Sunday 22 February 2015

What to expect

Now the question may arise in one`s head as what to expect? What shall this  new ascended planet look like? The point is—we are already there at the starting point, may not seem like it, but we are well into the process –one just has to know and read the signs—feel the synchronicity. I know one might say—“well there are still wars, hunger, thirst, strife, violence and hate”. Yes, however theses are the final death throes of “darkness, of fear, of uncertainty”—the death of the “old energy”. Do not panic, do not be afraid  as it is almost all over—and light has more or less won the battle. Time is speeding up- vibration is increasing, nothing is as it was or as it seems . Be not afraid! Have you ever doubted? God is love, God is light—we are children of the light—our inheritance is eternity. You think God would let us perish? Then why would he have taken the trouble to create us? No—we were not an accident but  an intelligent design for a reason.

But what right now?—what can one expect? Like Carter said when he beheld the tomb of Tutankhamun and breathlessly repeated-” I see beautiful things—the most beautiful things”—thus it is with us. When stepping in to a new dimension things happen—and fast, when we work with 44% of our DNA and not 33%  things happen, when we have ascended further into the light – things most certainly change. We can co create anything and everything we wish--with a caveat" " must have pure intention" and then even the impossible is possible, for in reality there is no impossible. The illusion that was, is now shattered, as all was just that-illusion. 

The first thing is—that we can communicate with our innate body, fully and without any obstacles. Thus –we can reprogram our DNA to work for us, as it should. Health and longevity  lies in our hands—no longer have to simply live in disease, in uncertainty and fear for we can alter the structure of our genes. Disease is a low vibration and being out of balance, out of synch all that which is life,-  which can be modified simply by will—create perfect harmony where bacteria and viruses can no longer indwell. Spontaneous remission will be the order of the day—when by chance a virus accidentally finds a way through the membranes into the body. 

Medicine—will be strictly for elongating lifespan even more- regenerating limbs , organs and other body parts when lost through accidents. Medicine will be not for dis-ease, but for the further progression of health, prevention, well being and perfectness of body, soul and spirit. Food will be healthy and geared for the individul-totally balanced and satisfying; nourishing every aspect of the human bodily need. Water, wine and herbal drinks will all have health benefits and a purpose. There will be no cravings or addiction- perfect balance will be the order of life. Our evolution has taken a giant step forward.

All money exchange will be a barter system-all will have more than enough to satisfy need--as the need will be more soul related as to material needs. Banks will be obsolete as we shall need no money, as all shall be provided- each to their capacity and need. The human view  point of life will have totally changed, is already changed on the next level of existence- as one of our foot is already there.

Intelligence will be multidimensional—not linear. Knowledge will be acquired not by reading line by line, but by simply intent and interest. Just listen to the information—and you already will know it. Intent will show what the mission of the soul is—like a blueprint it will reveal itself  as in what areas of science or sociology, medicine—or just in ordinary life to increase the knowledge, wisdom and the vibration of the energy of every facet of life. It will be to further expand the well being of the planet in every way and form. Man will be concentrating more on the well being of all its creatures—and their expansion of life. No more hunger, thirst, war—but peace and union of all living things in harmony and love will prevail. All energy will be spent on further raising the consciousness of the planet—towards the next dimension- and fulfilment of life; of joy, happiness, balance and love.

Cities will be free of aggression, killings, negativity and  suppressive governments—it will be a true democracy, with people policing themselves, as the consciousness gives rise to self assertion and self regulation as the true meaning of humanity as free, compassionate will comes into play. Safety, freedom and co-operation will be in every area of life—each doing and working on their mission without  any pressure or hardship. There will be enough of everything for every creature on the planet—great and small. The age of wars will be known as the "barbaric age" and man will grieve at what it has wrought on the planet. The children  will be taught the way of compassion, gratefulness, acceptance, tolerance  and unity. Realization will be at every corner that we are a part of God, and each individual is equal in the eyes of the creator--whom is the creator and all respect will be for creation and the almighty creator.  There will be a deep consciousness for all, and all will  be seen as sacred.

