Sunday 31 July 2016

We are all suns

From my other private blog"Clocks".......30 August /2013


"In Louisville, at the corner of Fourth and Walnut, in the center of the shopping district, I was suddenly overwhelmed with the realization that I loved all those people, that they were mine and I theirs, that we could not be alien to one another even though we were total strangers. It was like waking from a dream of separateness, of spurious self-isolation in a special world, the world of renunciation and supposed holiness… This sense of liberation from an illusory difference was such a relief and such a joy to me that I almost laughed out loud… I have the immense joy of being man, a member of a race in which God Himself became incarnate. As if the sorrows and stupidities of the human condition could overwhelm me, now I realize what we all are. And if only everybody could realize this! But it cannot be explained. There is no way of telling people that they are all walking around shining like the sun.” I think at heart Merton was more of a Buddhist than a Catholic--even by revelation of this epiphany.

Since I have emerge myself into Merton -I have come to a number of conclusions. We are all flawed human beings, non of us are extraordinarily special , but it is how we navigate our lives. Now the question for me--is there or is this simply the need of our human intellect to believe that there is more; has to be more to this human creation. I think I am past this to some degree, as I do believe there is more as I have personally have had validation for myself from--"God".

Thinking and reading more and more of Merton, I have concluded that he truly was a "man of all seasons"--a citizen of the world. He may have called himself a Catholic, but only in name only, for he wasn`t really--, though I hardly believe he thought so, as he just was a true light to follow under whatever religion he called  himself  --with all his imperfections,  flaws of being human in every way. As the Dalai Lama said of him: Merton was the only true awakened  Christian that he knew or had ever met .

But then came all the struggles as we all have with our humanity--one thing that I find odd in loving God is the notion that --one can love God only full heartedly --so says  "the cloistered" ; all of body, soul, spirit and all else has to be excluded, left behind and abandoned . Why? If God is all of existence, love--then surely all that exists is God, and loving those parts--all parts  of God brings us even closer into the relationship with God--or rather in that which we are present in , or abiding in-is God.

Why then the guilt, the torment, the betrayal and the "less than total love " feeling  for God when some other things that touches the human spirit`s surface? Even Buddha gave up asceticism, and embraced compassion and in some sense his humanity- his Buddha nature- awakened.

Merton`s  commitment to God, to Gethsemani, to writing, to peace, to human justice, to changing the world, to peace and in the end falling in love-- loving  a woman so passionately that it would in fact would have and did  propel him further into the heart of God--seemed to be a mortal sin in a sense , not to him but to the establishment. All of these things --that seemed to be so worldly, especially love would have made him more productive in achieving his vision, his mission and the requests from God--yet it ate away at him and his conscience was torn. So why the torment, the pain and the feeling of dishonesty towards God.

He was a renegade, a revolutionary, a poet, writer, theologian, philosopher, a deep thinker, a lover of love and above all totally dedicated to his heart`s cause, his mission--but above all loving God in the most deepest possible way, who was the conductor of his mission.

He tried bringing the world, the planet and many if not most religious institutions onto a platform of equality--and understanding and  forging peace, understanding and strengthening the commonality between faiths--acknowledging that there is only one God-no matter what the name is. His heart and mind was tied in close with Buddhism and that was a major problem --as well as many of the eastern religions and that did not lie well with the Catholic hierarchy. His enemies grew  by leaps and bounds.

Yet--he was a souls ever searching and ever pushing the boundaries, the limits of the present acceptance of the church at the time.  Thus--he became not a splinter but a huge beam in the eyes of the elites of the Catholic church.

Yes--and as such men of his time who for their ideals, beliefs and passion were assassinated , so was he.  This is my very strong personal view--and for many.  They killed him. I wonder if he knew at the end of the morning conference in Bangkok?--as he ended with the words:"And now I shall disappear". Was it a premonition , a warning from his higher self or an actual knowledge that he was going to be killed--and he offered up his life, as I am sure he thought it was what God wanted him to do, or planned for him--Sadly, I doubt that it was that really what God wanted--more so that some either at the CIA, FBI Vatican or even at Gethsemani that saw him as an enormous political threat--being a Marxist, renegade dangerous Catholic or a bad example for the Trappist order.

Thus God commanded him years before : "Thous shall be silent"--thus he was on the 10th of December 1968 finally. Though his works are even more popular today than they ever were--and his influence is ever increasing in the 21st century. So--was he really silenced at all? Often it is said that "people of influence" often  become even more popular once they have left the earthly realm--thus is with Thomas Merton.

