Friday 29 July 2016

Who by fire

They say forged by fire, made strong by fire, cleansed by fire, tested by fire, consumed by fire- I have to add a new one freed by fire, almost like the phoenix.  Today is a new day indeed-all the past has been sacrificed through fire and the smoke is the testament to all that has been rising to heaven . The ashes; I shall  keep as a reminder that  all is impermanent and ever changing, and that  every moment is  a new experience that runs through our fingers like water- we cannot catch it or ever re-capture it.  Everything is gone except faint traces of what was.

We cling to all that is dear to us , -we cling to things, to people, to emotions and all that which promises  love. We tend to forget the experience of those moments which is the reality that lives in us- we need no reminders-no letters, no you pressed flowers,  no crystal angels, no photographs,  no  words of love.  We create our own reality – our own illusions and the reality of an other often is often so  juxtaposed even if we are looking at the same thing.

People are seldom synchronized, perhaps for moments only, for we are all vibrating on various levels, at times within different dimensions. No wonder that we never remain true to our promises, to our beliefs, for all is ever evolving . We are changing, and all around is changing at different frequencies. We keep transcending and in doing so all  the facade falls away revealing the truth that is so powerful for the human experience.

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