Every emotion, feeling, sensation will be enhanced to its multi dimensionality--all will be more spectacular, vibrant--colours, sounds, fragrances will be incredible for the human intellect to register. From the black and white--metaphorically speaking of the 3 -D existence to be within the higher dimensions of technicolour--and humanity  will have full esoteric understanding and comprehension of all within creation. Visions of inter-dimensional beings of different variety--and life forms,that we have been totally unaware of in out linear , 3-D existence and life experience will become the norm. Our interactions with them will become a learning experience as we learn many secrets of wisdom from our elder siblings Magic- will be the norm, for whatever the mind can conceive is possible to materialize-to experience, to create.Things in science that were impossible to imagine  will be every day  happenstance- possible for every human to utilize.

A major stepping stone in consciousness is understanding the creation of the universe, God and our place in it will be more than clear. Understanding, realizing and seeing  a panoramic view of creation will be the clear to the intelect. Other beings, other planets and dimensions will be available to explore and travel to –learn the ways, ideas lifestyles of more advanced civilizations. Finally knowing that we are their children and  the reason of our very existence. We shall meet  our kin—our  parents, brothers , sisters and relatives—and learn our true history and how things are within our universe and creation. Multi dimensionality will be the order of the day—in every aspect  of existence. Questions that were beyond us will have answers and the true meaning understood as to the question of humanity and why things were as they were in the past.

Yes—and all are, every created soul is on the planet at the moment—the magic number was 7 billion. All—have a change to partake of all this if they so choose, this wondrous new life, new energy, new power of the soul—but free will is in play, so if they choose to stay—they may. Yes—the dead too—for there never were dead!—simply in an other dimension, which—now will be more and more palpable. Thus—no one has been lost, no one that we loved is gone—remember this! 
This is but a small sample of how things shall be, - Ah, but  these things are already are happening…..can you not see? The light is already turned on....

The new earth

Sometimes one hears something and it makes perfect sense- things that seemed unfathomable just seem to fall into place. Thus it is with spiritual things or “soul intelligence” as I would put it. We are upon this planet and as humans we seem to be ever searching , ever seeking the meaning of life—and it escapes us. Then, suddenly something happens, one hears something and as if by magic it all makes sense. Thus it is it with me the past while—it sees like I have arrived at some destination. It feels like home, being safe and the uneasiness of  the insecurity of spirit seems to have faded into the woodwork. Now I understand how one feels when they are sure of their faith, their God, their belief. It is a warm comfort to know that one is in the light as opposed to darkness. 

I consider myself as an old soul—and recently I seem to be even more sure about this. Is it in my head, my heart, my soul? It dosn`t really matter—all that matters that it makes perfect sense to me—and I feel at peace. We each find God in our own time, our own space and our own life—no matter how much we seek or look if the time is not ready it does not happen. 
Most sincerely, I really do not want to be a “woo woo” new ager, but it does have much to do with ascension—we are on the brink, in fact some are well within the process. No—no one is chosen, however we choose. Time is different as what it was—most certainly the door was 2012, that was the demarcation point . We have grown up, out of the classroom, innate at work, DNA and grids activated and the light is dispelling the darkness. The time capsules—have been opened, well not all—but certainly some. Fear is no longer the master, light is. The shift has been accomplished, no longer in the future, but is upon us; we are truly blessed to live in this era--but then though we have free will, there was a master plan that we have always have known deep within spirit, in our Akash- or within our higher self in which all is recorded.

I have never been a light worker, but I can see what is happening—the planet is in the very throes of change—and either you with it or against it. Now—that is the choice one needs to make—and the most important factor is – “drop the karma”  and step out of the box. Stop the linear thinking, step into multi dimensionality of reality, and start to live the life that we were  intended  to have—or rather what our mission is. Get use to the new paradigm of change—leave the old energy behind , all the fear and work within the energy of light.  Be the light being , be the God fractal, be the co-creator of the life that is unfolding before your  eyes in “technicolor”.  The only thing we have to do is have sincere, positive intent—simply that is the master key. Start to reprogram your DNA emerge, like a butterfly from the cocoon as the new you.
Be part of the change, be the change –with Gaia, with the crystalline grid, with the magnetic grid—and see what the potential is  now facing us for things to happen—either you chose enlightenment, or perhaps an other term would be “ step into the next dimension”—into the story that was foretold eons ago, that which now is upon us. The melding of the yin/yang—the feminine and the masculine energies of Shiva and Shakti- the fusion of consciousness and energy.  The balance of the northern and southern hemispheres, the time of the eagle and the condor is at hand which was spoken of by the indigenous people throughout the ages,—dispelling darkness, war, anger, rage, negativity through the encouragement of love and the generation of light by spirit.
Time for the shaman, the healer, the lightworker, twin flames and the old soul to step forward –and carry out their mission to raise the consciousness of the planet into the next dimension—into the light. The time is here, the time is now—so act. Ah—and what treasures are at hand—what magnificent future for the human being who steps out of the box of 3-D and observe the magic, for we are stuff that the stars are made of--our home is the stars, our parents are from the stars. Yes--we are stardust! And so it is.