I would presume that this a  fate that awaits a Zen Catholic Monk, that steps out of the Catholic circle and starts to think independently-- and especially ones that break all the rules that are often man made, I wonder what God thinks?

Now --the point of all this as this seem to be my sort of a journal, is not at all  about Merton at all-, but about life. Of personal conviction, spiritual growth and that no matter how we look at life, the universe or God-we are individual and individual sparks  of divine energy.

At times I am lost, at times I am totally found , thus this is our humanity. As most of us--we go back and forth because we question, question and question some more,  and at times we do not get the answers we expect.

So --as to why I brought Merton into the picture--and absolutely it was not about him at all in a deeper sense, only because he seems to me to embody all that is human within us--not religion, but God. He brings us to that which we already know deep within at time fail to realize--, he reminds us we are human,  we are fragile, vulnerable  and we are a part of God, but most of that all we are within the heart of God.

Holiness is being a compassionate human being--love for all that is living, all that is within the creation of God. Believe me this has had nothing in  anything really to do about Merton--but the way I see life, our humanity, us and God--which he so well expressed and brought to the world. And we should always only 'do only that which is good'--so says the motto of ULC .

Yes- we are all suns .

Saturday 30 July 2016


I truly appreciate your wonderful, numerous comments, and as you know when I am able to answer you privately-if you send your e-mail, I do ! - I read them all- many times, but I do not publish them; for all my blogs are just to be read-and the comments are very personal for me, to me. Thank you so very much I appreciate them all- they are so wonderful, I don`t deserve them and I am so humbled ! Please do not stop writing- for it means so much to me and all are filed away, but not published!

Thank you with love and appreciation for your generosity and kindness:

Friday 29 July 2016

Who by fire

They say forged by fire, made strong by fire, cleansed by fire, tested by fire, consumed by fire- I have to add a new one freed by fire, almost like the phoenix.  Today is a new day indeed-all the past has been sacrificed through fire and the smoke is the testament to all that has been rising to heaven . The ashes; I shall  keep as a reminder that  all is impermanent and ever changing, and that  every moment is  a new experience that runs through our fingers like water- we cannot catch it or ever re-capture it.  Everything is gone except faint traces of what was.

We cling to all that is dear to us , -we cling to things, to people, to emotions and all that which promises  love. We tend to forget the experience of those moments which is the reality that lives in us- we need no reminders-no letters, no you pressed flowers,  no crystal angels, no photographs,  no  words of love.  We create our own reality – our own illusions and the reality of an other often is often so  juxtaposed even if we are looking at the same thing.

People are seldom synchronized, perhaps for moments only, for we are all vibrating on various levels, at times within different dimensions. No wonder that we never remain true to our promises, to our beliefs, for all is ever evolving . We are changing, and all around is changing at different frequencies. We keep transcending and in doing so all  the facade falls away revealing the truth that is so powerful for the human experience.

Of feathers

They say that when you find a feather then there is an angels around with a message.  Yesterday I found a seagull feather which is even more significant as seagulls are messengers of spirit.  The strange thing is that I have been entertaining some outlandish thoughts-then a little white feather turns up right in front of me-like magic. Then this morning my strong, brave black panther, Xerxes appeared up from the depths of my soul.  Both are telling me much-for seldom do they turn up together. So-time for introspection- time to take count and put things on the balance, to put things in order. Thus I have indeed.

I shall take to heart the advice of the trees and let the dead leaves go ! So I am. Time to look at my ” book of life” most seriously;  and clean it up. Tear out pages that are irrelevant, cross out unimportant things that are simply baggage,  and eraze all that should be forgotten. Soul clean and heart clean from top to bottom and let go and allow God.

The first step then is-  tear out pages that are not needed. Some information simply goes out of style- it has had its time in the sun- for  today it is just waste of time and effort.  The information has been absorbed, time to get rid of the all the insructions -  for I know them by heart.

Second step-  is to put a line across pages that have misinformation for they have been leading me on a wrong path. Time to realize it was a false map I was following and that I was a willing participant  allowing myself to be taken advantage of.  One  gets mesmerized so easily by wanting to see what is not there; one needs to realize that often things are not what they appear to be- the road is just leading in the opposite direction. I blame no one but myself.

