is me; I know what to do, but doing it is not always easy-I am not as disciplined as mom  or my brother=we shall see what life has in store-I have a good heart- and  soul –the rest don`t matter. I do the best in life, I don`t harm anything or anyone intentionally-I love what I do and I am loved deeply; for which I thank God daily.

So would I like to like to live to 120-yes-under the conditions I am now; for I am blessed beyond measure, which I do not even deserve. I am very happy, at peace with my self-at times we all erupt, but that is seldom-I am contented and very bound to God-which gives me strength, courage and hope  in everything. My spiritual life is of paramount importance to me, the mundane, the temporal not as much, for I know that shall all end.

I am not perfect, none of us are, but I try and do my best and help people and whomever I can-I am loyal, honest an trustworthy and never in my life did I betray anyone.  Thinking back I cannot think of anything that I have ever regretted in my life. I have never betrayed anyone I love or have loved. I am proud of that -nor have I ever hurt anyone knowingly -which is a wonderful feeling.

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