Sunday 8 February 2015

Pray, meditate, contemplate

Prayers, meditation, contemplation or any other ways to connect to your higher self--to God is the key to ascension. Thus you have to be very regimented with yourself, keep ego in check though this process so as not to lose focus. The word --ascension is used far to often in a "new age" sense, but it is a road upwards into the "heart of God".  This is however is not the truth for many of you for the interpretation is simply inconceivable for human form unless you approach it with knowledge, wisdom that is residing within your higher self.  Have clear understanding of your real way--a means to your goal that you have been striving towards for millenniums. 

Prayer, meditation, contemplation or any other way is the tool whereby you will achieve acceptance of this becoming, it shall be through your faith. This is in the soul sense, not a said organized religious sense--though for may it shall be a journey by those means. If you truly believe, have faith it matters not what religion you are as long as it is in truth for you. Also it is governed by positive intention,  love and light. 

A pure heart filled with grace, compassion,  reverence, gratitude, devotion--but above all love towards all of creation--towards Divine Energy, Universal light-- God is the way to your next destination. Apart from all of these emotions and feelings within your life God cannot manifest within you, or you within God-- for nothing else exists beyond love and light of the Eternal Creator.  

Understand that you are a holy spark-- a half of a whole, part of the Eternal Fire. Seek out your other half so that as a whole you may proceed forth into the new creation of being. You are already there, but do not see--thus you have to awaken into the reality from the illusion that ego has created.

Pray, meditate, contemplate --so you may awake, so that the way maybe cleared and the true path discovered --Your dreams--are being realized, and you--are blessed to be in this position in this time in form. All living things are. Existence always had a purpose, a way and it is your choice now to proceed ahead into the new world. Your destination is in plain sight--see it.

Thus never cease to pray,  meditate, contemplate without pause, for this is the way-- and be ever connected to your Holy Creator.

Light and Love

Light/Love-the human experience

This concept is used very loosely in the world within language of the New Age-the concept of “light” being “love”—and vica-versa. Understand that this light, this love which is  the essence of "I AM/God"—is not how and what you imagine it to be. It is a continual flow of GOD CONSCIOUSNESS, a field of “energy”-it IS and  yet it IS NOT really energy at all. In fact it is akin to a spiral that keeps coiling inward and at the same time outward within existence. Think of it as the OUROBOROS –ever igniting its self within creation. This is very hard to comprehend with limited, bounded intellect-but if you allow it to enter your consciousness it will be interpreted by your oversoul.

Love/Light—is not at all like physical love, nor finding your soul mate, finding your twin flame or soul group! These aspects are important, but are simply standing as  gatekeepers towards further expansion—and you have to enter though each gate to proceed. Finding counterparts –is not finding your other-self, but finding your own self. Once found-you need seek no longer, neither do you need to be bonded, held together –for you always have been bonded within that creation of "light"—for you are, Light. 

Light is an experiential  functional manifestation, experienced as the term –"love", but it often gets confused by such words as compassion, forgiveness, mercy—and other such semantics. Not that this is not important, as this is which forms the core of soul—but it is not its functioning part—"light" is. Not like sunlight, not like daylight nor any forms of vibrating energy field—it is a “continual stream of consciousness” that is connected to "I AM/God", emanating from—the Creator.

As you progress much fall away—for the progression of soul is a step by step process through love. At this point within the coil of expansion—all of creation is at the same point, simply fractions ahead or behind an other counterpart—for remember you are "one".  Simply—one or other counter part is slightly off skew in the field—up, down or left or  right—if you want an explanation as an example.