The last- most important step is- to read carefully and  eraze totally the pages that seemed so real but were blatant lies- misleading information and theft of parts of my soul.  Again , I have to confess I was willing indeed. Nothing of this information is allowed to stay on the pages-not even a comma, and exclamation mark or a period should remain- it has to be cleaned in such a way that  not even the shadow of the information remains , for maybe later on  in some dark moments of my  life I may want to find solace on those pages -I am reminded by the feather and by Xerxes that I  shall not find anything of relevance there, not a word of comfort or above all truth. For I have to remember, they were all lies in the first place, and an other thing- what goes around comes around –we all have to pay for our deeds against spirit.

Wednesday 27 July 2016


Life is simply inexplicable, only God knows how things happen and time unfolds the secret.  I wonder about meeting people who change our lives in the deepest possible ways. Out of nowhere,  suddenly someone may appear and immediately something wakes in us. A soul recognition perhaps- “anam cara”– “soul friend” , as John  O`Donohue often describes it, as we behold this stranger who affects every molecule of our body and we feel safe and protected and very special . One feels more connected to this person than anyone else, one feels  far closer to them than anyone that one has ever known.  Some call this infatuation, some call it love.  

Perhaps it is an angel sent from a higher realm, to teach some life lesson, or carries a special message to us.  Often the reason for their presence is not clear at the time- and interpretation is simply based on the romantic notions of the heart- but look deeper, search among the weeds for there lies the answer which will become clear in due time.

Though there are many warnings that this person is simply an angel, -one does not see and  one gets  to love them. However  remember angels are not ours to keep. Their purpose is temporary; it is to advise, show  or light our way.  And once this  message is delivered the angel leaves- returning to  a higher realm.  At this time the person exits one`s life often amid pain, deep woundedness, anger and sadness. 

Then, we see them a while later or look at their photo- and we wonder what ever did we see in them in the first place, for they look and feel totally different; nothing special. A complete stranger- for the light has left them that was so compelling. We finally breathe a sigh of relief- for we are to longer tethered.

Time passes, all heals - and they return much later as you review your life in the form the realization which has crystallized within your soul; which is that "one was touched by an angel".


There are many things in life that have the affect of intoxication on us-on the heart and soul of man; an almost magical strange phenomena that comes from a far deeper source than the brain. Chemicals, under which alcohol falls as well as different drugs are the things we often talk about, but we tend to forget that the major affect on the human psyche are; "words".

There is no action, no emotion on earth that one cannot affect by words.-thus it is the greatest of  all weapons in our hands against each other.  The greatest of crimes are committed by the utterance of "words".

Sunday 24 July 2016

Blessed be!

Oh what joy there will be in heaven-all angels will be rejoicing on 25th of July 2016-

My heart is singing with happiness and filled with love. You, my dearest, beloved, handsome, intelligent, wonderful Ben- you have reached your goal! Your first step in your wonderful new life. I know that is was not easy, it has been a long 10 years of hard work  – but God has been so very gracious, showering you with His grace and love that only very few experience. You are truly a light for the world, salt of the earth-you will change many lives through your love, compassion and kindness.

I am so very proud to have witnessed your journey- which was not easy, but you persevered for the love of God-it was never a sacrifice, you never complained, you were always so very grateful  – it is a joy to you to serve God. Step by step- and finally your journey ended; or rather the great one has just begun.

Remember I do love you so very much-I am always with you in thought and spirit.  You are and always will be  a bead on my rosary –and thought of every day.

Saturday 23 July 2016

Thank you

I am touched beyond measure and blessed that so many people are reading my blogs all over the world,- I have no idea how it has happened;  even if it was just one person I would be most grateful. Every human being has something to say- for me it is simply a conduit to express my thoughts and feelings- my heart.

Thank you, it also amazes me that so many people read English- I am most humbled and grateful and appreciate your kindness for reading my blogs !
Most sincerely filled with blessings,

PS- Thank you for your comments, I do read them all, but do not post them I hope you , who write don`t mind; I prefer it that it is private. But thank you for your kind words-immensely appreciated from the bottom of my heart!

To be or not to be

To be, or not to be- that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep-
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die- to sleep.
To sleep- perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub!
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.

When I was much younger, I loved Shakespeare-well still do;  and the above was one of my most favourite  few lines that suddenly cropped into my head this morning out of the ethers. At the time, this was a piece that I understood without contemplating over the Elizabethan English for days trying to figure out the actual meaning-though I hardly took it seriously and as a serious lesson on life. This actually made sense then, though the actually interpretation in my heart is rather different  now, as when I was eighteen- but in a way it is extremely appropriate today`s world-to stop and pause and think about it.

