Sunday 1 February 2015

The secret

Open the mind and allow all to pour in, that is the message to me today. One often is so pre-occupied with stuff, that it blocks all the channels of communication with the higher self. This is a trap we often fall into so easily—I certainly equate it to the “apple” in the Bible—the lure. It is the ego`s way of keeping us grounded in the physical, trying to keep us in the dark. One often has to force oneself to get unhooked with great difficulty, pain and effort. This is not an easy process or task at all. The ego is a real bulldog, hardly wants to let go.

I was thinking of the book: ”The Secret”.  It is one of the most popular books ever, but I wonder why? It can be translated in many ways—for most it is really about the material—getting what you wish for, fulfillment of desire, of passion.  Creating the future, mostly relating to the material—abundance, wealth, fame, physical connections. I wonder how many people on the planet wish to create more spirituality in their life, be closer to God, yearn to become love itself? It seems to be a figure of speech saying: “I love you” all over the place. But, saying it is one thing, meaning it from the heart is something else.

We all fall into this—we read, we learn, we understand all the spiritual lessons, but do we practice it? No. Often I get so frustrated at myself, it is like I am waging war within—like the two wolves story, and often I do feed the wrong one. Why? Because it is more pleasant, easier and more beneficial for my ego. All is easy to say, hard to do. We gravitate towards ease and comfort, hate to work for anything. We tend to forget that our existence is not of this world, this is merely a short transitional moment. We so easily gamble all our light on this fact—and instead of gaining more, we diminish it.

Then what is one to do? I think probably Tolle has it correct—be very conscious of the “now”, of each moment, be present in the “now” and then one is able to catch one`s self before falling into the trap of physicality.  This dosn`t mean one has to move into a monastery, be an ascetic, give up all worldly possessions —but curtail physical accumulation, give back, help others with it—be it wealth or fame has to be used for advancement of the spiritual side of our existence, not merely pleasure. Whatever we give away, be it of our selves or material—are the things that we shall take with us. But then practicing this philosophy is really happiness, joy, peace, contentedness in the physical world—sans ego. No?

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