The goal is not bliss, happiness, serenity, peace and other such positive terms—for these are the mechanics of knowing –of experiencing of growing or the better term is "expanding" into that unfolding field that "I AM/God"  whom is love. They are simply in better terms—the way, not the goal or the purpose.

The human idea of bliss—is defined in many ways, however the term cannot be defined, it is beyond definition, beyond understanding and beyond comprehension. Many when hearing this will put boundaries up against this truth—as all sparks of light, that which you are define themselves as the expression  of love—and to be happy is the ideal. However—there is something far more deep, important and soul defining—which is to recognize that "I AM"—and you are "I AM". Not searching for some un-definable truth, or human expression of existence.

It is true –that always becoming more whole is important for the journey—and essential. By this is meant that you do have to find those other strands of connection of light to different counterparts of yourself—for that is yourself. Like being aware of your fingers, hearing your heart beat or being aware of different perceptions on a soul level. That is why being—conscious, aware and within the moment is so important. Once you have connected with your parts , there is no need to further dwell on it—what IS-“IS”.
Let me remind you that –in no matter what aspect of the situation you get bogged down—be that termed as love for an other or other such experiences of the physical—you are still bogged down. Be that regarding an other soul, a situation or  an idea or an area of being. Once anything you acquire, own—can  never be lost—You think it is lost, but you simply forget to remember. Knowing and feeling your fingers every moment is not necessary once you know you have them, and know how to use them! Step then one step forward—you are leaving nothing behind—for it becomes a recognizable part of self. Do not be fragmented—meaning compartmentalized.

Thus think of love not as defined through human logic, but as a manifestation of  function of light—which is an ever expanding consciousness of "I AM"-of you; who is "I AM, ME", Myself—a fractal of light. Hold not onto any thought,  action, or experience—for as long as you are holding on you are anchored within the concept of time—the only way to be free is to have the experience—for this is a must—but then let it go—for it is not gone simply becomes incorporated within your expanding light—which is  I AM.

Be not confused though, God is--"I AM LOVE, I AM LIGHT". -but not within human comprehension, "I AM"  is the manifestation of "LOVE and LIGHT" itself. Thus you are all as such; are that.


Sunday 1 February 2015

The secret

Open the mind and allow all to pour in, that is the message to me today. One often is so pre-occupied with stuff, that it blocks all the channels of communication with the higher self. This is a trap we often fall into so easily—I certainly equate it to the “apple” in the Bible—the lure. It is the ego`s way of keeping us grounded in the physical, trying to keep us in the dark. One often has to force oneself to get unhooked with great difficulty, pain and effort. This is not an easy process or task at all. The ego is a real bulldog, hardly wants to let go.

I was thinking of the book: ”The Secret”.  It is one of the most popular books ever, but I wonder why? It can be translated in many ways—for most it is really about the material—getting what you wish for, fulfillment of desire, of passion.  Creating the future, mostly relating to the material—abundance, wealth, fame, physical connections. I wonder how many people on the planet wish to create more spirituality in their life, be closer to God, yearn to become love itself? It seems to be a figure of speech saying: “I love you” all over the place. But, saying it is one thing, meaning it from the heart is something else.

We all fall into this—we read, we learn, we understand all the spiritual lessons, but do we practice it? No. Often I get so frustrated at myself, it is like I am waging war within—like the two wolves story, and often I do feed the wrong one. Why? Because it is more pleasant, easier and more beneficial for my ego. All is easy to say, hard to do. We gravitate towards ease and comfort, hate to work for anything. We tend to forget that our existence is not of this world, this is merely a short transitional moment. We so easily gamble all our light on this fact—and instead of gaining more, we diminish it.

Then what is one to do? I think probably Tolle has it correct—be very conscious of the “now”, of each moment, be present in the “now” and then one is able to catch one`s self before falling into the trap of physicality.  This dosn`t mean one has to move into a monastery, be an ascetic, give up all worldly possessions —but curtail physical accumulation, give back, help others with it—be it wealth or fame has to be used for advancement of the spiritual side of our existence, not merely pleasure. Whatever we give away, be it of our selves or material—are the things that we shall take with us. But then practicing this philosophy is really happiness, joy, peace, contentedness in the physical world—sans ego. No?