Often these days as I am older I question existence, question the purpose of life and this excerpt makes me realize that  man has since time immemorial  wrestled with the same questions- to which there isn`t really an answer. Though modern life offers much in the material sense, it dosn`t fulfill man`s desire to be completely contented, to be at peace, to be joyful. We keep searching for that impossible dream,  that bluebird of happiness which is simply an illusion.

Is it nobler to stick with it, or to check out?  Is the prize worth the effort? To fight with one`s might or simply go to sleep and never wake up? Is it better to end it all sooner or later- for we know that we shall never get out of this life alive for sure anyway. 

 If we ponder these questions an other tantalizing question arises from the depths of the soul- maybe, just maybe  some wondrous dreams may come as we enter into that light- or is it oblivion. No one has come back to tell the tale- thus we wait with abated breath, fear, curiosity, dread, excitement for the inevitable ; will it be a new beginning , a new adventure, a higher awareness of consciousness or just a cold, dark grave.

Maply the maple tree

Many years ago when this creek was but a trickling, little stream we came spiraling in as two tiny seeds, looking almost like a brown, greenish miniature  butterfly, with wings unfurled - the wind was kind to us as it blew me and my sister in from many miles away and dropped us down gently into a bed of soft, green  moss on the bank at the end of summer. My sister died a little while later-first time I had experienced deep sadness, it was pain I had never felt before-but life went on.

From the very moment that a bumble bee had pollinated  the glorious, sacred flower that became our life-I knew of my own mission deep within me, that I was created to make a difference -it was an inherent feeling present within me. I was  self aware of creation and  its purpose.

My brothers and sisters were all scattered by the wind in all directions- some sadly did not make the hard journey, some fell onto hard rocks, some drowned, some  got scorched by the hot sun- but some, like myself made it. Our  parents stood tall and watched  proudly as they knew that their seed would enriching Gaia-they were honored to do so.

The rest of summer passed as I and enjoyed the love that surrounded me, bound me, protected me. The vibrant energy of life itself. Winter came. I remember the very first snow flake that fell on me gently reminding me that it was time for sleep for I had great works ahead of me. These were the first moments of my mission.

Oh what joy, what a blessing! I awoke early spring to the intoxication of happiness that I had germinated-I started getting roots-slowly day by day I followed the heat of the sun as it led me through the darkness of the moss covered earth. I poked my head though the ground as a gentle rain was watering the earth. I beheld an awesome vision  of Gaia-all was green, new and alive-all in rhythm and in concert with each other. I was alive.  I was part of it.

Soon as the years went by I became a young sapling; tall, straight and grateful for life - each year I was amazed at the beauty of my own leaves and my colours were unimaginable beautiful- in autumn as I lay my bedazzling, red cloak down, to fertilize Gaia. I got ready breathlessly to put on  a new cloak every spring, green and fresh- always being amazed at how wonderfully I was growing.

Very early on I learned the meaning of -patience. I saw birds in flight and all the creatures great and small  moving about me. Yet- I could not.  I wondered why. Perhaps I was being punished? Perhaps I was unworthy? Perhaps I had offended the Creator?  I was less equal than others maybe? I so longed to move about. 

Then one day the Creator spoke-“ My beloved little Maply- none of my creation is more important than an other-they may look different but each one is equal in my eyes, for you are part of me; however you are truly one of my most noble of creations. You are a tree-without you life would not exist.  You are anchored into place by your roots.  No matter what, unless you are killed you stand your ground- even when you die you give life to fire, or when you are cut down you give shelter to humans through your essence of wood. Your main virtue is patience.  This gift  is possessed by no other.

I also have given you more time on this earth than any other creature- to teach others this gift. You are worthy, you are purposeful, you are powerful, you are honorable and strong  - you breathe life into Gaia. You give protection to the birds, feed many other of my creation. You make Gaia more fertile so its creatures  have abundance and health  and an opportunity to thrive.  
You are fierce as  you get hit by lightning , you are be gentle as you dance to the music of the wind , you are compassionate as you allow birds to make their home in you, you are unselfish as you offer  up your life to the planet in any ways you can, you are most appreciated in my creation . 

