Monday 24 October 2016

Some days

Image result for strange view of space
Some days are strange it is almost like one is in an alternate universe-and 
there is a transcendental quality about it , almost like not being present,
and the events taking place is as if it witnessed by a stranger. Us humans 
are mystical creatures indeed, and is so much stuff bubbling in one`s head 
at times that one just does not know what to say or where to start.

Yesterday was one of those unusual, days-almost like being in the twilight zone.
Happens sometimes, not that often, but then all sorts of different strange
ideas whirl around in my head, that at other time would make no sense 
what so ever, but at these times they do. Even the font is different now .

Maybe it was stirred up by reading Watts-and he is one great thinker I admire,
and who really makes me think about things that I seldom do. Though I am
not much into Buddhism, or Zen, yet he has this hold over me for some reason, 
and makes perfect sense-frightful sense at times; deep within me that I often
 dare not face-which he forces me to face. Mostly my most deepest of fears , 
which we all have to some degree being human.

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