They say that when you find a feather then there is an angels around with a message. Yesterday I found a seagull feather which is even more significant as seagulls are messengers of spirit. The strange thing is that I have been entertaining some outlandish thoughts-then a little white feather turns up right in front of me-like magic. Then this morning my strong, brave black panther, Xerxes appeared up from the depths of my soul. Both are telling me much-for seldom do they turn up together. So-time for introspection- time to take count and put things on the balance, to put things in order. Thus I have indeed.
I shall take to heart the advice of the trees and let the
dead leaves go ! So I am. Time to look at my ” book of life” most seriously; and clean it up. Tear out pages that are
irrelevant, cross out unimportant things that are simply baggage, and eraze all that should be forgotten. Soul
clean and heart clean from top to bottom and let go and allow God.
The first step then is- tear out pages that are not needed. Some information simply goes out of
style- it has had its time in the sun- for
today it is just waste of time and effort. The information has been absorbed, time to get
rid of the all the insructions - for I know them by heart.
Second step- is to put
a line across pages that have misinformation for they have been leading me on a
wrong path. Time to realize it was a false map I was following and that I was a
willing participant allowing myself to
be taken advantage of. One gets mesmerized so easily by wanting to see
what is not there; one needs to realize that often things are not what they
appear to be- the road is just leading in the opposite direction. I blame no
one but myself.
The last- most important step is- to read carefully and eraze totally the pages that seemed so real
but were blatant lies- misleading information and theft of parts of my soul. Again , I have to confess I was willing
indeed. Nothing of this information is allowed to stay on the pages-not even a
comma, and exclamation mark or a period should remain- it has to be cleaned in
such a way that not even the shadow of
the information remains , for maybe later on
in some dark moments of my life I
may want to find solace on those pages -I am reminded by the feather and by
Xerxes that I shall not find anything of relevance there,
not a word of comfort or above all truth. For I have to remember, they were all
lies in the first place, and an other thing- what goes around comes around –we
all have to pay for our deeds against spirit.
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