Also- the longer you live the more you absorb into yourself the history of creation. You see so much that no eyes have seen, feel so much that no other creature has felt-you are deeply connect life- you are the one that carries  much of stories that unfold around you. You my beloved Maply are so very special indeed for within you lie so many generations of all that is good within creation-and in your lifetime there is more that you will experience than any other creation on earth. So stand tall and proud- and be happy that you are so deeply anchored- for one day the human species will be able to understand all your stored memory and what a story you will tell-maybe not as interesting or great as the Giant Sequoia will or old Methuselah the Great Basin bristlecone pine-but 
oh what fascinating tales they shall be".

I slept soundly that night with a happy heart filled with gratefulness!


According to most eastern religions, many native  shamanic practices, ancient religions and philosophies believe that everything posses a form of soul or spirit. A rock will have a spirit   but not the type of soul that lies within the belief of  monotheistic religions, but a type of energy or life.  Hinduism is regarded  as a  polytheistic religions for this reason, for  there is  a god  or goddess for everything; yet at the top of all is Brahma- a single  entity from whence all emanations  arise from, in the form of all the deities.  Thus, all is one and the spark of the creator force is in all and everything. All is alive, including Gaia- our earth; it is a living, breathing  entity in  a specific form. It is why in so many rituals she is honored  and respected and  deified-called "Mother Earth".

Following this trend of thought I got to wonder what  does that huge 150 year old maple  tree thinks at it sits patiently in our back garden by the banks of  Duffin`s  Creek doing nothing but growing?  Is it conscious? Does it have an idea of itself-is it self aware?  Does it possess any emotion though it does not have a brain?  Does it have memory? Is it happy? Can it feel joy? Can it be sad?  Does it grieve in any way? Can it love? Apart form being within the cycle of life diligently through photosynthesis working  and  producing oxygen, removing carbon dioxide which gives life or death  to the planet, does it have any other missions? But, as we know emotions arise mostly from the higher self and is independent from the physical brain. Having no brain, does it have any form of consciousness? 

We all know that plants react to music, to love; they grow bigger and faster in a positive environment -even fear as it has been demonstrated by the Russians a few years ago. When two plants were separated by a wall- and one was held close to a fire, the plant in the other room reacted in a way compared to fainting. So do they communicate in some way? Feel each others emotions? Some experiments have shown that they communicate through their root system. Can they make music? Can they dance? Can they sing? 


So does it actually think in some way or form? -one can muse as to its thoughts and ask it questions pertaining to life- maybe he has some worthy life lessons to teach us if we listen closely to his biography. 

Thursday 21 July 2016


The human soul learns in strange ways. Has it ever happened to you that after a very long time things  you were so very sure of suddenly turn out to be totally the opposite? Often this happens in human relationships-we willingly fail to see reality. I suppose all depends on the perspective from where we observe the situation from. Just tilt it a few degrees left or right it gets to get an entire new meaning- the picture becomes unrecognizable  and its interpretation is completely the opposite of what you originally would have bet your life on.  

 This is the reason why we have so many opinions of many things, and change our mind often in midstream. However; when we believe something whole heartedly – we refuse to move to that left or right, for it serves our purpose- makes us feel good and often it makes us feel appreciated which we so much crave, above all it feeds our ego.  

 Often more it  fills that empty hole in our hearts that is akin to all humans. The human heart is the center on which our whole existence pivots  – it reflects our emotional and spiritual lives which to me is the purpose of life-the purpose of creation.

At times I have read something numerous times and suddenly one  day, as if the some intervention from some higher force, I  may read  the same passage, may see a photograph yet see it all with  new eyes, understand  the words with an entirely new meaning . It is the same with people. It is a form of awakening.  Human nature is so extraordinary when it comes to seeing the truth.  The human being is structured, or rather created in such a way that it always sees what one wants to see, for often the heart will eclipse all else that it should see. But always, the human heart is the ultimate interpreter of our temporal existence –even the eyes of the higher self and  even that dogged ego takes a back seat to it. We can be captured so easily through emotions that open up the heart –and we are totally lost within the feelings, experience and emotions. Human nature`s first, ultimate desire is to be wanted, to be appreciated, to be protected- in essence to be loved for the sake of “self” unconditionally.

Sometimes it takes us time to actually see the clear reality, for when one believes, trusts and admires an other irrespective of their faults many areas lie in the fog of  “willing blindness”. Authenticity, truth, honesty, sincerity, loyalty is possessed by very few, for it is a function of grace, which is a God given gift- which is totally unselfish, faithful  and compassionate. It is freely giving of oneself , it is just, it understands, forgives and is  merciful. It is entirely devoid of ego.

