Monday 24 October 2016

Longevity and telomeres

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 I am in simple awe as to how our brain works-and now according the very latest research we actually grow new brain cells-700 daily; which dosn`t sound much compared to the billions we have, but by the time we are 50 we have none of our original brain cells we were born with. This was unheard of even 20 years ago ,which is utterly amazing-and it isn`t even that difficult to do. Life extension is a major part of my work, and with all the new nutraceuticals available out there it is really possible to live well for at least  over 110 at this point- and in good health.

We also have numerous test whereby we can determine certain sub-clinical deficiencies that often occur before any disease shows up-and address the issues before anything more important shows up. Keeping the immune system healthy is also major part of longevity.  A lot has to do with having good genes, environment, but much can be done with just a little effort especially lifestyle and an alkaline ash/anti inflammatory  diet-and most necessary supplementation which for each person`s prescription is individualized. Inflammation is the major problem for most chronic degenerative condition we now know, which is the major problem in the ageing process and well as mental and brain health.

But here I will talk a little more about the latest research on telomeres. An other important research that is now proven an accepted are in the telomere research-is by a combination of certain nutraceuticals -this slows down ageing tremendously. Telomere length represents our biological age as opposed to our chronological age-which can be a difference of 25 year.Our cells replenish by copying themselves. This happens constantly throughout our lives. Telomeres get shorter each time a cell copies itself, but the important DNA stays intact. Eventually, telomeres get too short to do their job, causing our cells to age and stop functioning properly . Therefore, telomeres act as the aging clock in every cell. Telomeres are shortened as we age, but telomeres can also be shortened by stress, depression, smoking, obesity, lack of exercise and a poor diet-especially refined CHO, saturated fats, alcohol-except some red wine for resveratrol, lack of sleep and deficiencies of certain vitamins, mineral and numerous enzymes. The previous list is for telomeres as well as generation of new nerve cells.

Definition of ageing is:  when the DNA strands start getting shorter and stop growing at the ends- A telomere is a region of repetitive DNA at the end of a chromosome, which protects the end of the chromosome from deterioration. If cells divided without telomeres, they would lose the ends of their chromosomes, and the necessary information they contain. The telomere shortening mechanism normally limits cells to a fixed number of divisions, and animal studies suggest that this is responsible for aging on the cellular level and sets a limit on lifespans.

In my practise I use Cerebro Vital PQQ(Pyrroloquinoline Quinone)-10 Advanced Mitochondrial & Nerve Growth Factor-for the telomeres. Before you take it , make sure that you speak to a doctor who is familiar with this and makes up a great anti ageing program for you  personally- as this is  not a magic bullet, it needs other co factor to work- like CO-enzyme Q10,  fish oils, phosphatidylcholine,  Goji berry, ginseng, ginko biloba, foti, gotu kola , various mushroom extracts,  higher than RDA vitamin D and a number of other factors apart from the general basics. Peace, contentment, being close to nature and to nurture the spiritual life is just as important as taking anything-as all healing,life comes from within and there has to be balance and harmony, especially with nature. There has to be homeostasis in the body.

Also the person prescribing these needs to check interactions between other medications taken as they can have serious interactions-this is very important that is why you need to have a professional draw up your anti-aging protocol. There is no guarantee to anything , but at least one can be the best that one can be, for we are all different and unique-and in the end God is the final determiner of life and death.

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