Saturday 23 July 2016

Maply the maple tree

Many years ago when this creek was but a trickling, little stream we came spiraling in as two tiny seeds, looking almost like a brown, greenish miniature  butterfly, with wings unfurled - the wind was kind to us as it blew me and my sister in from many miles away and dropped us down gently into a bed of soft, green  moss on the bank at the end of summer. My sister died a little while later-first time I had experienced deep sadness, it was pain I had never felt before-but life went on.

From the very moment that a bumble bee had pollinated  the glorious, sacred flower that became our life-I knew of my own mission deep within me, that I was created to make a difference -it was an inherent feeling present within me. I was  self aware of creation and  its purpose.

My brothers and sisters were all scattered by the wind in all directions- some sadly did not make the hard journey, some fell onto hard rocks, some drowned, some  got scorched by the hot sun- but some, like myself made it. Our  parents stood tall and watched  proudly as they knew that their seed would enriching Gaia-they were honored to do so.

The rest of summer passed as I and enjoyed the love that surrounded me, bound me, protected me. The vibrant energy of life itself. Winter came. I remember the very first snow flake that fell on me gently reminding me that it was time for sleep for I had great works ahead of me. These were the first moments of my mission.

Oh what joy, what a blessing! I awoke early spring to the intoxication of happiness that I had germinated-I started getting roots-slowly day by day I followed the heat of the sun as it led me through the darkness of the moss covered earth. I poked my head though the ground as a gentle rain was watering the earth. I beheld an awesome vision  of Gaia-all was green, new and alive-all in rhythm and in concert with each other. I was alive.  I was part of it.

Soon as the years went by I became a young sapling; tall, straight and grateful for life - each year I was amazed at the beauty of my own leaves and my colours were unimaginable beautiful- in autumn as I lay my bedazzling, red cloak down, to fertilize Gaia. I got ready breathlessly to put on  a new cloak every spring, green and fresh- always being amazed at how wonderfully I was growing.

Very early on I learned the meaning of -patience. I saw birds in flight and all the creatures great and small  moving about me. Yet- I could not.  I wondered why. Perhaps I was being punished? Perhaps I was unworthy? Perhaps I had offended the Creator?  I was less equal than others maybe? I so longed to move about. 

Then one day the Creator spoke-“ My beloved little Maply- none of my creation is more important than an other-they may look different but each one is equal in my eyes, for you are part of me; however you are truly one of my most noble of creations. You are a tree-without you life would not exist.  You are anchored into place by your roots.  No matter what, unless you are killed you stand your ground- even when you die you give life to fire, or when you are cut down you give shelter to humans through your essence of wood. Your main virtue is patience.  This gift  is possessed by no other.

I also have given you more time on this earth than any other creature- to teach others this gift. You are worthy, you are purposeful, you are powerful, you are honorable and strong  - you breathe life into Gaia. You give protection to the birds, feed many other of my creation. You make Gaia more fertile so its creatures  have abundance and health  and an opportunity to thrive.  
You are fierce as  you get hit by lightning , you are be gentle as you dance to the music of the wind , you are compassionate as you allow birds to make their home in you, you are unselfish as you offer  up your life to the planet in any ways you can, you are most appreciated in my creation . 

Also- the longer you live the more you absorb into yourself the history of creation. You see so much that no eyes have seen, feel so much that no other creature has felt-you are deeply connect life- you are the one that carries  much of stories that unfold around you. You my beloved Maply are so very special indeed for within you lie so many generations of all that is good within creation-and in your lifetime there is more that you will experience than any other creation on earth. So stand tall and proud- and be happy that you are so deeply anchored- for one day the human species will be able to understand all your stored memory and what a story you will tell-maybe not as interesting or great as the Giant Sequoia will or old Methuselah the Great Basin bristlecone pine-but 
oh what fascinating tales they shall be".

I slept soundly that night with a happy heart filled with gratefulness!

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