We all have numerous flaws, faults, quirks , quarks and  irritating pet peeves – but dishonesty and lies go far beyond  all the negative personality traits- it is deficiency of grace; especially in the light of when one professes spiritual superiority.If one talks the talk, one should have the courage, backbone, courage and integrity to walk the walk.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Information age

Silence is passion of the heart, quiet is a vital need for the mind, serenity is medicine for the soul, solitude is a necessity for sanity, peace of mind is the lifeblood of spirit which regenerates us– or remind us as to what is important, yet it is found in such few places. Slowing down is “a good thing” –as Martha Steward would say, taking it easy elongates our life span, by increasing the length of our telomeres, which are distinctive structures, like caps, at the end of our chromosomes; thus we can even slow down aging. Praying, meditating, chanting mantras seem such simple things-to relax and re-energize the vital force, but these days it is hardly possible to practice these methods in the city-so it seems to me, even out in the country.

Maybe I am wrong, maybe many can.  Life seems crazy, hectic-and it is certainly a mad, mad world out there which was demonstrated to me today as I lived it in the form of a trip downtown. The heat, the bumper to bumper traffic, the road constructions, the noise, the pollution and time wasted in driving for hours brought me to realization that city life is not for me, probably life is not- I have outgrown it. The fast pace is toxic to the body mind and spirit in everyway.  A very high price to pay for one`s sanity.

I looked at the people in the cars-almost all were talking - hands free ofcourse, as there is a huge fine for using a hand held device-. The one`s walking seemed to be in a hurry-rushing to God knows where,  while most of them were either texting or- “massaging their phone” as a friend of mine likes to describe it or they too were talking on the phone. I wondered what do these people text  or talk  about all the time. They all seemed like zombies to me, seemingly unaware of  their surroundings totally- walking along the concrete pavement, with the concrete structures  looming high above them; even oxygen seemed to be sucked out of those narrow streets. Even the CN Tower was reaching for the sky for a breath of fresh air.

Welcome to the enlightened age – the 21st century of cyberspace, junkies of different stripes and colours- and prisoners of our demented poisoned environment; of fast foods, speed dating  and traumatized kids with ADD and ADHD drugged to the hilt, with gender identity problems at age 7 instead of playing  and being kids. Time is a precious commodity even to a first grader whose time is scheduled to the minute as they rush from one activity to an other.

The news is filled with horror stories- of mass shootings daily, crime, murder, bombings and terrorist activities. Planes falling out of the sky, the police underfire-and fear is everywhere. We just stare at the little screen as people demonstrate, the dead are simply statistics as we have become numbed to the visions of death; war is everywhere- all Obama can do is cry.   

We are overfed, undernourished and need some pill to get us through the day and night. We are depressed, obsessed with looks, workouts and material gains. We have lost God in the shuffle. The bookstore shelves are filled with self help books from all the experts on how to live, and how to die  and a whole spectrum of stuff that you can dream up in between-that our grandparents knew instinctively- now we need a text book to guide us.

 This is the  time –where people interact on FB, face-time, Skype, twitter, instagram, snap-chat, e-mail, text and other new modes and methods quite unfamiliar to me. Social life of our culture depends on how many people you have “be-friended”  on FB, though you know very few  personally, and how may “likes ”you get which makes  you feel special and a million bucks- and everybody`s figure of speech is “I love you”-which just sounds good. Tweeting is not made by a  bird neither is gay being happy- even words have different meanings in this new age. There are myriads of souls who have absolutely no personal physical contact except through some device with each other.

We are stressed beyond imagination-our senses are stretched out like an elastic band that could snap any moment as we are being bombarded left, right and center with information that is unimportant in the long run and we are filled with all kinds of mental, physical and psychological ailments created by the “information age” – that we profess to be “just wonderful”. We are angry at everything, and at everyone, hate the system, fed up with politicians-we clinging to the faint hope that maybe, just maybe the next president or prime minister will get us out of the hell-hole. Frustrated and hopeless at our incapability of handling our lives as it spins out of control. We have lost our innocence, we have lost our connections to nature, we have lost balance, we have lost our connections to each other-and we are killing ourselves, killing each other and killing our planet-.  No, black lives don`t matter, white lives don`t matter-all lives matter.